There Turns Off Road to Nowhere (Community)

There Turns Off Road to Nowhere // Community

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c p

Sep 2, 2004, 8:45pm
that's cuz There had a beta incentive plan I was on beta, and got the offer
for a lifetime cit forevers, for 40 bucks, *hurmmm*
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Sep 2, 2004, 8:49pm
emm, think it was 30$ :)
and ya, gotta agree with binary bud. There's "venture into business" was
actually alot less successful then Enzo's :)


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Sep 2, 2004, 10:08pm
Well, at least E N Z O isn't as bad as Acclaim...


[View Quote] > Now, now, Rick; your own venture into the business world wasn't exactly a success either, you know... At least There had substantially MORE investment capital than AW EVER did...

e n z o

Sep 3, 2004, 1:29pm
Yeah, and thanks to their (There) successful plans they aren't doing
community anymore...

As far as I see it : I am still here, my partners are still here, the good
people that work here are still here, you all are still here, AW still
develops community software and business and educational software... we
never had to blow 40 million of somebody elses money to fail nor did we sell
our souls.

I sleep very well at night.


my .02$


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Sep 3, 2004, 2:00pm
no, they are still developing thier normal people based software, just not
thier focus no more :)


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e n z o

Sep 3, 2004, 3:35pm
and I am sure they will continue as long as it is profitable.... which makes
me very happy because if nobody else was doing 3D worlds than it is because
there is no interest in them


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Sep 4, 2004, 3:26am
No, if he would've gotten the RIGHT investor(s) and actually learned how to MARKET AW he WOULD have been more successful.

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Sep 4, 2004, 3:29am
OK...I'll conceed that you were successful at being non-successful at going public...if that's even possible. I'm glad AW is still around though...I just wish it would actually develop quicker than at a snail's pace...

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Sep 4, 2004, 4:22pm
It's called 'patience', Eep. Where is your patience? Did you left it in one
of the taxi cabs? ;)

Taxi Controller: "Calling all cars, there is a young man here demanding his
pants back."


(wants to stay away from NetTaxi)

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Sep 5, 2004, 2:03am
Patience?? I've been here since mid-1997 and AW STILL lags at least 5 years behind average 3D applications (games, level editors, modellers, chat programs, etc). to see just how far behind the curve AW truly is. Granted, AW has made advancements, but they have come FAR too late to be of any real, serious consequence. Hell, even There and Second Life beat AW right from their inceptions. Don't get me wrong: although I haven't tried either There or Second Life, from what I've seen (screenshots/videos) and read, AW is still the best for custom content creation without being charged up the ass just to show it. PAY to create content? Homey don't play (or pay for) dat! <whap>

Anyway, really, I just wish Rick and JP would actually get a vision for AW--or get someone who DOES have a vision for AW since their visions have turned out to be flops: education, at mart, and, sorry to say, yes, even streaming media won't be that big of a deal--certainly not something to market AW on soley or even mostly. I still think AW's greatest strength is what it was initially created for: multi-user level editor, essentially. That (and its obvious application: gaming) is AW's core attribute and what should be AWI's main focus CONTINUALLY. Everything else should be secondary. Give users the tools to create and the content will come from them. Just look at The Sims for perhaps the most obvious example. Half-Life is another. Quake still another.

Otherwise, what is the point of AW except as a continual money pit that barely goes anywhere and dangles by a thread to hang on? That's no way to exist...

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