
Lowering A Lot of Terrain, Including Outside World Build Bounds (Bots)

Lowering A Lot of Terrain, Including Outside World Build Bounds // Bots

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Oct 13, 2002, 6:31am
My world is supposed ot be an island, and I want to use terrain for it.
I also want terrain as the ocean floor, spreading for a long way out past
the island's shore before it pops back up to the default 0 altitude (that
looks bad for an island that's supposed to be in the middle of nowhere). My
world is a P-40 and the island will use all that. Now I'm a bit picky about
wanting 0 altitude to be sea level, meaning the ocean floor would be below
that, about fifty meters at it's deepest. Does anyone know of a bot and how
to make that bot lower all my terain out to about maybe 150 cells from
ground zero, or would be willing to make such a bot for me? The texture
would be the default 0 and the default orientation; just the elevation needs
to be adjusted.

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Oct 13, 2002, 6:33am
Pressed the wrong key combo at the wrong time. Forgot to add...

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

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Oct 13, 2002, 11:12am
Dem2RWX can do it with a fully black bmp picture.

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Oct 13, 2002, 4:51pm
Yes, I've been fiddling with DEM2RWX. I downloaded Terragen too, so I
could have a bumpy ocean floor. I'm still trying to figure out how to get
the two to work reasonably together. I end up with a waaaayyyy too wildly
bumpy surface that has too much elevation difference between high and low,
in AW, no matter how much I flatten it out in Terragen. All seems to be
above 0 altitude too, even if it's all under 0 in Terragen. ("Level with
ground" is off.)
Also, I can only build out to 100nsew. Is there a way I can grab a
larger piece of the terrain model? There's plenty of it left over outside
the selected part.

Sorry for all my beginner's questions and troubles.

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Oct 13, 2002, 6:59pm
After you built with terragen you have to change the Vertical Scaling to your taste and use the Vertical Offset to move it under ground.
To make it bigger - just select a larger world (P200) or change the bound rectangle values. Terrain can extend way beyond your world's limit!


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Oct 13, 2002, 7:39pm
I got it well enough for now, thanks. I scaled the terrain down in
Terragen so much it was almost flat there, then I used a Xelagot to lower it
all to where I wanted, and the wall back up to 0 is at 192 cells out on all
I'll redo the ocean floor later, when I have more time. Right now I just
wanted it something half decent. I'm on a schedule here; I need the world
functional for my VR marriage in a little over a month.
Thanks for your help, Andras. Great program you have; I just gotta
figure out how to work it all. :)

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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.401 / Virus Database: 226 - Release Date: 10/09/2002


Oct 13, 2002, 10:53pm
I'm glad you like it. I apologize I did not mention XelaGot but I am not familiar with it. I know XelaG's bots are extremely powerful!


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Dec 31, 2002, 4:38pm
only a test to see if I can post....thanks

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