Gender bash contest (General Discussion)

Gender bash contest // General Discussion

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elven princess

Dec 22, 2003, 2:10am
Ok here you go, bash away see how much you can offend, se if you can
create such a bad atmosphere that a suicide is emenant and you cna then
say you murdered someone but you weren't there. This is all I can see
from all these postes, to see who can bash who the most and not discuss
the real issues the AWGateway. Or even any other place in the AW
community. So have a happy and joyus christmas and may your holidays be
filled with cheer and happiness. Blessings all.

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Dec 22, 2003, 3:12am
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elven princess

Dec 22, 2003, 3:51am
because all these little children need something to bash people about,
otherwise what can they do for a life??
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bowen ten.sardna@newob

Dec 22, 2003, 4:23am
[View Quote] > Ok here you go, bash away see how much you can offend, se if you can
> create such a bad atmosphere that a suicide is emenant and you cna then
> say you murdered someone but you weren't there. This is all I can see
> from all these postes, to see who can bash who the most and not discuss
> the real issues the AWGateway. Or even any other place in the AW
> community. So have a happy and joyus christmas and may your holidays be
> filled with cheer and happiness. Blessings all.

I do hope so. I'm certainly good at making people commit suicide.
Anyways. I can cut off your male appendage for half the price an
operation would cost.

Give me ideajuice.


Dec 22, 2003, 4:36am
so You are osama bin laden? and You made mohammed atta fly the plane into
the building? O_O good job lol

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bowen ten.sardna@newob

Dec 22, 2003, 4:46am
[View Quote] > so You are osama bin laden? and You made mohammed atta fly the plane into
> the building? O_O good job lol

Yes, apparently I am.

Give me ideajuice.

elven princess

Dec 22, 2003, 8:42am
ha ha, and can you make it the required appendage or are you just a
person that is willing to make it so it's not even worth the time to be
human lol. Bash Bash Bash, anotehr mindless child that has but only the
time to tell others to live like they do so the world can be like them.
La la la la la laa/
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Dec 22, 2003, 11:29am
oh EP just shut the yap already.... AGAIN I will state, this has NEVER and
will NEVER be about who or what you are!!! But what you have done to a very
special person. You lied and deceived a man who knows no better, do you
UNDERSTAND just how special FF really is??? I could bring that into the
NG's, and I guarantee most of AW would be up at arms over what you have
done. If you have no clue as to WHAT im talking about, gram me and we will
talk.. otherwise I still perceive you to be a spiteful witch.. er uum
whatever... Keep putting up signs in AW trying to convince yourself and
everyone that "WE" did this to FF.. But as all of us know YOU are the one...
I have known FF for almost 4 years now.. I have been through many a dilemma
with him, and again I will get him through this with an understanding, he
did nothing wrong!!! it was YOU!
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