Need advice (Community)

Need advice // Community

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Feb 4, 2004, 12:30pm
I have a friend who is a tourist and a newbie to AW. For some odd reason
he's having trouble getting into aw even though he changed his rating to PG.
>_< He can visit some other worlds with no problem. I'm at a loss. I
can't imagine why he can't get into aw when other tourists can. Any ideas???


Feb 4, 2004, 12:41pm
Tell him to change it to PG-13.

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Feb 4, 2004, 1:57pm
Actually........ after we changed it to PG, he tried changing it to R and
still couldn't get in.

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Feb 4, 2004, 2:06pm
Is he using the 3.4 browser or the new 3.5 beta one?


[View Quote] > Actually........ after we changed it to PG, he tried changing it to R and
> still couldn't get in.


Feb 4, 2004, 2:53pm
I can think of two possibilites:
One - he's trying to teleport to "AlphaWorld"
Two - he's looking for AW on the worlds list. You have to restart your
browser after changing your rating for it to affect the worlds list.

[View Quote] > Actually........ after we changed it to PG, he tried changing it to R and
> still couldn't get in.
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Feb 4, 2004, 4:25pm

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Feb 4, 2004, 4:26pm
He was trying to teleport to AWGZ and couldn't. Do you mean after he changes
the rating he needs to log off and then log back in again?

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Feb 4, 2004, 5:02pm
I thought he only had to log off then log back in again to get the
worlds list to update... so I dunno what's wrong, sorry

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Feb 4, 2004, 9:03pm
I just had a similar situation with a cit who came to me stating they
couldn't enter a particular public world. I could only think of these
reasons why a cit couldn't enter an otherwise open world:

-Like what was mentioned before in this thread, browser rating not set as
high as the world's rating.

-The user had been ejected recently and was still under the "time out"
period that the ejector set.

-The user had been permanently banned by a CT using the "Never" option for
the ejection time expiration for their cit#, IP# or PC ID#.

The user I was talking to about their problem (I don't know this person
well) insisted it wasn't the last two reasons so I was stumped for quite
awhile until I heard some scuttlebutt about this person and indeed, they had
been recently ejected from that public world. In fact, this wasn't their 1st
ejection from that world and the ejector decided they needed a more extended
"time out". I assume this person lied to me about not being ejected because
they didn't want to lose face with me (shrugs) but what annoyed me was I
wasted a significant amount of my own time chasing my tail over this problem
when I didn't need to. I'm not suggesting that your friend is lying to you,
I'm just suggesting it is possible they may have been ejected by one of
those mysterious "mass ejections" from certain public worlds that I've seen
posted here in the NGs lately.


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Feb 4, 2004, 11:31pm
maybe he needs a note from his mom?

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