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Adressed to all the caretakers !

Feb 13, 2002, 4:57am
[View Quote] ::::snip::::

I must interject .. at the risk of being argumentative, <and not meaning to
be mind you> I must say that the meeting <tho long over and a dead issue at
that> was originally a GK meeting.. PK's were invited last minute... and if
you read back a ways <header is Active Worlds and originates from tyberius
on 2/3/02, bodhitah's post is dated 2/4/02 at 5:21pm and is the second
reply to the original post.> , you'll see where the leak was.. someone
posted it in these newsgroups. The person that posted that .. no PK knows
who that person is..

So please, before you accuse.. do everyone right and be sure :)



Feb 5, 2002, 7:06pm
test message.. sorry, testing functionality



Feb 6, 2002, 1:27am
Thank you kindly :)


[View Quote]

Contact list bug

Jun 21, 2002, 5:56pm
There seems to be a bug in the contact list function 'Add new contact'.
Under normal operation it works fine. If I use a ppw, then switch back to
normal use, i am unable to add a new contact. the 'Add new contact' is
greyed out disallowing the addition of new names. If i restart the
browser, it's fine until i use a ppw again.

<btw i dont have access to post in beta so that's why i post this here>


Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 25, 2002, 10:09am
[View Quote] > Why're so people quick to judge other people judging because it conflicts
> with their views? Food for thought. ;)

because they're not getting their way
Only fight the battles you can win .. all other struggles are futile and
a waste of energy :)

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 25, 2002, 10:24am
I question the integrity of folks who can't stay on topic and have no
better thrill than to continuously and fruitlessly degrade their own
integrity by flaming others regardless of the person in question's
integrity .. isnt that like the pot calling the kettle black?

[View Quote] > Now you see, ambilvalent, why I question the integrity of those who support
> Insanity as an impartial and fair person to represent the entire community
> ... this individual has acted in more than just a fraudulent way ... he has
> acted unethically and immorally ... and Alpha thinks that makes him a
> credible and suitable judge of the community .... call my view dramatic if
> you like, but reality is this guy isnt fit to judge what colour the sky is.
> Glitter
[View Quote]

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 25, 2002, 6:19pm
much like this newsgroup. terrorism in a text format .. i can honestly
say there are more people doing attacking in these groups than
discussing and the other small percentage (the ones that present
reasonable issues and stay on topic) trying to defend themselves against
such said attacks..

Look at the subject.. RE: Cy Nomminations Officially Open! ..
posted by a respectable individual turned into a terrorist attack
against anyone who may have something decent to say.

take that any way you like
i'm done posting in this thread

[View Quote] > conflicts
> Not so ... you must always stand up for what you believe in. The USA for
> example is standing up against terrorism ... while they can sure put a big
> dent in terrorist activities (and I hope they do) they will never beat it
> (based on historical evidence of terrorism) ... while this may be
> politically incorrect to state, I'm sure most appreciate the reality. By
> your arguement the USA should just let terrorists do whatever they want ...
> not so ... you must always do the best you can even if you cant win a single
> battle ... how does it go ... "who cares if you lose the battle as long as
> you win the war" ... or "evil prospers while good men do nothing" ...
> Glitter

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 1:36am
by definition, a hate crime can be conducted to any person from any
person.. definition is as follows:


Chapter 265: Section 37. Violations of constitutional rights; punishment.

Section 37. No person, whether or not acting under color of law, shall
by force or threat of force, willfully injure, intimidate or interfere
with, or attempt to injure, intimidate or interfere with, or oppress or
threaten any other person in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right
or privilege secured to him by the constitution or laws of the
commonwealth or by the constitution or laws of the United States. Any
person convicted of violating this provision shall be fined not more
than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than one year or both;
and if bodily injury results, shall be punished by a fine of not more
than ten thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than ten
years, or both.

now this is taken from the state of Massachusetts, however it applies in
most every state as it is referencing the constitution.

note that it says 'any person' and 'by the consitution or laws of the
United States'
taken from : http://www.state.ma.us/legis/laws/mgl/265-37.htm

