citizen number 330000!!! (Community)

citizen number 330000!!! // Community

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Feb 17, 2001, 7:05pm
by coincidence, I just found out that the latest citizen to be registered
was RUzsomething cit# 329999!! that means that the next citizen registered
will be cit# 330000!!!!!!! That's a pretty big step for AW, I thinK! I've
got Cit#321213 and immigrated September 2000, this shows how many ppl that
register and that there's great interest for AW!!


john viper

Feb 17, 2001, 7:11pm
My citno is 296714 and I immigrated in March of 99
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crazy glue il

Feb 18, 2001, 3:17am
mines is 322662 and I immigrated Oct 14. 2000

We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:]
~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL
crazyglue3 at
Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them?
Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them?
That's is the question.
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agent fox mulder

Feb 18, 2001, 3:46am
Mine is 322440 its a new one i got in october....My old one i got in 97

agent fox mulder

Feb 18, 2001, 6:18pm
Then over night about 89 people registereed cause there is a cit 330089
named Diva2001


Feb 19, 2001, 8:47pm
my cit number is ... oh, nevermind

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Feb 19, 2001, 11:15pm
Lemme take a guess... Is it 12? :)


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Feb 20, 2001, 12:04am
Actually, Scred's is 1208. Mine is 92986 and I've been a citizen of AW
since 1995.


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Feb 22, 2001, 9:24pm
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That's funny, mine is 73686 and i've been a citizen of AW since May of 96,
how'd you manage getting a cit larger than mine, a year earlier? :) hehe



Feb 23, 2001, 7:02pm
Well, maybe I should've said I've been USING Active Worlds since 1995. I
just looked at my AW citizen information and it stated I immigrated on
Thursday, August 15, 1996. I still have the coordinates of my very first
house (or what resembles a house ;), but unfortunately it is in the NAC
account, which doesn't do much good. =P

Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting

[View Quote] > That's funny, mine is 73686 and i've been a citizen of AW since May of 96,
> how'd you manage getting a cit larger than mine, a year earlier? :) hehe
> -raiven-

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