Thank you Heu for setting it straight (Community)

Thank you Heu for setting it straight // Community

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Jul 28, 2005, 3:49pm
I want to thank Heu for getting the right people together in a multi
language situation and straightening out what could have hurt a world that
had nothing to do with hate. Laura, the owner, is a beautiful person and is
very gentle and kind natured. She spent alot of time deciphering my cryptic
french along with Heu's translation ability. Thank you, both of you.


Jul 28, 2005, 5:38pm
When I left AW about 1.5 years ago the NG always had someone who would post
every single thought, problem, personal issue, thanks, apologies,
condemnations, and mistakes as a new topic on the newsgroups. No amount of
yelling at them to stop, think before they post, keep personal matters
personal, or post in the general NG rather than community could stop them.
They were on a crusade. Found the word "shit" at 453345n 35989w on a sign
in AW? Emergency! Post a topic about how AWI is a horrible company that is
forcing bad language on minors and DEMAND action. Someone at awgz call them
an idiot? IMPORTANT COMMUNITY ALERT and demands to the community to be
nicer. This person seems long gone from AW and I really miss her posts.
Thankfully, it seems although the names have changed in AW, it's the same
old entertainment.

So, please continue posting every ridiculous personal squabble, every single
pet political issue, every single bout of reactionary overblown mental
diarrhea that you wish to dump all over the NG. NEVER think "hmm is this a
personal issue I should simply deal with one on one and if I can not, let is
pass?". Never ever consider "Does this post really have anything to do with
community events and announcements?". Never change, you are my shining
star. You are the wind beneath my wings, good sir.

----- Original Message -----
From: "pelican" <stout2 at>
Newsgroups: community
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:49 AM
Subject: Thank you Heu for setting it straight

> I want to thank Heu for getting the right people together in a multi
> language situation and straightening out what could have hurt a world that
> had nothing to do with hate. Laura, the owner, is a beautiful person and
> very gentle and kind natured. She spent alot of time deciphering my
> french along with Heu's translation ability. Thank you, both of you.


Jul 28, 2005, 11:19pm
Da Capo !!!

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Jul 28, 2005, 11:59pm
Hear hear! Well said Baro. :D
- Syntax -

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Jul 29, 2005, 1:55am
Except, Vie posted a total of 4 times in the NG's? and, let's see..whether
it's a problem with a tourist or citizen, it was still an issue. We have
learned to become complacent about tourist problems, we merely say 'accept
it, they are tourists'. The truth is, we shouldn't accept it. Unfortunately,
AWI accepts it because without the initial "step in" of foul-mouthed,
build-deleting, graffiti-spreading tourists, AWI's population would probably
sit at a standstill or, worse yet, decline. So, alas, we accept it. We play
"good little citizen" and we follow the guidelines. Well pffft to those

Yes, we have the ability to 'mute' our offenders but why would / should I
have to mute them, I have already been offended! Thus, the whole mute
function is moot. That's like having a bullet-proof vest that you can put on
but only after you've been shot.

The issue is, we, AS A COMMUNITY, have a problem with tourists and our
current methods do not protect the cits from verbal or other attacks.
Several ideas come to mind. None are a perfect solution but maybe AS A
COMMUNITY we can come up with a program that will allow a comfortable
transition for tourists to be introduced to the worlds in AW.

One idea, although it may be a programming nightmare, what if there were
several plateaus of worlds. Not too much unlike security levels in a
website. The 'A' level or introduction level would include worlds like
AWGate, and heavily moderated worlds. This would also be good for AW in a
matter of marketing too. Tourists and new cits can earn there way to
different world levels....Their attitude/contributions/assistance counts
towards their status and can lift them to higher plateaus. Let's say, only
level 3 cits can be world owners. It can be a big psychological game with
newbies. They earned their status, thus they respect it. We would have alot
of newcomers feeling great about themselves after they attained that all
important plateau they sought!

Just something to kick around, like I said, it may be far from perfect.. I
thought I'd at least try to come up with a solution instead of just griping
about cits who use the ngs.

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Jul 29, 2005, 2:21am

In AW, we have freedom of speech (untill they can eject you). Sometimes
that means someone might say a bad word or two and offend your virgin ears,
but we also have freedom to travel. You damn liberal foriegners coming into
MY AW that my grandparents DIED to make FREE and suddenly I can't beat you
to death with a plastic baby jesus from a nativity scene because it isn't
"Politically Correct". Well what about MY RIGHTS. I like to call douche
bags douche bags, it's something our country was founded on. If you don't
like it, you can mute me, but I'll always get that first "you're a douche
bag" off. It's the risk we take living in a free society like AW.'

I was BORN in AW. I grew here, you flew here buddy. NEW citizens like you
must adapt. We ahve experianced a surge of citizens like you who think they
own AW because they registered, and the whole AW society has to cater to
what offends YOU.

Now, I'm not against new citizens, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who
is seeking a better life by coming to AW. Our population is almost entirely
made up of immigrants. However, when new citizens come ashore and start
demanding we change OUR laws to suit what offends them or what THEY think is
a problem, it only dilutes our sovereignty and virtual identity.

So once you are done complaining, whining, and gripbing about our local
wildlife (tourists), our laws, our way of life, our national motto, I highly
encourage you to take advantage of our great freedom, THE RIGHT TO LEAVE.


Jul 29, 2005, 3:54am
wow.....have you seen a psychologist about that?

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Jul 29, 2005, 4:13am
"Ahm a brain sai-yen-tist!" -Me

Run, run while you still can, for this is no lie.

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Jul 29, 2005, 9:57pm
Quoting yourself is so pretentious.


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