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maka // User Search
maka // User SearchRe: ActiveWorldsBot build 44Sep 22, 2000, 12:18am
hi,where can i get the Tabct32.ocx , it says i need it to run activeworldbot
44 The end of an eraMay 31, 2002, 10:37am
Roland will be missed greatly, what we have as our AW now, is a very large
part of because he worked so hard to help everyone that asked him, to keep things running smoothly and to make our experience the best it could be. Id like to thank him for everything, thanks Roland, you'll be missed greatly, - Maka Paintball Bot HelpMay 30, 2002, 11:30pm
Im Maka, I am hosting Paintball Extreme for the AW Festival 2002. It will last the duration of the festival and will take up an ENTIRE PS-50, it will have a high user limit thansk to AWCOM for the duration of the festival. I have a slight problem though, the bot. Most paintball bots can handle 20 coords only, does anyone have, know of, or can make a bot that can handle an entire world (PS 50). I heard this could be done using the 3.3 SDK, is it possible. If you have to make it i may be able to give a citizenship away. Thanks a lot and i hope someone can help Maka The end of an eraMay 31, 2002, 10:37am
Roland will be missed greatly, what we have as our AW now, is a very large
part of because he worked so hard to help everyone that asked him, to keep things running smoothly and to make our experience the best it could be. Id like to thank him for everything, thanks Roland, you'll be missed greatly, - Maka Soccer BotJul 3, 2002, 12:24am
Im looking for a Soccer Ball Bot. Ive used Ima's ball bot but it doesnt keep score..and HamFon's doesnt work for me since it says "cannot find old element" not a programmer so do not know what that means, i did all correct though. So i am looking for a soccer ball bot..a ball bot that will react to run or seq button click, and that keeps score for 2 teams. Also if possible a ball AV..preferable soccer..will trade things for them, thanks Maka Re: TestOct 1, 2000, 8:58pm
NO ONE open the attachment on ditto's message "test" its the Happy99 Virus
MM FlashFeb 22, 2002, 7:25pm
That would be incredible..a little lag maybe? but not much im guessing. I
know its possible but everyone would have to have a flash player..unless they intergrated it w/ AW installation. In any case it'd be a great idea and i'd love to see it Support for Nvidia Stereo DriversJun 18, 2002, 10:59pm
i have the same video card as Lucio, a GEForce 3 and it would be great to
have AW work w/ Nvidia stereo drivers TerrainJun 19, 2002, 1:53pm
Hey there,
well i kow this is a huge longshot but this is the wishlist so here goes. How about making terrain editable out of world limits? it wouldnt lower world purchased because people would still need to buy a world to build beyond world limits. It would be nice to make worlds look nicer though Idea:fill gap between tourists and citizensJul 1, 2002, 1:27pm
I think that would be a good idea, will bring more people to AW cuz most
people dont spend that much time on AW (except the AWdicted..right wizard?) well i hope this can be done, Maka Paintball Bot ProblemsMay 30, 2002, 11:30pm
Im Maka, I am hosting Paintball Extreme for the AW Festival 2002. It will last the duration of the festival and will take up an ENTIRE PS-50, it will have a high user limit thansk to AWCOM for the duration of the festival. I have a slight problem though, the bot. Most paintball bots can handle 20 coords only, does anyone have, know of, or can make a bot that can handle an entire world (PS 50). I heard this could be done using the 3.3 SDK, is it possible. If you have to make it i may be able to give a citizenship away. Thanks a lot and i hope someone can help Maka Paintball Bot ProblemsMay 30, 2002, 11:55pm
Sorry bout that guys, went a little crazy with the posting :D) Just im
desperate right about now, hehe Maka ProtestJun 11, 2002, 5:05pm
*joins the protest*
yes C3PO should have an avatar! SAY IT LOUD YOURE A ROBOT AND YOURE PROUD - /end Pointless Post - AW Festival 2002Jun 15, 2002, 11:44am
Hello There :D)
The Active Worlds Anniversary Festival is approaching very quickly! It is June 28th-30th. If you have an event that you would like to host please email awec at asap :D) Thanks everyone, and i cant wait to see everyone there!! AW addictionJun 30, 2002, 3:17am
LOL that was priceless..
