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Need to make a black box... (Community)
Need to make a black box... // Communitylady nighthawkAug 5, 2004, 7:55pm
I need to make a black box that is totally black regardless of the world
lighting ... can anyone advise? I've made the box but whatever is inside seems to be affected by the daylight of the world not the blackness of the box? I've even tried to color the box panels black and tried light color=black ... neither worked. I need a good sized black box that can be entered into but is completely pitch black inside (unless a light is turned on or something). Thanks in advance... LNH -- lady nighthawkAug 5, 2004, 9:36pm
Nope didn't work, I altered a pictwllh to the following...
modelbegin clumpbegin surface .55 .3 .1 ambient 0 color .0 .0 .0 vertex -.5 1 0 uv 0 0 vertex -.5 0 0 uv 0 1 vertex .5 0 0 uv 1 1 vertex .5 1 0 uv 1 0 vertex -.5 1 0 uv 1 0 vertex -.5 0 0 uv 1 1 vertex .5 0 0 uv 0 1 vertex .5 1 0 uv 0 0 texturemodes foreshorten quad 1 2 3 4 tag 200 quad 8 7 6 5 tag 200 clumpend modelend Whatz wrong with it? And no, I don't have a real box handy, not that I'm sure a real box would matter over panels making a box? LNH -- [View Quote] sweAug 5, 2004, 11:50pm
hmm, been awhile since i played with the colour setting lol, can't remember
what surface is for, but i think you would need to put one of them at 0, which ever is for difuse, hell, just put em all at 0! might help lol. -SWE [View Quote] eepAug 6, 2004, 12:13am
Lose the "surface" command altogether and the box won't reflect light at all. for more info. Also see
Note that "black" (dark/negative) lights are no longer possible in AW (haven't been for years, actually) and that any object "inside" the box (not part of the object itself) will still reflect light (assuming it has a surface setting accordingly). Also, no decimal points are necessary on "0" ("color .0 .0 .0" should just be "color 0 0 0"--or completely removed since that is a default command anyway). Since I'm on the topic of efficienty, lose the "modelbegin"/"modelend" statements too since the object has no prototypes. for more info. [View Quote] paulAug 6, 2004, 4:32am
take out the Lit in the Texturemodes command in the rwx or if you are using
Truespace instead of using Phong shading use Flat instead which will cause no Lit command when you convert the cob to rwx. Paul [View Quote] lady nighthawkAug 6, 2004, 6:27am
I'm just trying to alter an aw pictwllh.rwx so that no light from outside
gets into the box or on anything in the box, so far no suggestions have gotten me to that goal but thanks all anyway! LNH -- [View Quote] milestegAug 6, 2004, 6:34am
i am afraid you will get no suggestion because it is currently impossible.
lights (world light or local light) are not 'blocked' by objects. Regards, MilesTeg "lady nighthawk" <dmurtagh27 at> a écrit dans le message de news:4113410d$1 at > I'm just trying to alter an aw pictwllh.rwx so that no light from outside > gets into the box or on anything in the box, so far no suggestions have > gotten me to that goal but thanks all anyway! > > LNH > > > > -- > [View Quote] milestegAug 6, 2004, 7:05am
btw, there are few workarounds but it is a tedious task,
you have to use inside your black box a modified version of your objects. first workaround: -you edit all the objects to modify the Diffuse commands so that your objects are not affected by the directional lights (world or local lights ) and/or modify the Ambiant commands if you want your objects not to be affected by the world ambiant light . Remember to modify the Surface commands ( ) too as it is a shortcut for the Diffuse and Ambiant commands. -you manually prelight the vertices ( ). Second workaround: -you remove the 'Lit' arguments of the Texturemodes commands, like Paul suggested - you modify the textures to apply the light directly on them. unfortunatly this second workaround is useless on most of aw objects. it is more usefull for 'skinned' objects ( UV only between 0 and 1, no texture repeats) Regards, MilesTeg "milesteg" <milesteg at> a écrit dans le message de news:4113429c$1 at > i am afraid you will get no suggestion because it is currently impossible. > lights (world light or local light) are not 'blocked' by objects. > > Regards, > MilesTeg > > > "lady nighthawk" <dmurtagh27 at> a écrit dans le message de > news:4113410d$1 at outside > world > inside of can > > lady nighthawkAug 6, 2004, 5:37pm
