
XeonBot Build 4 Released (Sdk)

XeonBot Build 4 Released // Sdk

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r i c h a r d

Jul 8, 2003, 5:50pm
This is the latest upgrade nothing new in this version but it is possibley
the last one. It depends whether i renew but this now hopefully a bug free
version of the Existing XeonBot but with a few commands to aide its own via

Replace XeonBot with the bots name minus the []

XeonBot void - logs the bot out
XeonBot come here - brings the bot to your location
XeonBot goto 0n 0w 0a 0 - sends it to a location
XeonBot go home - sends it to its origional location at login
XeonBot target [NAME] - selects a user for ejection
XeonBot shoot for [TIME] - ejects the user selected by the target command
for a certain pireod of time
XeonBot set my avatar too [NUMBER] - a public command to force avatar
changes (requires care taker)
XeonBot wear avatar [NUMBER] - changes the bots avatar
XeonBot quickseed [objectname] - seeds an object on the spot the bot is
standing on. This is know as quickseed as a full seed bot with all object
properties will be added in the next version if im stll here.
XeonBot owner - shows the bots own (public)
XeonBot version - shows the bot owner (public)

Pointless commands :

Hi XeonBot
Hello XeonBot

And oh well i suppose i can say leave your suggestions and comments here but
it will all be insults i bet. Ok im taking bets on who can guess the number
of insults ill get on this thred

r i c h a r d

Jul 8, 2003, 5:51pm
Also changed from AwSdk.dll to AwSdk2.dll which is Build 32


Jul 8, 2003, 6:13pm
The bot has a nice, uncluttered interface. It reminds me of the Preston.
However, I suggest you put the bot's commands somewhere on your site
instead of posting them here in the NGs. Also, how is your RPG bot
coming along? That looks interesting, too.

Now, as I look at XeonBot's features, I really don't see anything new or
overly exciting that other bots can't already do. I know you got some
insults from others here in the NG, Richard, and I hope this doesn't
insult you, but I have to ask: why did you make the XeonBot in the first
place? As a learning experience (that's a great reason)? To try and
become popular overnight with some AW citizens (bad reason)? To help
others and give an alternative to those that had problems with other
bots (another good reason)?


r i c h a r d

Jul 8, 2003, 6:27pm
Nothing about popularity just to prove to my self i can make a bot that
people can use. I started on a script language but havent finished yet... Im
gonna be including some larger features if i stay

r i c h a r d

Jul 8, 2003, 9:04pm
Btw this bot is now used in Dream land park as its customs aide


Jul 8, 2003, 10:57pm
If you want to keep me posted on your bot updates please do, so I can keep
the signs in A!!CT's bot center up-to-date.
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