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ubermonkey // User SearchQuestion about setting owner for aw_object_add ()Apr 27, 2003, 7:15pm
I'm writing a bit of a game here, and I'm just wondering if anyone knows if
there's a way to have the bot set the owner of an object it creates to something other than the ppw owner used to start the bot. (note: this is in my world, where I am caretaker and have all rights) The issue in question is that the users can destroy pieces of the environment (causing them to be deleted). When I reset the environment, the bot uses the stored data of all the destroyed objects to reconstruct them - this works fine. However, the owner is always set to my citnum, regardless of what citnum I tell it (aw_int_set (AW_OBJECT_OWNER,whatever);), which is problematic considering that other people are also building in the world, and when their destructable objs get reset, they are then owned by me, making it impossible for them to alter them. Any ideas? -Monkey Question about setting owner for aw_object_add ()Apr 27, 2003, 11:39pm
Doh! Can't believe I didn't bother to check what that function was for.
Thanks =) Request for information regarding aw_queryMay 6, 2003, 4:33pm
I was wondering if anyone out there could point me towards/provide me with
more detailed information on how to utilize aw_query (or, I suppose aw_query_5x5 would be better). I've been doing a half-a$$ed version for some time which queries only a small portion of the world (stolen from the doc example =P) but I'm uncertain how to get it to do the whole world... Can anyone point me in the general direction I want to go or else a doc that will help? Monkey Request for information regarding aw_queryMay 6, 2003, 8:51pm
3.5 SDKFeb 1, 2004, 9:45pm
Wouldn't we be required to distribute custom toolbars to anyone we wanted to
be able to use such features, though? I can't imagine too many casual visitors to a game downloading something like that, so this is pretty much a feature limited to universe owners. :P [View Quote] 3.5 SDKFeb 3, 2004, 11:08pm
Oh, I'm not saying it's useless, just a bit limited. Having the browser
download a set of toolbar files from the world's OP (if they're even provided) would be much better, IMO. You can certainly put your game's toolbar up for download, but few will actually bother to install it, and even more will be terrified to DL it. I will, of course, be making a custom toolbar to handle a number of Proxima's game commands as soon as the 3.5 SDK is here, I just feel the need to point out how it could be better than it is. -Monkey [View Quote] 3.5 SDKFeb 3, 2004, 11:48pm
Well, you know, they wouldn't *have* to be bitmaps. I would assume that
custom world toolbars could be jpgs without it being a particularly serious issue. :P [View Quote] 3.5 SDKFeb 9, 2004, 7:36pm
Now that would be a glorious day for AW, when we could finally have some
real balistics-based combat. Well, for people who like FPS games anyway. ;D -Monkey [View Quote] aw_server_world_listFeb 6, 2004, 3:26pm
0 is actually the return value you're looking for; most of AW's functions
return an integer error code, or 0 if the function worked (as a side note, outputting this code somewhere will allow you to see what went wrong if something failed, by looking up said number on the error code table here: ). You will notice that 0 is defined as RC_SUCCESS. I cannot help you with VB specifics as I only work in C++, however from your post I gather you have not installed an event handler for AW_EVENT_WORLD_INFO ( ). This event will be called for each world returned by aw_world_list, and will set a number of variables which you can retrieve in order to actually store/whatever the world info. [View Quote] terrain botJul 22, 2004, 1:30am
Unfortunately there's just no way to make a terrain cell a hole for only one
user; the change would impact anyone in the world. While a bot could be made to create this effect, it would be totally broken if there were multiple users in the world, assuming they didn't all intend to move as a group. If you only intend one user to see it at a time, then a relatively simple bot could be made to handle this, however there's no decent way for said bot to detect the user's current visibility setting (unless you set min vis to 100 and just assume 100m vis for everyone). If a min vis of 200 was possible, then there would be no confusion at all here, though it might cause some PCs to die. Okay, hold on -- it is actually possible, it's just something you couldn't accomplish unless you were a universe owner or had way too much money to waste (err, I guess those are effectively the same thing). The only way I can see this working for a group of people in a world at the moment is complex and bizarre; it requires you to have as many identical worlds as you intend to have users. Each user is sent to one of the empty clone worlds (up until none of them are available, at which point they are automatically ejected), where the terrain effect in question functions with no issues. The strange part is that we then use additional bots to mimic the movements and chat of the users in the clone worlds; the effect should be totally seamless (assuming all worlds and bots run from the same PC, or at least the same LAN), aside from the fact that everyone you talk to will have [these] around their names. Writing the bots would actually be the easy part here, as the biggest concern is obtaining all those clone worlds and bot rights. [View Quote] aw_event_url_click repeating?Aug 13, 2004, 5:02pm
This may have already been covered, however I was unable to find any
