
Can a bot let someone join him?? (Sdk)

Can a bot let someone join him?? // Sdk

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Feb 7, 2001, 8:46am

I want to make a bot that walks to a position and let a person join him
so the person stands in front of him. Is this possible, and how?? I work
in VB 5.0 can someone give me an example.



Feb 7, 2001, 3:19pm
Yes it is possible.. but there are the bad points in it..

Say you have a bot like this.. someone says /join or a trigger the bot
teleports them there.. bots don't show up on contact lists therefore they
will not be able to join like that..

the derek

Feb 8, 2001, 12:35am
the sdk doesnt allow joining

[View Quote] > Hi
> I want to make a bot that walks to a position and let a person join him
> so the person stands in front of him. Is this possible, and how?? I work
> in VB 5.0 can someone give me an example.
> Constructeur0

the derek

Feb 8, 2001, 2:56am
ok i think i misunderstood you...
are you trying to move people around? or actually JOIN them like on your
contact list?
bots cant JOIN or get joined... but can teleport people that are within 100
meters [hearing distance-whatever it is] of the bot

[View Quote] > Hi
> I want to make a bot that walks to a position and let a person join him
> so the person stands in front of him. Is this possible, and how?? I work
> in VB 5.0 can someone give me an example.
> Constructeur0


Feb 8, 2001, 3:09am
Actually derek any bot that can find someone can join them or have them join
it. It just takes a shitload of smart programming on the part of the bot's

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the derek

Feb 8, 2001, 3:11am
.... well theres no sdk function for it lets just leave it at that before someone
gets the bright idea of trying to explain how it would be done and create a 2
mile long post...

[View Quote] > Actually derek any bot that can find someone can join them or have them join
> it. It just takes a shitload of smart programming on the part of the bot's
> creator.
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Feb 8, 2001, 2:52pm
I think that the hearing range is 120 m. (12 coords in each direction). It's
possible to do that with AW 3.x users, you could even get networked bots
(like the Xelagot or the ones using the Bone network) to teleport you around
several worlds.

PS. Just tought of a way of teleporting 2.2 users and in worlds where you
don't have the right to use av warp:
make the bot drop a hidden teleport object on the ppl that want to join and
delete it after 5 seconds or something.

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Feb 8, 2001, 3:01pm
Just to make it clear - the hearing range is 200m (20 coords in each directions) 120m is the max visibility range.

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Feb 9, 2001, 4:03pm

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