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VB SDK : Multiple instances stealing trigger events .. Please help

Feb 15, 2002, 12:03am
Hello all

I am using MrGrimm OCX (Thanks !) to make a bot to extend chat range
in my world. I am a somewhat experienced VB programmer but am an AWSDK
novice. I would appreciate any help and thanks in advance !

I am instantizing 3 bots (which works fine) using this code for each :


sdk.AwInit AW_BUILD
sdk.AwCreate Universe, Port
sdk.AwLoginApplication = Application
sdk.AwLoginOwner = Cit
sdk.AwLoginPrivilegePassword = Pass
sdk.AwLoginName = BotName1


I am also calling a timer for each bot :

timAwWait1.Interval = 1000
timAwWait1.Enabled = True


In the timer sub (1 for each of the 3 instances) I am using (latest
itteration) :

Private Sub timAwWait1_Timer()

sdk.AwWait 0
sdk.AwEventSet AW_EVENT_CHAT

End Sub


What happens is when bot1 logs in, it receives chat events but when
bot2 logs in, bot2 receives the events and bot1 loses them. Same when
bot3 logs in ... both bot1 and bot2 have lost events.

I have looked everywhere to try to resolve this (including hours of
scanning this newsgroup) and just cant find it.

Any help would be most appreciated :-)

Best as always

VB SDK : Multiple instances stealing trigger events .. Please help

Feb 15, 2002, 12:27am
Hi Joe

I don't know ... I have tried everything I can think of ( I first had
just one event set and state change on form load and that did not work
so I got desperate I guess :) The joys of being a newbie !

Also each instance has a different number ... timer1 is bot 1 and
timer2 is bot 2 etc


[View Quote] >Why is the event set and state change in the timer? You only need to call
>them once..

VB SDK : Multiple instances stealing trigger events .. Please help

Feb 16, 2002, 12:16am
Hello all !

Thanks so very much Grimble for your assistance !

While I was unable to get mutiple OCX to work on a single form ...
that was the clue I needed so badly!

What I ended up doing was making MDI child pages and placing the AW
wrapper OCX on each form.

I would have liked to do this on one form but I kept getting errors
even if I tried a control array or renaming the 3 controls. The array
kept giving compile errors while the renaming of the 3 controls would
log in but not return events.

I am sure as I recover from this massive headache that there is a much
more elegant solution.

Thanks for getting me pointed in the right direction ... I am so
appreciative !

Best as Always

Source code for RelayBot (long)

Feb 22, 2002, 1:43am
Hello all !

I am posting this code in hopes that it can be a source of information
for new people so they do not have to go thru the brain damage I did
to make a bot. It is not authorative and only partial code is here as
there are actually 3 bots but this is a start.

This includes ability to store/retrieve location data, use multiple
cit# and encrypt / decrypt passwords.

Please don't throw stones at me for code imperfections ... there
simply was no information available other than what very little I
could get from this NG.

This is Visual Basic

Best as always !



' *******************Formbot1******************

' RelayBot by Tacoguy
' Allows 3 Bots to enter any world in any location
' Parameters such as location and owner can be saved and restored
' The Bots listen to chat and send chat to the other 2 Bots
' This enables large areas of a world to be "chat enabled"
' 2 Cit#'s are allowed to avoid maximum Bots exceeded by the UniServer

Private Const BotName1 = "Relay1"
Private Const Application = "RelayBot"
Private Const Universe = "auth.activeworlds.com"
Private Const Port = 5670
Private Const MyYaw = 0
Public rc1 As Long
Public Bot1NS
Public Bot1WE
Public Bot2NS
Public Bot2WE
Public Bot3NS
Public Bot3WE

Private Sub Check1_Click()

'Checkbox if saving is enabled

Command4.Enabled = True
Check1.Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub Check2_Click()

If Check2.Value = 1 Then
NS3.Enabled = True
WE3.Enabled = True
ALT3.Enabled = True
AV3.Enabled = True
WLD3.Enabled = True
UseCit3.Enabled = True
Cit2.Enabled = True
Pass2.Enabled = True

