Pls be nice. Ty. :) (Community)

Pls be nice. Ty. :) // Community

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Mar 7, 2002, 12:54am

I don't know if this has been brought up already here or not, but it's kind
of bothersome. Today in AWSchool, where tourists are now allowed, (yey!)
there was this guy there who wanted help with his world. Since the dude was
a tourist, and he had bought a world, he couldn't access it. Telling someone
they can't access a world they paid for and own is pretty lame, yeah...

So... I was wondering, out of curiosity... if anyone had any views on the
matter of ps10 and ps20 worlds being sold without citizenships attached.
Before, citizenships came with those worlds and anyone who bought them could
access their world(s). I could be wrong, but I do not see a notification on
the site of a couple of things which would seem logical to include by now.

Notfiying users of:

1) Having to be a citizen in order to admin their world(s) directly.
2) Tourists not being allowed into their world(s) unless they pay an extra

Does anyone know if they plan to update the world purchasing section of
their site soon?

Also, if you have any other ideas, like bundling citizenships into worlds
again if the cost was raised, would you mind sharing?

It's just so fun to listen to people's ideas! (seriously)


Mar 7, 2002, 1:45am
Hmmmmmmm......Being able to buy a world has a tourists? AWCom has gone wacko
if you can't get an ownership cit with your world if you don't already have
a cit.

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dotar sojat

Mar 7, 2002, 4:08am
I myself still think it is silly of to expect the world owners to pay
for the "priv" of showing off the tech of AW to the tourists. Wouldn't it
make more sense for them to make the world owners pay for the right to keep
tourists out without a bot?

Just MHO of course.

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Mar 7, 2002, 4:11am
I agree world owners should get tourists to come in for free and make it so
they can't keep them out with a bot and gotta pay to keep them out.

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Mar 7, 2002, 12:06pm
who would pay for that?

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dotar sojat

Mar 7, 2002, 5:27pm
Well I know I wouldn't pay for it, but I think it makes more sense than us
paying to advertise for AW. I have a long standing personal policy of never
paying a company to advertise their product. They want me to advertise they
have to pay me or provide me some for of compensation. The current tourist
plan means world owners have to pay to advertise for AW with the tourists.

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Mar 7, 2002, 5:40pm
It means if they want tourists they have to pay. AW realizes this is a big
thing that people want so they put a fee on it. They need money to stay in
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dotar sojat

Mar 7, 2002, 6:27pm
Methinks your looking at this backwards. Yes AW need money to stay in
business, however, with the current scheme for tourists the world owners
have to PAY to show off the AW tech to the tourists, and without them doign
so the tourists get to see maybe 4 worlds (hardly enough to sell their

Whit what I am saying, the tourists can see ANY world unless that worlds
owner has paid a fee to keep them out. This would give the tourists a much
higher rate of exposure to the product, increasing the likely hood they
would pay to stay after their time was up. It also has the benifit of not
forcing us to pay to be billboards, but allowing us to pay to not be such.
Thereby getting ever more money for AW.

Yes I did go to Marketing school in the way back. Just decided that line of
work ain't for me.
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Mar 7, 2002, 7:07pm
The reason that AW took away the tourists in the first palce was because the
tourists were not immigrating to citizen because they got all that they
needed as a tourist. It was basically a free cit. Noone cares much about the
tourist avatars. That's not a reason to buy. And they don't care much about
their buildings gettin deleted because all they have to do is build it and
then show only the epople they trust. Their friends talk to them through MSN
or AIM or some other form of messenger which makes contacts not that bad of
a loss. These people did not buy cits because of this and after the price
increase, you could bet even more would take advantage of that. In order to
encourage people to pay at the new (and higher) price, AWCom figured they
would get rid of tourists completely. After that was done, people absolutely
hated it! AWCom decided upon a compromise. That compromise was to allow
tourists but only in worlds that payed an extra amount. Noone would pay to
keep tourists out, nobody doesn't want tourists in their world.

If they were let into all worlds than they wouldn't pay because they'd have
enough exposure that being a cit wouldn't mean much. the line between a cit
and a tourist is pretty thin. There's not much a cit gets that a tourist
doesn't. When you're a tourist, you can still communicate without contacts
and such. I think AWCom made a good choice in doing this. They'll need the
extra encouragement for people to register despite the higher costs.

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Mar 7, 2002, 9:41pm
Right now Tourists have 20+ worlds (and growing) including AWSchool
available to them. They can see the technology just fine.

dotar sojat

Mar 8, 2002, 3:11pm
LOL I know more privatly owned worlds that want tourists out than I do ones
that wish them in. And yes they were trying for a comprimise, but the way
they should have gone at first was let worlds pay to block them, then put a
time limit on how long they can be a tourists with a specific email address.
Now I know they can always get another snotmail address to get another
tourist going, but sooner or later they will tire of always gettign new
emails, and either pay or leave.

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Mar 8, 2002, 3:28pm
Yes, it could be dealt with in many ways. What you think are better ways,
might be considered worse ways by AWCom (for financial reasons) and the
members of AW. AWCom decided on this and we're stuck with it. That's about
the bottom line.
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dotar sojat

Mar 8, 2002, 4:31pm
I agree we are stuck with it, I only brought my point up in reply to another
opposing view. Everyone's got an opinion afterall.

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sw chris

Mar 8, 2002, 8:23pm
That or they could just block all addresses from known free providers, such
as,, and

SW Chris

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dotar sojat

Mar 8, 2002, 9:29pm
That could work too, afterall everyone gets a free email from their own ISP.

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Mar 8, 2002, 9:36pm
But people like me could easily just create a new forwarding address from my
domain control panel in about 10seconds.
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Mar 9, 2002, 1:25am
howabout a time limit on how long a tourist can actually be in one world..

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