
New bot by Tacoguy (Bots)

New bot by Tacoguy // Bots

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Mar 6, 2002, 8:34pm
Hi all

I wish to announce my second Bot called TimerBot

It is designed to watch an area of any World in any Universe where you
have Bot privs.

The idea is to place the Bot high above an area to be watched so it is
not seen and it watches for avatars entering or exiting the area. What
it does is keeps track of the time that an avatar has been there by
reading the system clock for when the av enters and leaves. Times are
updated for each avatar in the area every 10 secs. It also pops up a
small window on top of all windows for 10 seconds and generates a
sound when an event occurs if notification is enabled. The different
sounds used for entering and leaving are included in the package. The
Bot does not announce it's presence and has no chat or whisper
functionality at all at this time. TimerBot completely ignores other

You can save / restore the Cit info and retrieved information for ease
of use and cumulative analysis of traffic in the area. The Priv.
password is hidden from view for your protection. Please note that the
file saved with the parameters DOES have the password encrypted as
well. It uses an algorithm that I developed several years ago that is
quite secure.

Please see for further
information and free download.

Best as awways



Mar 6, 2002, 9:17pm
[View Quote] I was thinking (after posting this) that TimerBot could have an
additional function. An intrusion logging mechanism that would be
quite easy to implement actually.

Here is the idea ... Timer would log chat in the area and save it to
an encrypted file using the same algorythm that I currently use that
can not be read by the person using the Bot but able to be read by
only PK's.

This could actually be a definitve source of untainted information to
resolve disputes.

Only PK's would have the password necessary to decrypt the chat file
that TimerBot has generated. The Bot has logged chat already and
tampering is impossible.

Any ideas here would be appreciated as the mechanism is in place to
very easily do this.

>Best as awways


Mar 6, 2002, 9:32pm
Already been done with much more secure encryption.


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allen iverson

Mar 6, 2002, 10:11pm
Im getting an error in: Component AwSdkOcx.ocx it said it is invalid or

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Mar 7, 2002, 4:33am
Belevel me.. any encryption can be cracked with modern computers.. especaly
text based ones.. that are long and repedtive...

Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
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Mar 7, 2002, 1:04pm
u need to download the OCX thingy from then goto the aw
section, then to VB SDK and download the ocx control
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Mar 7, 2002, 3:55pm
the really good ones haven't really be cracked yet. The binary encryption
algorythms work pretty well, the only thing is how do you hide the key for
the encryption, because if you hardcode it it can be found, and it will be
pretty hard to achieve anything else if others are gonna be able to decrypt


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Mar 7, 2002, 9:39pm
Hello again

This is not intended to be an algotithm of 1024 Cypher strength. It is
intended to keep the usual abusers in AW and their victims honest.

Most typical (at least in my world) is a gang will invade (usually
teenaged boys) and make life hard for legitimate people.

This is intended to provide a mechanism to validate the event occured
and was not "doctored."

I did in fact develop such a mechanism in the form of 2 executable
files. TimerBot itself is now capable of storing an encrypted text
file of avatar events and chat events that includes local time/date
stamps. This file can only be read by the companion program unless you
are into crypto which is highly unlikely for AW users.

Rather than hand out passwords to PKs ... the decryption executable
has the same algorithm and password as the TimerBot itself.

I will never release source code for this.

If a user has an issue ... they can send the encrypted file to the PK
and the PK can decrypt with full confidence that the event did
actually occur.

Please see for full details and

Best as always



Mar 7, 2002, 10:55pm
Hi again

I was thinking about the posts about encrypt strength again. There is
absolutely no need to have a strong cypher as the data is intended to
be decrypted with minimal code.

What is needed for this application is the inability to modify the
encrypted string and there is a CRC checksum built into the string so
if it is modified ... decode will either fail altogether or it will
appear tampered in the Decrypt executable.

I am not giving away my secrets but trust me ... the security is more
than meets the eye here.

Best as awways



Apr 28, 2002, 4:51am
"It ... is quite secure."


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