reference in the NGs. When using AW_EVENT_URL_CLICK, all clicks I trigger by clicking a URL in a website occur twice for each single click. Has anyone else seen this issue, and possibly found a way around it (aside from simply dupe-checking in code; I have already implemented this, and it solves the issue, but it seems a bit absurd)? aw_event_url_click repeating?Aug 13, 2004, 7:45pm
There is no link from the SDK documentation index, however the docs are in there. Strange. [View Quote] terrain botJul 22, 2004, 1:30am
Unfortunately there's just no way to make a terrain cell a hole for only one
user; the change would impact anyone in the world. While a bot could be made to create this effect, it would be totally broken if there were multiple users in the world, assuming they didn't all intend to move as a group. If you only intend one user to see it at a time, then a relatively simple bot could be made to handle this, however there's no decent way for said bot to detect the user's current visibility setting (unless you set min vis to 100 and just assume 100m vis for everyone). If a min vis of 200 was possible, then there would be no confusion at all here, though it might cause some PCs to die. Okay, hold on -- it is actually possible, it's just something you couldn't accomplish unless you were a universe owner or had way too much money to waste (err, I guess those are effectively the same thing). The only way I can see this working for a group of people in a world at the moment is complex and bizarre; it requires you to have as many identical worlds as you intend to have users. Each user is sent to one of the empty clone worlds (up until none of them are available, at which point they are automatically ejected), where the terrain effect in question functions with no issues. The strange part is that we then use additional bots to mimic the movements and chat of the users in the clone worlds; the effect should be totally seamless (assuming all worlds and bots run from the same PC, or at least the same LAN), aside from the fact that everyone you talk to will have [these] around their names. Writing the bots would actually be the easy part here, as the biggest concern is obtaining all those clone worlds and bot rights. [View Quote] ALICEJan 4, 2005, 2:52am
ALICE is effectively a chat simulator. It's very much like megaHAL. It will
attempt to hold a conversation to the best of its abilities and has limited learning capabilities. [View Quote] (Re: Bug reports) [419] Bug - World Building Limits InconsistantJan 12, 2003, 4:30pm
I discovered this one a while ago while attempting to surround my world with
a wall. Oftentimes, when attempting to move an object to the very edge of the world, it will stop exactly one click before reaching the edge. This does not seem to be affected by the size of the object, as the client uses the object's center point for testing the world limits. While attempting to collect more specific data (which sides of the world this occurs on, etc.) I noticed that the problem was more sporadic than this - that facing a different angle or moving the object through an odd series of movements would change which sides (of the world) would react in this manner. I also noted that moving the object with the mouse (right click and drag, something I almost never use due to the fine control required) will allow you to move it to the maximum extents in any direction. This was tested in the world proxima (p-20/5u) with terrain enabled [disabling terrain or enabling ground - any combination - has no effect] using "pole4m02" as the test object, but I have had similar results with "walkxxx" and "ppxx" objects. Home-built Athlon XP 2100+ (1,733mhz), 512MB DDR 333 RAM, GeForce4 Ti 4400 at 1280x960x32bit, DirectX 8.1 (, Using Direct3D T&L mode (aka DX8 mode), SBLive! 5.1 OEM, Windows ME, Cable Modem, world hosted on this PC. -Monkey! [View Quote] > Please post reports of any bugs you can find in build 419 of AW 3.3 as a reply to this post. If there are a lot of informative replies I will mention this thread in the beta newsgroup so that the developers will know where to find it. If there are any replies at all, I will try to use the information contained in them to improve my own testing of the AW 3.4 beta, so that your efforts will not have been wasted. Re: 3.3 Sign bugJan 12, 2003, 4:33pm
Still, it strikes me as rather impossible for anything like this to have
caused a full system meltdown! This would imply that this somehow altered critical system information. There are other, more likely causes for this sort of deterioration. -MoNkey! [View Quote] Re: 3.3 Sign bugJan 12, 2003, 4:42pm
I have attempted to reproduce this using a zaw2 in my world proxima
(p-20/5user). The description box contains: "word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word, word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,w ord,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,word,wo rd,word,word,word,word," which is apparently the limit. (without those quotes of course) The action box contains only "create sign." The sign appears as 8 small word's across the middle, with the rest cut off (on both ends, as the first 'word' is missing part of the w). No crashes or other discomfort to report, however holding the mouse over the object does not bring up the usual description popup, and the word 'word' no longer seems to mean anything to my brain. Home-built Athlon XP 2100+ (1,733mhz), 512MB DDR 333 RAM, GeForce4 Ti 4400 at 1280x960x32bit, DirectX 8.1 (, Using Direct3D T&L mode (aka DX8 mode), SBLive! 5.1 OEM, Windows ME, Cable Modem, world hosted on this PC. -Monkey! [View Quote] (Re: Bug reports..) [443/452] Avatar Updates vs. Movement!Jan 12, 2003, 5:05pm
