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World Setting 'ambient' sound

Jan 29, 2004, 9:42pm
Sounds usefull. Would be good if you world is based on like a ship or
something, or just want to have enviromental sounds. Nice idea. Should
be easy to implament too.

Activate options

Jan 29, 2004, 9:48pm
I understand what you mean, about wanting it integrated. Using bots to
do this stuff is to slow. If the command went straight to the person's
browser, instead of to a bot to the world server then to the person.
Lots of stuff could be done better by integration (scripts anyone).

Full Screen AW Mode

Jan 29, 2004, 9:41pm
Could it be done? Just have at the bottom, the chat box and some basic
tool bar buttons. Maybe let you adjust the transparency of them. I think
it would be nice.

And maybe the ability to skin AW. This way no one can complain about
what AW looks like, because they can change the skin (IE 3.5). Just a
few thoughts.

Anthony's Rant for the year!

Sep 29, 2004, 12:08am
It's too late, bail out now. Like i did.

IceFlare Network

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Anthony's Rant for the year!

Sep 29, 2004, 12:43am
Rick, program?


IceFlare Network

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Community Liason

Oct 9, 2004, 1:44pm
Rick and JP are just milking AWI for all the money it's worth, the only
reason it remains around with as little staff as possible. They don't care
enough to expand it. AW is no longer about the community, no longer about a
dream to create a 3D version of the internet. It's just a money put that two
men wait at the bottom of for more people to throw money into. A lost cause.
AW is no longer what it was, and never will be least as long as
Rick and JP are still behind it.


(via Joe zip)

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Community Liason

Oct 9, 2004, 3:08pm
Sorry, but the truth is apparent.
They obviously don't care about the technology, or the community that it
encompasses. AW is no longer what it was.

Just pointing out a fact.


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Why not to use IE, and perfer Firefox..

Oct 10, 2004, 7:03pm
ryan you will always be a net n00b.

IceFlare Network

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Why not to use IE, and perfer Firefox..

Oct 10, 2004, 7:03pm
Quoted for truth.

IceFlare Network

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