End If

If Check2.Value = 0 Then
NS3.Enabled = False
WE3.Enabled = False
ALT3.Enabled = False
AV3.Enabled = False
WLD3.Enabled = False
UseCit3.Enabled = False
Cit2.Enabled = True
Pass2.Enabled = True
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Bot2on.Value = 0 'Tells other bots that Bot2 is off

Bot3on.Value = 0 'Tells other bots that Bot3 is off

Text16.Text = "Logging In Relay1"

'Instance 1

sdk.AwInit AW_BUILD ' Init the API

sdk.AwCreate Universe, Port ' Gets ready to log into the universe

'sdk.EnableDefaultEvents ' Allows the bot to receive events
sdk.AwEventSet AW_EVENT_CHAT

'All of these below set the login parameters

sdk.AwLoginApplication = Application

'Cit Used
If Formbot1.UseCit1 = "2" Then
sdk.AwLoginOwner = Cit2
sdk.AwLoginOwner = Cit
End If

'Pass Used
If Formbot1.UseCit1 = "2" Then
sdk.AwLoginPrivilegePassword = Pass2
sdk.AwLoginPrivilegePassword = Pass
End If

sdk.AwLoginName = BotName1

rc1 = sdk.AwLogin 'Performs the login

If rc1 = 0 Then
Text16.Text = "Relay1 is Logged in OK"
Text16.Text = (rc1 & ": " & sdk.RCLookUp(rc))
End If

sdk.AwEnter WLD1 'World 'This enters the world.

ns1a = Bot1NS * 1000
we1a = Bot1WE * 1000
ALT1A = ALT1 * 100

' The lines below specify the location of the bot within the world.
IF you ommit the lines here, the bot will still be in the world, only
invisible and will be limited to only a few functions.

sdk.AwMyType = AV1 'MyType
sdk.AwMyX = we1a 'MyX
sdk.AwMyY = ALT1A 'MyY
sdk.AwMyZ = ns1a 'MyZ
sdk.AwMyYaw = MyYaw

' Starts the aw wait timer

thisSession1 = sdk.AwSession()

timAwWait1.Interval = 1000
timAwWait1.Enabled = True


Command2.Enabled = True
Command5.Enabled = True
Command1.Enabled = False
Command2.Visible = True
Command5.Visible = True
Command1.Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub Command10_Click()

'This starts the bots

'makes sure there are no empty boxes

If NS1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter N/S value for Bot1"
GoTo NoData
ElseIf NS2.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter N/S value for Bot2"
GoTo NoData
ElseIf WE1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter W/E value for Bot1"
GoTo NoData
ElseIf WE2.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter W/E value for Bot2"
GoTo NoData
ElseIf ALT1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter Altitude value for Bot1"
GoTo NoData
ElseIf ALT2.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter Altitude value for Bot2"
GoTo NoData
ElseIf AV1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter Avatar value for Bot1"
GoTo NoData
ElseIf AV2.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter Avatar value for Bot2"
GoTo NoData
ElseIf WLD1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter World name for Bot1"
GoTo NoData
ElseIf WLD2.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter World name for Bot2"
GoTo NoData
ElseIf Cit.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter Cit #1"
GoTo NoData
ElseIf Pass.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter Priv Pass for Cit #1"
GoTo NoData
ElseIf Cit2.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter Cit #2"
GoTo NoData
ElseIf Pass2.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter Priv Pass for Cit #2"
GoTo NoData
End If

'bot 3 is enabled
If Check2.Value = 0 Then
GoTo Ready
End If

If NS3.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter N/S value for Bot3"
GoTo NoData
ElseIf WE3.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter W/E value for Bot3"
GoTo NoData
ElseIf ALT3.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter Altitude value for Bot3"
GoTo NoData
ElseIf AV3.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter Avatar value for Bot3"
GoTo NoData
ElseIf WLD3.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter World name for Bot3"
GoTo NoData
End If