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 1:36am
see above post.. hate crimes are not against minorities.. they are
against all people and the laws are carried out accordingly

[View Quote] > Hey Lars...... in case you hadnt noticed...... I've got EVERY right to state my opinion here......
> dont like it ? filter me.....
> Btw.... already GOT an education..... and obviously one that taught me manners and self
> restraint..... attributes you obviously haven't mastered yet.......
> Ohh yeah... keep tossing those words "HATE CRIME" around.... Seems to me, I havent ever used any
> racially inflammatory words or insults.... nor any horrendous statements regarding your religious
> beliefs, Killed you cause I dont like white people, spray painted any swastikas on your door, or
> burned your church down...... ( in case YOU need an education, THOSE are "hate crimes", you know
> SOOO much about the law, or so you claim..... go look it up)
> I'm just stating my opinion here.... If I dont happen to like you, so be it..... last time I looked,
> there WAS no law that said i couldn't
> Filter me any time you so desire, if I'm so insignificant........

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 2:46am
i wasn't gonna type all that.. LoL ;)

[View Quote] > Good copy and paste job!
[View Quote]

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 2:47am
i looked it up primarily because i think that there was some confusion
between a hate crime and racism. I hope this has cleared things up


[View Quote] > good post .. at last people are reading the law :-)
[View Quote]

Adressed to all the caretakers !

Feb 13, 2002, 4:57am
[View Quote] ::::snip::::

I must interject .. at the risk of being argumentative, <and not meaning to
be mind you> I must say that the meeting <tho long over and a dead issue at
that> was originally a GK meeting.. PK's were invited last minute... and if
you read back a ways <header is Active Worlds and originates from tyberius
on 2/3/02, bodhitah's post is dated 2/4/02 at 5:21pm and is the second
reply to the original post.> , you'll see where the leak was.. someone
posted it in these newsgroups. The person that posted that .. no PK knows
who that person is..

So please, before you accuse.. do everyone right and be sure :)


Bug, maybe?

Feb 13, 2002, 2:23pm
After reinstalling, if you still have a problem with it email
support at activeworlds.com .. they might have suggestions for you. Be sure to
include what type of connection you have when you send your email


[View Quote]


Nov 19, 2005, 8:09pm
I understand your pain KRM .. OS was a long time friend of mine from the
time i immigrated as a matter of fact .. but when i was Managing AWR, it was
this type of behavior that ended my time at AWR and injured my friendship
with OS. and as Titania stated, there is no other place to vent about this
stuff.. if you try to talk to OS about these things, she acts innocent like
she doesn't know what you are talking about or acts like she didn't know
what she did was wrong. This is a ploy, don't buy into it.

OS has many redeemable qualities and can be a very good friend, however it's
this type of behavior that generally kills a good thing.
[View Quote] What I am talking about can be seen in AW at co-ords 8978.82S 1637.02E 0.37a
unless the PK's have her remove it I have screenshot here
This is what I really look like and she knows that

I have filed a complaint with the PK's to have it removed as its revolting
and discriminatory...

Many times she pulls the "woa is me" story to get sympathy from her
followers until such time they realize what a farce she truly is.

How low can a radio station be to advertise at someone's bday site

I have nothing against the other stations I do listen to them...
Tallan plays some of the best 80's music around. Goober is by far the best
Jazz DJ there is and Sparkles Radio has the best Country music there is.
There is nothing wrong with a lil competition it is good we even hang out
with AWR and attend their parties as they attend some of ours.

What OneSummer did she thought maybe be funny or whatever is in that twisted
lil mind I found offensive and disgusting hurtful and prejudiced as is her
way with AWVR. If you are not 100% with what they do then you are the enemy.
So many ppl have come forward telling us of the promises made by her and
never kept. (Example: Teen DJ program)

Don't let this woman fool you anymore wake up and see her for what she is as
many Cits and tourists before you have.

TY OneSummer for ruining what is supposed to a special day in my life.
Oh BTW this is not the first time she has done this. She has done it to
other cits as well.
As far as I am concerned we should all pray for OneSummer as the twisted
mind she has will only ensure her downfall.

I don't care what anyone else posts after this as its just my opinion.

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