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smadmin // User SearchRe: Spiraware Productions Open for BusinessFeb 11, 2006, 10:40am
perhaps before making personal attacks on people you should stop and look in
the mirror! [View Quote] Re: Spiraware Productions Open for BusinessFeb 12, 2006, 5:12pm
Enzo could you please delete this chat thread as it pointless and imature.
[View Quote] SpiraRPG Needs Donation through Paypal. Any amount helpsJan 31, 2006, 2:14pm
If you have sold four copies of one of your bots why do you want donations?
Why not tell people what your bot can do, show them a world its currently running in and see if you can't sell a few more copies. Just an Ideal. [View Quote] Re: Spiraware Productions Open for BusinessFeb 11, 2006, 10:40am
perhaps before making personal attacks on people you should stop and look in
the mirror! [View Quote] Re: Spiraware Productions Open for BusinessFeb 12, 2006, 5:12pm
Enzo could you please delete this chat thread as it pointless and imature.
[View Quote] SpiraRPG Needs Donation through Paypal. Any amount helpsJan 31, 2006, 2:14pm
If you have sold four copies of one of your bots why do you want donations?
Why not tell people what your bot can do, show them a world its currently running in and see if you can't sell a few more copies. Just an Ideal. [View Quote] AW Should Mail World Owners of World Server UpdatesJan 15, 2006, 9:55am
They don't even email universe owners, let alone users in their own system
yet there is a email address field on each world server license that has to be filled in to add the license. [View Quote] SpiraRPG Needs Donation through Paypal. Any amount helpsJan 31, 2006, 2:14pm
If you have sold four copies of one of your bots why do you want donations?
Why not tell people what your bot can do, show them a world its currently running in and see if you can't sell a few more copies. Just an Ideal. [View Quote] Banned from Cit BingoDec 17, 2005, 2:37pm
I think you will find that it is YOU that is the dictator TaLLan as YOU
wanted to Dictate who your donations to rather than them being availble for all and when Garnet explained that it didnt work like that you were the one that went off on one. So then you get all in a flap when you asumed you had been banned rather than doing basic trouble shooting first to find out the real reaon for your lack of access at that time. So I think once you have squeezed your brain back in your head that a public appology is needed in the same place you placed your slanderous coments about a long serving and valued member of the community. As for moaning at AW I hope JP takes a month off your cit :P I would be very tempted if you did that and I owned the Universe. IMHO. [View Quote] Big questionJan 27, 2006, 8:54am
I have to beg to differ there, as we were told back when 3.3 came out that
one of the reasons it to took so long to release was that version 3 of renderware had dropped the support for the .rwx format and AWI's programmers had to manually code the support back in. Intresting tho how right from version 1.34 of the Renderware API that it supported shadows, reflections and the ability to attach a camera to a moving object like in one of the demo's that comes with the API there is a roller coster you can sit in and ride round on and that was released in 1995. [View Quote] Hello :)Feb 1, 2006, 11:57am
Have you tryed pressing the little square button towards the top of the
case? An emergancy eject warning light will flash and the escape hatch will open :) [View Quote] Browser problem d/l stuff...Feb 11, 2006, 10:40am
perhaps before making personal attacks on people you should stop and look in
the mirror! [View Quote] Browser problem d/l stuff...Feb 12, 2006, 5:12pm
Enzo could you please delete this chat thread as it pointless and imature.
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