Command1.Enabled = True
Command1.Value = True
'Command1.Visible = True
Command10.Visible = False
Check2.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

Text16.Text = "Logging In as Relay2"

'Instance 2

Load Formbot2

Command1.Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()

Text16.Text = "Logging In Relay3"

'Instance 3

Load Formbot3

End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()

sdk.AwSay Textin.Text

End Sub

Private Sub sdk_EventChat()

TextChat1.Text = vbNewLine & sdk.AwChatMessage

If sdk.AwAvatarName = "[Relay1]" Then
GoTo Ignore
End If
If sdk.AwAvatarName = "[Relay2]" Then
GoTo Ignore
End If
If sdk.AwAvatarName = "[Relay3]" Then
GoTo Ignore
End If

Command8.Value = False

If Bot2on.Value = 1 Then
Formbot2.Textin.Text = "{" & sdk.AwAvatarName & "}" & TextChat1.Text
Formbot2.Command1.Value = True
End If

If Formbot1.Bot3on.Value = 1 Then
Formbot3.Textin.Text = "{" & sdk.AwAvatarName & "}" & TextChat1.Text
Formbot3.Command1.Value = True
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

'We done and close things and reset for another round

Text16.Text = "All Relays have logged off"

timAwWait1.Enabled = False ' Stops the timers
Formbot2.timAwWait1.Enabled = False
Formbot3.timAwWait1.Enabled = False

sdk.AwTerm ' Kills the SDK

Unload Formbot3
Unload Formbot2

Command10.Visible = True
Command10.Enabled = True
Command2.Enabled = False
Command2.Visible = False
Command3.Visible = True
Command3.Enabled = True
Command5.Visible = False
Command7.Visible = False
Bot2on.Value = 0 'Tells other bots that Bot2 is off
Bot3on.Value = 0 'Tells other bots that Bot3 is off
Check2.Enabled = True

Text16.Text = "All Relays have logged off"

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

timAwWait1.Enabled = False ' Stops the timers

sdk.AwTerm ' Kills the SDK

Unload Formbot3
Unload Formbot2
Unload Formbot0
Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub timAwWait1_Timer()

sdk.AwWait 0

End Sub

Private Sub sdk_EventAvatarAdd()

'When another user enters the world....

sdk.AwWhisper sdk.AwAvatarSession, "Hi " & sdk.AwAvatarName & " !
I am RelayBot1"

End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

'Makes the file that saves data

'encrypt passwords

ePass = "rtutz" 'sets the encrypt pass

NewPass = EncryptText((Pass), ePass)

NewPass2 = EncryptText((Pass2), ePass)

Open "parameters.txt" For Output As #1

Print #1, Cit.Text
Print #1, NewPass
Print #1, Cit2.Text
Print #1, NewPass2
Print #1, WLD1.Text
Print #1, UseCit1.Text
Print #1, NS1.Text
Print #1, WE1.Text
Print #1, Int(ALT1.Text)
Print #1, AV1.Text
Print #1, WLD2.Text
Print #1, UseCit2.Text
Print #1, NS2.Text
Print #1, WE2.Text
Print #1, Int(ALT2.Text)
Print #1, AV2.Text
Print #1, WLD3.Text
Print #1, UseCit3.Text
Print #1, NS3.Text
Print #1, WE3.Text
Print #1, Int(ALT3.Text)
Print #1, AV3.Text
Print #1, Check2.Value

Close #1

End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()

'Gets the file that has the data

Open "parameters.txt" For Input As #1
Dim data

Do Until EOF(1)
Line Input #1, data
Cit.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
Pass.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
Cit2.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
Pass2.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
WLD1.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
UseCit1.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
NS1.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
WE1.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
ALT1.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
AV1.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
WLD2.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
UseCit2.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
NS2.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
WE2.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
ALT2.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
AV2.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
WLD3.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
UseCit3.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
NS3.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
WE3.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
ALT3.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
AV3.Text = data
Line Input #1, data
Check2.Value = data


