Re: bots & user/world counts (was Re: Forwarded Post) (Bots)
Re: bots & user/world counts (was Re: Forwarded Post) // Bots
Dec 19, 2000, 6:34pm
Syzygy, or Dennette, was working for AW at a time. I'm not sure, but if he
had AWLD's rights he could have had a bot check their citezen/world
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at> wrote in message news:3A3FC36F.17959DD3 at
> How can a bot tell the difference between a unique citizenship and
multiple accounts? How can it tell if a world is paid for?
> agent1 wrote:
investors to see ... this is part of a msg from 2000-11-17:
number of paying citizens and worlds ...
only 11,000 active (paying) Citizens, and less than 1,000 worlds generating
each year there's a fresh crop of newbies to pony-up 20 bucks for something
"kewl", so who cares if they renew after their first year? It's like that
acne cream ... it doesn't work, it never has, but there's always a new
generation to sucker with the promise of a cure. :-)
built by Citizens who expired over two years ago (like "elvis") and retain
their names so that people will *think* that there is a higher population
density ... there are objects in AW that have been around since 1995 that
still show the owner's name, even though they are Long Gone.
in case they come back a year later, see their stuff is still there, and
they can renew their citizenship with their old name and number." As if! :-)
income (assume that new citizens offset the ones who don't renew after their
first year) ... how many salaries (and how much rent) can they pay with
that? No, I don't think they'd want the public investors to see those
longer just cover up Bad News by getting rid of the person who found the
skeleton in the closet. :-)