Seq help please... (Community)

Seq help please... // Community

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lady nighthawk

Oct 16, 2004, 1:10am
Is there a way to *loop* a seq so it doesn't stop but keeps repeating? I
mean the seq buttons, like for dances ... any way to have those loop without
having to hit the button over and over and over??? Help appreciated!



just in

Oct 17, 2004, 4:58am

There's a crude workaround - create a duplicate av and make the dance seq
the wait seq... then switch avs to keep dancing, switch back when you're
done dancing. You'll probably need to create an empty endwait seq to go
with it to avoid funny skips at the end of each loop.

~ J

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lady nighthawk

Oct 17, 2004, 8:58am
I already have endwait empty in the av dat, but then the av just stops in
the last position and you have to press the button to *dance again* ... is
there somewhere in the seq that calls for an endwait (besides what's seen in
the av dat file)? Perhaps removing that code right out of the seq itself
would do it? Or perhaps in the seq there's a way to tell the seq to loop? I
haven't actually looked at a seq file and I think it's encrypted right? Is
there a way to open a seq file in a text editor or other progy and see the
actual text? Thanks in advance...



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lady nighthawk

Oct 17, 2004, 9:01am
For that matter, what's the diff between the seqs at the top of an av dat
section, and the section below represented by buttons? Why can I have
endwait empty on the ones in the top section but not be able to have an
endwait for the ones in the bottom section? What would happen, for instance,
if I combined the lower *button section* with the top *automated section*?



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just in

Oct 17, 2004, 12:18pm
I haven't retested so my memory of things could be wrong...

The seqs between "beginimp" and "endimp" are standard and have specific
functions. This includes "wait" and "endwait". I think what I previously
said about an "empty" endwait was misleading - there needs to be something
in there or the wait seq won't loop.

To go over again my suggestion... Create a duplicate avatar-endavatar in
your avatar.dat and
make the wait=danceseq

For the endwait sequence I think you'll have to make one. You can do this
with Accutrans. Make the first frame the same as the last frame of your
dance seq, and make the last frame (say one second later) the same as the
first frame of your dance seq.

If that is too hard, gram me and I'll send you a standing still one second

~ Justin

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lady nighthawk

Oct 18, 2004, 4:52am
Indeed you lost me LOL ... send away please!



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