Close #1

'decrypt passwords

ePass = "MYPASSHERE" 'sets the decrypt pass

Pass.Text = DecryptText((Pass), ePass)

Pass2.Text = DecryptText((Pass2), ePass)

' convert N/S and W/E coords to + and - values

Bot1NSA = NS1.Text
Bot2NSA = NS2.Text
Bot3NSA = NS3.Text
Bot1WEA = WE1.Text
Bot2WEA = WE2.Text
Bot3WEA = WE3.Text

Dim NSC As String

GoSub NSCalc
Bot1NS = NSC

GoSub NSCalc
Bot2NS = NSC

GoSub NSCalc
Bot3NS = NSC

GoTo ReadyWE

'Determine if N or S from string

x = InStr(NSC, "S")

If x > 0 Then
North = "-"
GoTo FoundN
End If

x = InStr(NSC, "s")

If x > 0 Then
North = "-"
GoTo FoundN
Else: North = ""
End If

'Strip the N/S away from the string


CleanN = Clean1(NSC)

'Make a new + / - string

NSC = North & CleanN



Dim WEC As String

GoSub WECalc
Bot1WE = WEC

GoSub WECalc
Bot2WE = WEC

GoSub WECalc
Bot3WE = WEC

GoTo CalcDone

'Determine if W or E from string

x = InStr(WEC, "E")

If x > 0 Then
West = "-"
GoTo FoundW
End If

x = InStr(WEC, "e")

If x > 0 Then
West = "-"
GoTo FoundW
Else: West = ""
End If

'Strip the W/E away from the string

cleanW = Clean(WEC)

'Make a new + / - string

WEC = West & cleanW



Command3.Visible = False

End Sub

'Encrypt passwords
Private Function EncryptText(strText As String, ByVal strPwd As
Dim i As Integer, c As Integer
Dim strBuff As String


'Convert password to upper case
'if not case-sensitive
strPwd = UCase$(strPwd)

#End If

'Encrypt string
If Len(strPwd) Then
For i = 1 To Len(strText)
c = Asc(Mid$(strText, i, 1))
c = c + Asc(Mid$(strPwd, (i Mod Len(strPwd)) + 1, 1))
strBuff = strBuff & Chr$(c And &HFF)
Next i
strBuff = strText
End If
EncryptText = strBuff
End Function

'Decrypt passwords
Private Function DecryptText(strText As String, ByVal strPwd As
Dim i As Integer, c As Integer
Dim strBuff As String

'Convert password to upper case
'if not case-sensitive
strPwd = UCase$(strPwd)

'Decrypt string
If Len(strPwd) Then
For i = 1 To Len(strText)
c = Asc(Mid$(strText, i, 1))
c = c - Asc(Mid$(strPwd, (i Mod Len(strPwd)) + 1, 1))
strBuff = strBuff & Chr$(c And &HFF)
Next i
strBuff = strText
End If
DecryptText = strBuff
End Function

Public Function Clean(WEC As String) As String
Dim nLength As Integer
Dim nStart As Integer
Dim sOne As String
Dim sNoWay As String
sNoWay = " ',-.()!_$*<>/\?;:=+NnSsWwEe"

If Not IsNull(WEC) Then
nLength = Len(WEC)
nStart = 1
Do While nStart <= nLength
sOne = Mid(WEC, nStart, 1)
If InStr(1, sNoWay, sOne, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Clean = Clean & sOne
End If
nStart = nStart + 1
End If
End Function

Public Function Clean1(NSC As String) As String
Dim nLength1 As Integer
Dim nStart1 As Integer
Dim sOne1 As String
Dim sNoWay1 As String
sNoWay1 = " ',-.()!_$*<>/\?;:=+NnSsWwEe"

If Not IsNull(NSC) Then
nLength1 = Len(NSC)
nStart1 = 1
Do While nStart1 <= nLength1
sOne1 = Mid(NSC, nStart1, 1)
If InStr(1, sNoWay1, sOne1, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Clean1 = Clean1 & sOne1
End If
nStart1 = nStart1 + 1
End If
End Function

Mulit - Universe capability of Relayer

Feb 26, 2002, 9:48pm
Hello All

I wish to announce version 4 of Relayer. This bot is similar to
PhoneBot but has significant enhancements.

