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fluxen // User Search*Yes* File-transfering is here! (Soon)Jan 13, 1999, 4:11pm
You said 'kwiz' --- I was referring to the following post of yours:
-- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] *Yes* File-transfering is here! (Soon)Jan 13, 1999, 4:12pm
The term gained international allure, you could say.
-- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] Re: *Yes* File-transfering is here! (Soon)Jan 13, 1999, 5:54am
Well, most lines of my sig start with "[". Microsoft newsreaders snip those
lines. This better? :) Maybe i'll keep it up.... but not very likely. -- Fluxen fluxen at ICQ: 11760568 dean2 at "The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from." -- Andy Tanenbaum [View Quote] Re: *Yes* File-transfering is here! (Soon)Jan 13, 1999, 4:10pm
Name: not necessary, my nick will do. But there's nothing wrong with signing
with one's name. E-mail address: a very useful resource to most people I guess. Not all readers display the full header. My ICQ# *could* be placed in the header, same for 2ndary e-mail, but as I said, not all readers show the headers, and most people don't actually read them even if they're shown. I like my ICQ# there so people actually see it. dean2 at, though listed as 2ndary address, is really my primary address, fluxen at is for those places where people call me fluxen. The quote necessary? No, not at all... but it's there for fun. -- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] I want joystick support! with programmable buttons, etc.! (nt)Jan 20, 1999, 9:02pm
Geez.... could you reply in the BODY of the msg pls!?
-- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] I want joystick support! with programmable buttons, etc.! (nt)Jan 21, 1999, 4:13pm
Under windows NT he means.
-- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] I want joystick support! with programmable buttons, etc.! (nt)Jan 22, 1999, 10:19am
Ishmael wants joystick support for NT.
-- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] I want joystick support! with programmable buttons, etc.! (nt)Jan 23, 1999, 7:32pm
You cannot get most joysticks to work under NT. Got it, sport?
-- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] I want joystick support! with programmable buttons, etc.! (nt)Jan 23, 1999, 7:32pm
Hehe... in a world like nascar... steering wheel support would be nice :)
-- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] I want joystick support! with programmable buttons, etc.! (nt)Jan 24, 1999, 12:04pm
Hehe, no, but I like the word.
-- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] I want joystick support! with programmable buttons, etc.! (nt)Jan 24, 1999, 9:40pm
And it's not even a flame... :)
-- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] I want joystick support! with programmable buttons, etc.! (nt)Jan 25, 1999, 9:21pm
'Sport' is better than 'punk' or even 'pimp'.
-- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] MarsJan 22, 1999, 10:20am
Hehe, you mean everone leaves when you enter? LOL ;-))
-- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] Multiple Object pathsJan 22, 1999, 9:16pm
No of course they're not! :)
-- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] better audio mixingJan 25, 1999, 9:21pm
If the updating isn't the problem, neither is the uploading.
-- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] better audio mixingJan 27, 1999, 9:31pm
Er..... if uploading is a waste of time, then ONLINE EDITING isn't? I think
online editing is worse than offline editing + uploading. And online editing really doesn't save time. It the time span changes, it's only because it takes longer... -- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] better audio mixingJan 27, 1999, 9:33pm
Yes, better just use the date as the version. Just don't crosspost (post it
just to wishlist) then.... :) -- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] better audio mixingJan 27, 1999, 9:34pm
Hehe.... time for a CVS project for AWFWWL? ;-)
-- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] better audio mixingJan 28, 1999, 6:41am
I once maintained a similar list. I called revisions, not versions. They
were called rev. X (mmddyy), e.g. rev 12 (140398). -- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] better audio mixingJan 28, 1999, 2:00pm
Hehe, it should be 031498 :)
-- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] better audio mixingJan 31, 1999, 1:38pm
Hehe... I love this thread :)
-- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] better audio mixingJan 31, 1999, 1:39pm
It's more like 5 out of 7 I think.
-- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] better audio mixingJan 31, 1999, 1:40pm
It's a dutchism.
>"Practice learns"? What kind of English is that? better audio mixingJan 31, 1999, 9:25pm
Excuse me for saying cubic, but I think the same yields for you...
-- Dean-Christian Strik ("Fluxen") -- dean2 at -- ICQ #11760568 "Real programmers like vending machine popcorn. Coders pop it in the microwave oven. Real programmers use the heat given off by the CPU. They can tell what job is running just by listening to the rate of popping." [View Quote] better audio mixingFeb 1, 1999, 4:06pm
"When you argue with a fool, chances are he is doing just the same."
(Unknown) -- Dean-Christian Strik ("Fluxen") -- dean2 at -- ICQ #11760568 "Real programmers like vending machine popcorn. Coders pop it in the microwave oven. Real programmers use the heat given off by the CPU. They can tell what job is running just by listening to the rate of popping." [View Quote] better audio mixingFeb 1, 1999, 9:08pm
No it doesn't, stupid. ":-)"
-- Dean-Christian Strik ("Fluxen") -- dean2 at -- ICQ #11760568 "Real programmers like vending machine popcorn. Coders pop it in the microwave oven. Real programmers use the heat given off by the CPU. They can tell what job is running just by listening to the rate of popping." [View Quote] audioJan 28, 1999, 6:42am
Eep² even isn't a programmer so just ignore him....
-- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] Re: The AW FWWL v2 is out!Jan 31, 1999, 2:57pm
Because it's a dutch server, smarty :)
"U bent bezoeker nummer" == "You are visitor number" -- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] Re: The AW FWWL v2 is out!Jan 31, 1999, 3:20pm
HOMEPAGES Dit is de nieuwe homepage van rokilo. U bent bezoeker nummer 14. WorldAccess(R) Stuur uw reacties naar de redactie van World Access: redactie at ---- HOMEPAGES This is the new homepage of rokilo. You are visitor number 14. WorldAccess(R) Send your reactions to the editors of World Access: redactie at ---- -- [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] [ fluxen at dean2 at ] The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum [View Quote] Re: The AW FWWL v2 is out!Jan 31, 1999, 7:09pm