You receive a divorce letter in a aw telegram :D) Maka AW addictionJun 30, 2002, 3:17am
LOL that was priceless..
You receive a divorce letter in a aw telegram :D) Maka new password theif?Jul 24, 2002, 5:54pm
he also has a cit...gabriel batistuta...u know the great Argentinan soccer
player? AND THEN THERE WAS SILENCEMar 3, 2002, 1:10am
i may not know you, but ive heard much about alphabit phalpha and seen how she deals with people.There is NO way anoyone, especially Alpha, would laugh at AW losing a citizen or rejoice at a so called victory, because of a petty arguement. You should not have interupted the meeting but an apology is all that is necessary, no full blown "im gonan leave because of you..blah blah" guilt trip. Stay on AW, if you leave i am fairly sure you will be back. Furthermore comparing the holocaust to your problem is something not even I can tolerate. Whpo do you think you are? Certianly not a jest and "wonderful" AW citizen, if all you are going to do is whine do so somewhere else but if you want a 2nd chance everyone here im sure would give you it, Sincerely, Maka AWTeen Building Commitee Leader AWEC Research Manager olympic abominationsMar 13, 2002, 10:18pm
Ive been reading this topic for a while, if you need a logo i can make one. I am fluent in Truespace, Photoshop 6, Terragen and other 3d Programs and am willing to take some time to makea good logo :D) Maka -- AWTeen Building Commitee Leader Paintball Bot ProblemsMay 30, 2002, 11:30pm
Im Maka, I am hosting Paintball Extreme for the AW Festival 2002. It will last the duration of the festival and will take up an ENTIRE PS-50, it will have a high user limit thansk to AWCOM for the duration of the festival. I have a slight problem though, the bot. Most paintball bots can handle 20 coords only, does anyone have, know of, or can make a bot that can handle an entire world (PS 50). I heard this could be done using the 3.3 SDK, is it possible. If you have to make it i may be able to give a citizenship away. Thanks a lot and i hope someone can help Maka The end of an eraMay 31, 2002, 10:37am
Roland will be missed greatly, what we have as our AW now, is a very large
part of because he worked so hard to help everyone that asked him, to keep things running smoothly and to make our experience the best it could be. Id like to thank him for everything, thanks Roland, you'll be missed greatly, - Maka Weebette (1958 - 2002)Jun 8, 2002, 4:41pm
This is a sad day indeed, Webette was a wonderful person and she will be
missed by everyone. My deepest respects to all who knew her and were affected bu this, Maka [NG Survivor 2] Oh yes, it begins...Jul 2, 2002, 2:54am
Vote for me, for i will emerge victorious,
hey,you know me, you love me, choose me ;O) BTW: IM the ORIGINAL..maki took my name kinda :OP -Maka- The Real Maka [NG Survivor 2] The tribe has chosen...Jul 4, 2002, 3:11am
Dear NGS Diary,
Man i missed the 1st day..sorry but my comouter went insane..keyboard and mouse didnt work and the cd's didnt i got it back 2 normal and im hoping to met my team soon..i know some of them already,im sure we'll do fine on our challenges, well ill cya later, Maka [NG Survivor 2] 1st to go.../2nd week challengeJul 8, 2002, 1:32pm
Hey Everyone..minus pixelot,
hmm i wish i could say im sorry to see him leave..but considering i never really met him cuz he was never active..i wont :O). Web challenge..hmm *insert evil laugh here* well i ve got a few alliances, havnt been voted off yet and ppl like me i think, im in good shape. Well ill c ya soon, maka |