Re: Log Cabins (Wishlist)

Re: Log Cabins // Wishlist

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andras sarkozy

Aug 7, 1999, 5:27pm
Another correction:
You can't DISABLE the BI. You can only change the messages you got.

[View Quote] > Let me rephrase that.
> The messages for the BI live in local data files. If you so desire, you could change them and disable the BI from giving you messages.
> The BI is triggered by various error codes from the server, which keeps track of encroachment, etc.
> The BI is only existant as a nice way to print error messages. If you so desired you could change the data files for the AW browser so that it just said "ERROR 432: Encroachment."
> AW just decided that the BI would be a nicer way to do it.
> Sado
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