What's new in 531? (Community)

What's new in 531? // Community

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Apr 10, 2004, 11:38am
It looks the same.


Apr 10, 2004, 12:33pm
Apart from the new graphics


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king small guy

Apr 10, 2004, 3:06pm
Take a look http://www.ksg.myftp.org/images/aw.JPG lol
[View Quote]


Apr 10, 2004, 3:23pm
Cell limits ;)



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.


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strike rapier

Apr 10, 2004, 4:15pm
Sweet feck what did you have the compression on for that JPG!?!?!?

- MR

[View Quote]


Apr 10, 2004, 4:28pm
Ahh yours is totally different, I wanted a serious answer.

[View Quote] > Take a look http://www.ksg.myftp.org/images/aw.JPG lol
[View Quote]

king small guy

Apr 10, 2004, 6:16pm
i dont no paint did it
[View Quote]


Apr 10, 2004, 6:57pm
I was told by someone that 3.5 will have bigger cell limits ;)



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.


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Apr 10, 2004, 7:55pm
Um, that isn't possible. That's because they don't usually added features in
beta. It is supposed to be pre-planned before going into open beta. I get
the impression from my history with Active Worlds in open beta from 2.0 or
2.1 (can't remember which one it was) to present 3.5 that new features are
never added during open beta and so it is probably a standard. I doubt they
will do implementing the feature of bigger cell data limit until next major
version (whether it be 3.6, 4.0, or whatever the next version it is). Once a
version goes into open beta, no more features will be added. Anyway, that's
the impression I get from my Active Worlds past.

A mafia guy working for Uncle Enzo...

"I think, therefore I am" - Rene Descartes,
17th-century French philosopher, Earth
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Apr 10, 2004, 10:29pm
3.5 browser 531, in combination with world server 64 and bots with the
new SDK 37, presents a few new options, which may not be apparent at
first glance.

1) if the universe server allows it, botgrams can be sent between bots
(has nothing to do with the browser or world server though, just
thought I'd mention this)

2) web pages in the browser allow to send a specific message to other
browsers and bots (the URLClick event). Very usefull for easily
developping web pages that can communicate with bots, passing on some
parameters and who clicked on the web page link.

3) special buttons can appear in the browser (at universe level)
allowing bots to receive certain message IDs. Useless at world level
because it is not customisable, bah.

4) a universe user list may be enabled, another universe dependent

5) many bug fixes and changes in the way the browser works have been
applied. Other bugs of course managed to creep in :)

6) in combination with 3.5 world servers (57 upwards), water under
terrain and a vertical offset for terrain can now be chosen in the
world options. This choice was already present in browser 525.

Hope I did not forget anyting :)


On 10 Apr 2004 08:38:30 -0500, "carlbanks"
[View Quote] >It looks the same.


Apr 10, 2004, 11:17pm
Yes it is.

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Apr 11, 2004, 9:36pm
Forgot new Mega cell limit. Now holds 5000 bytes.


[View Quote]


Apr 11, 2004, 10:32pm
Can you document where you got this info from? Xelagot is still
following the old system, that could crash the bot.


On 11 Apr 2004 18:36:46 -0500, "ep0ch" <deltawolf at deltawolf.com>
[View Quote] >Forgot new Mega cell limit. Now holds 5000 bytes.
[View Quote]


Apr 12, 2004, 9:55pm
So I was right? :)



:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.


[View Quote]


Apr 12, 2004, 10:43pm
You are always right. Only I don't know where. What are you talking


[View Quote] >So I was right? :)


Apr 13, 2004, 12:33am
[View Quote] [View Quote] ---------------------




:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.



Apr 13, 2004, 1:57am
The new cell limit was in world build 57 according to Alex, but recently
with the new 531 browser they have let it be an option with world builds
higher than 57.
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Apr 13, 2004, 11:25am
I was wrong with world build 57. That comes because the world itself
echoes an unadjusted value back in the world attributes. You can
actually set it to 20000 or more and it will appear to have accepted
it. Internally, the values are adjusted by the world server before
being used.

The first world server version that accepts the new Mega is build 62,
which is not in distribution. And by the way, the Mega limit used to
be higer than 5000, it was set in build 351 to 5000.

All of this is conveniently confusing :)


On 12 Apr 2004 22:57:38 -0500, "ep0ch" <deltawolf at deltawolf.com>
[View Quote] >The new cell limit was in world build 57 according to Alex, but recently
>with the new 531 browser they have let it be an option with world builds
>higher than 57.

starfleet starfleet

Apr 13, 2004, 11:37am
5000 is no difference compared to the current 4000, I'd had expected at
least 8000.

[View Quote]


Apr 13, 2004, 3:48pm
[View Quote] Yeah, I'd expect double or triple -- 12000 seems like a nice number. I
don't care about max packet length... write an algorithm to deal with it.

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