First, I know this is not the correct location for this, HOWEVER, as I am
not a beta tester, I must find some alternative way to voice this concern, and since TZ seems to be one of the most active testers... My information regarding this issue is limited, as I do not have access to the versions in question - however, I have heard from my scouring of the beta NG that AW 3.4 may be using 10 avatar updates per second, compared to the 1/second which has been used for quite a long time (even in 3.3? I don't know)... see (news:3e1f184b at message in beta NG titled "Modem: Bumpety Bumpety Bumpety Bumpety *SPLAT*" ... I do not know if this is true, however if it were, it could be at least partially accountable for some movement problems experienced. So, out of curiousity, 1. Does anyone know if this is true? 2. If so, has this already been addressed in some way? 3. If not, should it not be taken into consideration that the number of incoming and outgoing avatar updates/second MUST be scaled down for those on crawling old dialup? (for example, a simple option on first start-up: "please select your connection speed" ... which could of course be changed later) 4. If this is true, has any data been collected to see if the movement problems occur under only certain system configs, for example, with dialup? Huge numbers of update packets, such as in modern online 3d shooters, can easily flood out the modem user (you won't find all that many dialup connections successfully playing modern online games). Discussion? -Monkey! [wish] Add support for software lighting in D3D w/T&LApr 18, 2003, 3:45pm
I'm aware that the current limit of 8 (?) hardware lights is not a simple
thing to get around in T&L mode, however I don't see what the problem would be with using the 8 closest lights as hardware and making those farther away software (or whatever method is employed by D3D w/out T&L).... I was under the impression that this is how modern 3d games using T&L solved this problem. Maybe someone more knowledgable in graphics programming could have something to say? Perhaps a browser setting could determine the maximum number of 'software' lights while in T&L mode to avoid huge performance drops. Monkey! [wish] crouch/duck to go with jumpApr 18, 2003, 5:25pm
Just a little one, I think it would be nice to have a duck function to go
along with the new jumping. Very useful for game worlds (hiding, etc.). It should lower the viewport perspective as well as doing a seq. Terrain splatter/blendingApr 22, 2003, 5:31am
Perhaps the mechanism could be to blend the two textures and then restore
them as two separate textures which would be applied to the terrain as usual, bypassing the need to alter the way the textures are mapped. [View Quote] Proposal: AW2Apr 22, 2003, 5:22am
I would imagine the main reason for this is simply a lack of money and
manpower. Rewriting the browser may be worth it, but we have to consider that it will take a huge chunk of development time and really wouldn't make sense unless they were in a stable position. [View Quote] [wish] ability for bot to assign a light to userApr 29, 2003, 10:24pm
I think it would be relatively easy to create a 'user lightsource'
function - the ability to assign a dynamic light to the user's av through the bot (limited by rights I would imagine). This would require require only a very small change to the browser, I would guess. Usefull for flashlights, etc. -Monkey [wish] ability for bot to assign a light to userApr 30, 2003, 3:44am
that should be really easy. AW already has some RWX commands that are not
part of the "real" rwx format, like prelight. In theory, the browser could recognize a 'light' command. [View Quote] [wish] ability for bot to assign a light to userApr 30, 2003, 10:40pm
Right, but I don't want an avatar that appears lit, I want the avatar itself
to create a light source, in this example I'd like to be able to include a flashlight/torch in the game I'm making. Right now, I use 'flares' like many FPSs have, little light objs you drop that go away after a few seconds. [View Quote] [wish] ability for bot to assign a light to userJul 7, 2003, 10:13pm
Just as a note, I actually have a 16 light source limit when I'm not in T&L
mode. Weird, huh? (GF4 Ti 4400) It would be up the the world owner to decide how to deal with these lit avs. I was intending to use them as part of a game, so in this case users cannot choose their own av, the bot does it for them. [View Quote] [wish] Noises should have flag to make them 3d positionedMay 6, 2003, 9:16pm
Currently, calling a 'noise' makes the sound appear to come from directly on
top of the user. This is irritating when, for example, making a game where sound effects are needed, since all SFX in vis range will be extremely loud even if they are far away. I would like the option to specify, much like the overlap specifier, that the noise should be processed for distance/position. Monkey [wish] Noises should have flag to make them 3d positionedMay 6, 2003, 9:53pm
Sounds can't overlap, thus completely ruining the idea. The sound cmd is
designed for "background sounds," and I don't see what's wrong with allowing noises (the only way to have more than 1 sound at once!) to be processed for position if and only if the user indicates. [View Quote] bring back the create light color=blackJul 7, 2003, 10:15pm
Either way, the response from AWI is going to be that RW doesn't support it
(to which I reply, isn't it time to get cracking on your own graphics engine? Or at least start modifying the default RW engine (they do give you source with that liscense.... right?)) [View Quote] |