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Reposted from Worldbuilders: Version of Avatars.dat Editor

Jun 8, 2006, 3:56pm
This is a reposting from worldbuilders, to help bring more attention to what I see as a useful program!
Please not that the docs are not yet up-to-date as of this posting, but the download link does point to the latest version.


Direct download:
Website (not updated as of posting):

You will need to have the .NET Framework 2.0 installed for this program to work (link on site).

Please telegram me as Byte on AW 4.1 if you encounter any errors or bugs!

From changes.txt:


*** VERSION THURSDAY, JUNE 08, 2006 ***

- Program can now read avatars.dat from ZIP files.
- Program can now write avatars.dat to ZIP files.
- Program now supports "autonumbering" a list in a fashion similar to AWTeen.
--If this option is activated, when a numbered list is loaded, numbers will be stripped, and readded when saved.
- Program can now import snippets of avatars.dat code directly.
- Program can now export the selected avatar as a snippet of code.

SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 17, 2006, 8:51pm
> Historically Active Worlds has always used a 400x400x400 cube, every single
> bot ever made that includes a beyond-visual-range calculation has used this
> formula, it is hard coded into most bots. Not only is the cube method faster
> in terms of processing time (a simple condition check vs. square root ) but
> it also has other advantages.

I figure I'll address this point. You do realize that you don't need a
square root in the check at all? It's all really simple polar
coordinate math. X^2 + Y^2 = R^2, where R is the Radius. So for a
circle with a 200m radius... all you have to do is:

if(pow(avatar_x, 2)+ pow(avatar_y, 2)) <= 40000)
//your code here...

And that does a check to make sure something is within the radius. :)
Yes, it is a little more math than what's needed, but it completely
trims out the requirement for a square root function. <-- for more
information on polar coordinates. <-- spherical
coordinates, too, incase you need to do checks in a sphere, instead of a
2d circle.

SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 17, 2006, 11:54pm
[View Quote] Yes, I agree that losing more than half the area that you could see
before isn't the best of ideas.

Anyway, you really only need two powers. The third one can be pretty
much a #define. You'll probably need to do subtraction between two
points still yet, if you want to make sure they are in each other's radius.

#define RADIUS 40000

if(pow(av1_x - av2_x, 2) + pow(av1_y - av2_y, 2) <= RADIUS)

So that could actually just boil down to one addition, two subtracts,
and two multiplies...

x_dist = av1_x - av2_x;
z_dist = av1_y - av2_y;

if((x_dist*x_dist + z_dist*z_dist) <= RADIUS)

SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 19, 2006, 3:59pm
Actually when you look at it... the box went 200m in each direction, or was 400m in the X and Z. 400*400 = 160,000 m^2.
The area of the circle of 200m radius (400m diameter) is 200^2*pi or 125,663.706. Which is 78% of the area, not 25% :)

It's when you go with the sphere that it comes closer to less than 50% loss on volume.

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More mac baby questions

Jun 29, 2006, 3:30pm
I wound up buying a portable bluetooth mouse to solve the mousing issues, but if you need to right click there are some programs that let you set a right click button is a decent utility (download at your
own risk) for doing so.

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More mac baby questions

Jun 29, 2006, 9:01pm
Yeah, I stopped using windows for the most part on it, because OS X makes life much easier in the laptop world, heh.

Bluetooth works just fine for me under XP, but if you don't want to invest in batteries I'd suggest USB.

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Happy Canada Day!

Jul 2, 2006, 1:31am
[View Quote] Don't forget the explosive charges, too!

Loves me dynamite, and nuclear warheads.

Avatars.dat Editor version released!

Jul 9, 2006, 7:22pm
I'd like to announce the latest version of my Avatars.dat Editor (A 2006 CyAwards finalist for Best Software!) has been released.

For download and more information refer to:

* Fixed a bug that caused the avatars list to refresh and lose selection when name or category status were changed.
* Added the ability to select more than one avatar to allow the editing of certain properties.
- Please Note: All properties will initially come up as blank. Changing a property will automatically override that property for all avatars selected.
* Updated the dialog for Inserting, Copying, and Moving avatars. It now has radio buttons for inserting at the beginning and end of the list.
* Removed the export list from the file menu. This feature was for another project I was working on, but don't plan to finish.

Avatars.dat Editor version released!

Jul 9, 2006, 8:07pm
I'd like to announce a minor update, version, has been released. This new version allows the user to check for new updates to my editor through the help menu.

Avatars.dat Editor version released!

Jul 10, 2006, 9:19pm
Well, I am in the process of planning out already. I've come up with several ideas for multi-editing that will make it easier to work with and organize large lists of avatars. Including the ability to select a set of avatars, hold down the shift
key and scroll the mouse wheel, and the avatars will move accordingly. Plus going to have several UI enhnacements for grouping avatars together, etc.

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Avatars.dat Editor version released!

Jul 11, 2006, 1:04pm
Well, I take a more forward stance on technology that is essentially the standard in say... 90% of the cases these days. I'm most likely adding the feature, which will make it easier for those who do own a mouse with the technology (heck, even I own it,
and I'm a college student ;) ). A mouse with mousewheel can be picked up for $20. If a person is too poor to afford that, then maybe AW should be the least of their priorities at $6.95/mo. :)

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Windows 98 / Me no longer supported

Jul 11, 2006, 3:47pm
About damn time, I say. Glad to see they're not even providing updates to it anymore, maybe it'll encourage people stuck in the stone age to upgrade to more modern PCs. I hear so many people complain that they're computer is so old that it can't run XP.
Well all I can say is buy one of those cheap Dells. Thing costs like $500 and is WAY better than your PC running Windows 98. :P

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Avatars.dat Editor (Release Candidate 1) has been released!

Jul 12, 2006, 9:41pm
Well, I've been hard at work over the past few days recoding certain portions of my .dat editor to optimize it and add new features that make it easier for people to manage multiple avatars at once. You can now move, copy, delete, and export multiple
avatar selections!

Download link is at:

Please note that with this newest version the website now offers two download options... a full download for new users, and an upgrade download that contains only the files required to upgrade to the latest version.

The docs have not yet been updated at the time of this posting, but soon as the new ones are online, I will post here to let everyone know!

Avatars.dat Editor (Release Candidate 1) has been released!

Jul 12, 2006, 9:46pm
One other thing I forgot. Holding down Ctrl and scrolling the mouse wheel up and down will now move the current selection up or down.

[AW Reunion 2007] Where To Next?

Jul 27, 2006, 3:50pm
I voted Denver. Why? It's 145 miles away. ;)

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