I'm Not Michael Jackson! (Community)

I'm Not Michael Jackson! // Community

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May 10, 2004, 1:54am
Oh please, you lie to everyone, even people you claim are your friends. I'm
not sure if you've noticed, but people learn from expierience, and nearly
everyone who has met you has agreed on the fact that you're a complete head
case. The internet is not a place to "play make believe", it is a form of
communication. It doesn't give you the right to make believe you're a chick
at others expenses. You really need to grow up and stop trying to be someone
you're not. People would like you a hell of a lot more if you were yourself
rather than some low life acting like a chick online to fulfill their
shallow little fantasy

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May 10, 2004, 8:59am
wtf are you kidding? The public internet isn't a place to "make believe"
just as well as a public building. In your own private little world no-one
cares wtf you do but out in public it will not be accepted. .sharon and AS
are kinda pushing this way too far over the edge, but you're not being too
helpful either. No-one still knows who you really are since you keep
changing every 3 days.

The internet is not a tool to 'play pretend', it is a tool to interconnect
countries and share information. You think the internet was invented for
your 'imaginitive' purposes and to be someone else?

We still don't have any hardcore proof from anyone that you've done anything
illegal, so I'm still not quite on anyone's side. (Even if you've had some
fights with a couple of people, I'm guessing there are tons of other people
who have gotten into fights as well...) I wouldn't reccomend giving them
anything they can use against you. I'd reccomend not posting on here if it's
relating to these topics. Just don't answer them. Starby solutions was a
great idea, if a post doesn't have to do with that topic than do not answer

[View Quote] > person I can be, but the rest of you, I am just an entertainer to keep AW
> talking about something lol so "humour" me lol your words are just shallow
> petty comments as that of a critic over a comedy show, because thats what
> is, why waste my time with trying to explain myself to people who actually
> backstabbed me in the first place, and people who have problems that they
> can only pick on internet ppl to appease them lol, I have REAL FRIENDS in
> who know me as I am, not as how I play to entertain AW and frankly
> care lol.
> So go ahead and give your two cents and stand your ground, but heres
> something you cant "stand on" its called "people dont care" notice its
> basically people putting in their petty words, nobody else cept Just In
> is such a good friend he would stand up for me, I mean seriously..
> If you want to make your comments about me, be my guest, but if you want
> know me, and if you want to know what the real Seiya is like, then get to
> know me and you can then form your own opinion~!


May 10, 2004, 2:19pm
well one thing is for sure seiya YOU got this right >>>>but Just In
nailed it in
saying if you want it i'll give it to you

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