It enables up to 3 bots to be logged into any World in 1 or 2
Universes of your choosing and enables extended chat.

It is extremely stable and allows saving and restoring of login

You can use 2 different Cit#s (required for multi - Universe) or
desired in some cases to avoid the "Bot Limit Exceeded" error.

It is free and you can see it at:

Best as always :-)


Releasing instances

Mar 18, 2002, 1:09am
Hello all

This is a VB question.

I want to thank all who have contributed to the TimerBot project!

I most particularly want to thank Grimble for getting me on the right
track to start with.

I am having a problem with multiple instances.

I can initiate multiple instances within the same API without problem.
The problem comes when I release an instance.

Any initiation of a new instance will pass events to an already
created instance !

I have tried everything I can think of in my exit handler for an
instance. I have even tried :


and it comes back to an already created (but not killed instance)
rather than a new one when recreated !

Any insight would be greatly appreciated :-)

Best as always


Multi - Universe capability of Relayer

Feb 26, 2002, 9:47pm
Hello All

I wish to announce version 4 of Relayer. This bot is similar to
PhoneBot but has significant enhancements.

It enables up to 3 bots to be logged into any World in 1 or 2
Universes of your choosing and enables extended chat.

It is extremely stable and allows saving and restoring of login

You can use 2 different Cit#s (required for multi - Universe) or
desired in some cases to avoid the "Bot Limit Exceeded" error.

It is free and you can see it at:

Best as always :-)


New bot by Tacoguy

Mar 6, 2002, 8:34pm
Hi all

I wish to announce my second Bot called TimerBot

It is designed to watch an area of any World in any Universe where you
have Bot privs.

The idea is to place the Bot high above an area to be watched so it is
not seen and it watches for avatars entering or exiting the area. What
it does is keeps track of the time that an avatar has been there by
reading the system clock for when the av enters and leaves. Times are
updated for each avatar in the area every 10 secs. It also pops up a
small window on top of all windows for 10 seconds and generates a
sound when an event occurs if notification is enabled. The different
sounds used for entering and leaving are included in the package. The
Bot does not announce it's presence and has no chat or whisper
functionality at all at this time. TimerBot completely ignores other

You can save / restore the Cit info and retrieved information for ease
of use and cumulative analysis of traffic in the area. The Priv.
password is hidden from view for your protection. Please note that the
file saved with the parameters DOES have the password encrypted as
well. It uses an algorithm that I developed several years ago that is
quite secure.

Please see http://www.jefftech.net/timerbot.html for further
information and free download.

Best as awways


New bot by Tacoguy

Mar 6, 2002, 9:17pm
[View Quote] I was thinking (after posting this) that TimerBot could have an
additional function. An intrusion logging mechanism that would be
quite easy to implement actually.

Here is the idea ... Timer would log chat in the area and save it to
an encrypted file using the same algorythm that I currently use that
can not be read by the person using the Bot but able to be read by
only PK's.

This could actually be a definitve source of untainted information to
resolve disputes.

Only PK's would have the password necessary to decrypt the chat file
that TimerBot has generated. The Bot has logged chat already and
tampering is impossible.

Any ideas here would be appreciated as the mechanism is in place to
very easily do this.

>Best as awways

New bot by Tacoguy

Mar 7, 2002, 9:39pm
Hello again

This is not intended to be an algotithm of 1024 Cypher strength. It is
intended to keep the usual abusers in AW and their victims honest.

Most typical (at least in my world) is a gang will invade (usually
teenaged boys) and make life hard for legitimate people.