Yep I've discovered it's useless LOL. The reason I wanted a *dark room* was
to view avs I'm working on anytime of the day but in a dark room so I can see what they'd look like at night ... even if it's broad daylight. So changing the objects Ambient / Diffuse or lit would defeat my purpose since those are what I am testing in my wannabe dark room LOL. So I guess I'll just have to make a *light room* so if I'm working at night I can see what they'd look like in the daytime in the box because at least I can add lights to affect them within the box. I see another shortcoming is that we can't go past a 90 degree angle. I was trying to make a motorcycle loop in which you would *ride your bike* within the inner part of the circle, without bumps ... that turned out to be defunct :o/ Nor can we walk upside down, etc, LOL Seems aw will not allow us to defy gravity completely, even if we can fly. Thanks for your help everyone! Hugzzz LNH -- [View Quote] sweAug 7, 2004, 12:17am
ooooo, she wanted the objects inside the box blocked?i thought she just
wanted the object itself (the walk) to always be dark, no matter what. my bad :) -SWE [View Quote] lady nighthawkAug 7, 2004, 2:12am
I guess I should have specified a *vertical circle* ... like a roller
coaster loop where you and the car go around in it *defying gravity* ... I didn't want to use bumps and even if I did it wouldn't look realistic because the avs would be right side up because they wouldn't follow the inside of the loop like a roller coaster does. LNH -- [View Quote] xelagAug 7, 2004, 9:46am
On 6 Aug 2004 15:37:59 -0400, "lady nighthawk"
[View Quote] >Yep I've discovered it's useless LOL. The reason I wanted a *dark room* was >to view avs I'm working on anytime of the day but in a dark room so I can >see what they'd look like at night ... even if it's broad daylight. So >changing the objects Ambient / Diffuse or lit would defeat my purpose since >those are what I am testing in my wannabe dark room LOL. So I guess I'll >just have to make a *light room* so if I'm working at night I can see what >they'd look like in the daytime in the box because at least I can add lights >to affect them within the box. Lights will shine out through the box, remember that, walls don't block lights. The best, but not cheapest, solution is to buy a small world for testing: that would be your box :) Alex lady nighthawkAug 7, 2004, 10:13am
Even cheaper yet will be to make a *light box* for testing when not in night
mode LOL (instead of visa versa). LNH -- [View Quote] eepAug 7, 2004, 12:44pm
Just use RWXViewer ( and set the lighting to whatever you want. :)
We STILL need a decent RWX viewer...this one's pretty good but still lacks many things, unfortunately. :/ [View Quote] xelagAug 7, 2004, 11:56pm
On 7 Aug 2004 08:13:39 -0400, "lady nighthawk"
[View Quote] >Even cheaper yet will be to make a *light box* for testing when not in night >mode LOL (instead of visa versa). > >LNH Well, not exactly :) A "light box" as you call it might help you a little experiment with the effects of direct lighting - which is related to the diffuse property of the object (but the world directional lighting still interferes), but there is no way it will help you experiment with ambient, as only the world ambient light determines this. The only way to do this properly is to change the world ambient and directional light properties. VR is not real world, as AW implements the lights (8 directional, which includes the world parallel directional light, i.e. the sun, and leaves 7 others to your choice - and 1 ambient, which is a world property) there is no way you can isolate a spot in the world and call it a light box... with its own properties independent of the world light properties. There is no such thing as night or day mode as far as a particular spot in the world is concerned, these are determined by global world light properties. You can not create a box with different lighting properties :) Alex xelagAug 8, 2004, 6:01pm
You're welcome :)
On 8 Aug 2004 11:20:53 -0400, "lady nighthawk" [View Quote] >Thanks for the info :o} > >LNH |