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walter knupe // User Search
walter knupe // User SearchRecently in "HamGlaze"Apr 8, 2000, 12:51pm
[WebFormBot]: Hi, Faber. I can do a few web forms. Whisper HELP to me to find out more. Whisper
LIST to see which forms I can do. Try whispering "0:AWLD", for example, to get yahoo to quote AWLD stock. Faber: (to [WebFormBot]) 0:AWLD [WebFormBot]: Submitting query...just a moment [WebFormBot]: Response: **NotFound** is that a bad thing ? *grin* Faber Warship is not open.Apr 11, 2000, 10:52am
The lattest addition to the games in AWGames, Warship has ended its beta phase...
Its now officially open and waiting for you to play ! :) Please come to AWGames and click "Warship" on the Game Navigation Panel. Faber Preston 30 is outMay 22, 2000, 9:02pm
As the subject says, Preston 30 is out.
The list of changes include: - Note #1: The BETA phase of Preston will not end for a while since it is using the beta version of the Active Worlds SDK. - Note #2: Before updating your Preston, make sure to backup your preston.ini and file. You should regularly backup these 2 files anyway. - This build has all the actions categorized and sorted now on the Dictionary Entry Add/Edit Dialog. Note that this is a visual change only, all old preston scripts load and function without a change. - Preston now has a new event: Object select. It triggers whenever someone nearby right clicks an object. - Object Click events with no target name now trigger on all objects. In previous builds it was required for the object to have a name, although any name did match, the name tag was mandatory. This is no longer the case. To have the old behavior, you have to use a pattern like ?* or similar. There is a new action "wait". The new action causes Preston to let a sequence wait the given number of seconds. Preston puts the current entry on a wait list, and revives it after the given number of seconds, continuing with any sequence attached to it. Therefore the action makes only sense as part of a sequence. Note that only the sequence is waiting, all other Preston activities continue to work during the waiting time. There is no limit on the number of sequences waiting concurrently. - Pattern matching is now a matching option for phrase dictionary entries. The pattern matching algorithm understands the usual wild cards * and ?, and letter sets in curly brackets, and negation. f?b*r would match "faber" but as well "febour" for example. "t{a-c}st" matches tast, tbst, and tcst. "t{!e}st" is like "t?st" except that it does not match "test". - All events except for "phrase" used to have a simple equality match on their arguments (avatar or object names, etc). this has been changed to "pattern matching".. .an avatar click on "f*" would match anyone whose name starts with an f. - The target name for "change object" and "delete object" now uses the pattern matching as well. - The announcement page now carries a "face speaker" check mark which controls if Preston faces the avatar it hears the chat text from. Its on per default to match the old behavior, but can now be turned off. - There is a new action, "change world settings", which enables Preston to change the current world settings (lights, fog, etc) on command. It takes an world settings entry name as an argument. For that reason all world settings entries can now be named, and the editing of the world settings list is now possible even if the automated scheduling of those entries is turned off. - "whisper reply" on the dictionary edit window was only working for "reply" action. This has been changed, it now should apply to all other responses too. - The <teleport> action now understands the at notation as targets to. using at faber or at someobject would get your bot to the given avatar/object. - The <avatar> action now takes the avatar number as a configurable parameter in the dictionary entry. Preston now has a <gesture> action. - The "Named Objects found" display now should be able to display the numbers on the right column accurately even if the number is very high. - The <log> action was not properly saving the logged entries to preston.log. The output on the user tab was ok, but the log file is corrupted. Enjoy :) Faber Preston 31 is outMay 26, 2000, 8:25pm
As expected, the changes in Preston 30 brought some small glitches along. Those have been fixed now.
Preston 31 changes: - Preston reverted to the configured avatar on every <teleport>. This has been fixed. - The <wait> action did not remember the whisper/report to owner flags correctly for the remaining sequence. This has been fixed. - Several actions erroneously used placeholders like %s in their replies, such as the <status> action or the citizen resolving actions. This has been fixed. Please upgrade as Build 30 will be disabled soon. Faber Autoscroll Stopped WorkingJun 1, 2000, 11:42am
It is known that running ActiveWorlds 2.2. under WIndows 2000 causes the autoscroll to be broken.
Now that you say you installed some software i wonder if some updated System Component comming with a Microsoft Product is causing this behavior on your machine. I suppose its the Richedit Control, which resides in riched20.dll and riched32.dll. So you might want to try to locate them on your win98 or win95 cd inside some cab - file (for win95 you would need the cab file viewer for that, win98 has it build in AFAIK), and try to replace both files in your windows/system directory with the ones from the cab files. Hope it helps :) Faber [View Quote] Bots and PrivacyJun 11, 2000, 7:46pm
[View Quote]
This is exaclty why bots disturb privacy: They see names of people who did not speak yet even
without special rights. All you need to do is bring a bot along and noone can hide. I am not sure if i like this hiding or not, but the feature that names are hidden until someone speaks is valued by many ppl and bots circumvent it. Faber |