This is intended to provide a mechanism to validate the event occured
and was not "doctored."

I did in fact develop such a mechanism in the form of 2 executable
files. TimerBot itself is now capable of storing an encrypted text
file of avatar events and chat events that includes local time/date
stamps. This file can only be read by the companion program unless you
are into crypto which is highly unlikely for AW users.

Rather than hand out passwords to PKs ... the decryption executable
has the same algorithm and password as the TimerBot itself.

I will never release source code for this.

If a user has an issue ... they can send the encrypted file to the PK
and the PK can decrypt with full confidence that the event did
actually occur.

Please see www.jefftech.net/timerbot.html for full details and

Best as always


New bot by Tacoguy

Mar 7, 2002, 10:55pm
Hi again

I was thinking about the posts about encrypt strength again. There is
absolutely no need to have a strong cypher as the data is intended to
be decrypted with minimal code.

What is needed for this application is the inability to modify the
encrypted string and there is a CRC checksum built into the string so
if it is modified ... decode will either fail altogether or it will
appear tampered in the Decrypt executable.

I am not giving away my secrets but trust me ... the security is more
than meets the eye here.

Best as awways


TimerBot and Relayer final release

Mar 16, 2002, 12:10am
Greets to all

Stable and debugged versions of TimerBot and Relayer are released
today after nearly 2 months of development.

Please let me please explain the purpose of each.


Relayer is an enhaced Phonebot that enables chat between different
Universes or different Worlds or simply to increase chat range in a


Timer is an ambitious project that can watch an area in a World. It
monitors all avatar and chat events and can save this activity with
time and date stamps to an encrypted file. There is a companion
program that can read this file.

The intention of Timer is ttwofold actually:

1) To keep a cumulative log of avatars entering and leaving the area
and time spent such as GZ of a World.

2) To generate a valid log file that can not be tampered with than can
be sent to PKs in case of disputes.


If you are interested in these projects ... they are both well
documented with screenshots too and you can download them at :




Best as always


What does it take?

Oct 11, 2001, 8:06pm
Hello all

I have been following the dialog of the issues that Insanity has
raised. I am a consutant for 4 ISPs and there have been numerous
E-Commerce issues I have addressed.

I fully concur that E-Mail is a wholly inadequate mechanism for credit
card transactions and that practice should be halted. It is completely
insecure and is vulnerable to snooping as well as spoofing.

I am appalled that AW would set up an online transaction where double
billing would or could occur. When setting up an E-Commerce site, you
test and retest and then test again till you are sure all is well ...
and you use SSL. These transactions must be secure !

I can not address the issues of "refunds to customers" related to
overbilling as I have no personal knowledge of that but I can say that
AW is getting very bad marks in my book for the way it treats their
customers. I have a wonderful example of "customer care".

The decision was made to buy my world. I contacted customer service
via E-Mail and asked what are the ramications of world purchase. I was
told all would be well ... no complications, the world would be
available in a minute or two. So I purchased the world only to find
that it was totally devoid of objects ! Desperate attempts to contact
AW resulted in a response some hours later that they had not saved
world contents !

Well as I have my own object path and world host ... I was totally
hosed ! Fortunately I had backed up the world with BuildBot and was
able to recover. I however was appalled at AW customer service telling
me all would be well when in fact all was lost !

So I fully concur with Insanity that there is something very wrong


Happy B'day Andras !

Oct 15, 2001, 7:49pm
I want to wish the happiest of birthdays to Andras ... a great guy and
a tremendous asset to the AW community ! I was fortunate enough to go
to his party where I saw old friends and met new ones alike. It is
wonderful to see many of the " people that make AW better " get
together and have fun. There is much that is good with AW and we have
to continue to look for the good side. In spite if the flame wars that
occur here ... there is the often overlooked (and taken for granted)
95% of the population that has fun in AW ! Not aware of underlying
issues perhaps ... but they have fun.

Best as always :-)

Test Post .. please ignore

Jan 19, 2002, 8:56pm
Testing new software.


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