Poker (Community)

Poker // Community

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Dec 18, 2005, 12:03pm
BRO and I go to Doyle's Poker Room online and there are thousands of card
players there everyday. We think that if AW ran a poker world that there
would be a whole lot of new users. Since we have spades, and bingo among
other games, poker should be as easy to implement.

tart sugar

Dec 18, 2005, 1:25pm
That's an excellant idea!!!
Do you think we need to make it R rated? I'd hate to find out we taught a 10
yr old how to be a card sharp.

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strike rapier

Dec 18, 2005, 1:32pm
Oh yes, because a world rating means something to someone who doesnt give a

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

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tart sugar

Dec 18, 2005, 3:19pm
Such as whom?

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Dec 18, 2005, 5:25pm
Hmm, yea this is actually a really good idea.
Syntax |

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Dec 18, 2005, 5:39pm
you mean poker for real money though? because that would have a lot of
requirements securitywise, and would probably need quite some programming on
the AW-Browser and server part to stop cheating.
but if they were willing, would probably be nice


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sw chris

Dec 18, 2005, 5:44pm
The kid. :) That's who he's talking about. A world rating won't stop a


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Dec 18, 2005, 7:42pm
Naw, just innocent poker for chips / points . Maybe a prize for so many
points ...


Dec 19, 2005, 6:08am
I was thinking the exact thing yesterday.

I actually started on a bot that could work with that.. With the proper
team, the project is pretty possible.

- Equin0x

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Dec 19, 2005, 10:54pm
I think it would be great fun for all ages . Poker is very good training
for many things we deal with in our lives.
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strike rapier

Dec 19, 2005, 11:56pm
Sure, cheating! ;)

*Cam Rotate*

Would need 4.1 to be 'secure'.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

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Dec 20, 2005, 2:02pm
Where there are games there will be cheating. No way around it. Who
cares.. the cheaters are the real losers.

strike rapier

Dec 20, 2005, 3:31pm
No No No... by the defenition the cheaters are the *winners*. A cheater
needs no morals to play.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov
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Dec 21, 2005, 12:27am
definatly, why else do you think everybody wants to be the banker when we
people play monoply? sure isn't because of the thrill of responsibility.
And how do you think so many £500 bills keep on popping up? because cheating
is the greatest part of any game! ^_^
and my guess for a possible way around it, would be to have a php script
that only allows a certain op to download a certain texture, that way, only
you can see your cards, no matter what. would probably take alot of work


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Dec 22, 2005, 12:40pm
I will be trying to set this up in another universe.

If anyone has or can model some Poker objects, it will defintally help the

So far, I really need the following objects:

A deck of cards (just the deck, solid thick rectangle object)

Poker table (and seats)

A deck of cards, individual.. Jokers aren't required, but I guess it could
never hurt.
(Need each one, e.g. Ace of spades, heart, diamonds, clubs and so on with
each number/royale.)

Dealer button

"Push" buttons - Fold, Bet, Raise, Check, Call

Generic "poker room" objects.. E.g, wall, floor, roof and the classic poker

If anyone actually does respond to this and does any work, it is highly
appreciated, and it is one more person than I ever thought would do it.

And no, I'm not expecting someone to actually make those objects.. Just
saying what I'd need if there are any modellers out there who want to help
make a poker game.

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