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How do you code advanced whispers? (Sdk)
How do you code advanced whispers? // SdkbarbarossaMay 18, 2001, 6:16pm
:All Avid Users of AW,
I have A simple AFK bot up ready for the web upload stage, ut I'd like to add another feature to it. The following scenario is what I need to occur: User selects name of afk person from the list of AFK people, in the UI. That name is stored under List1.Text. Then, the user enters their whisper message in the approatly named text box, & clicks the command button captioned "whisper". The text of the text box is then stored in a vairable, & the text from that vairable is whispered to the person , who's name is stored in the list1.text vairable. I have tried using the following code, but all I get is a type mismatch error. I assume that this is because the whisper command needs to send an avatar session (integer/long vairable) to ustilize as a target for the whisper. Can anyone PLEASE help me out here? Sincerly A Distressed Programmer, Barbarossa (315942) Feel Free To Telegram me! Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim recieve As String Dim message As String message = Text1.Text recieve = List1.Text sdk.AwWhisper recieve, message End Sub (Simple?, yeah, I know that it is but, hey simple can be better!) kahMay 18, 2001, 7:08pm
List1.text?? and if you store names only, you can't do it (whispers are sent
to session numbers). Brant released some code for making session tables a few days ago, check that out. and you have to use something like this if you want to retrieve a session # from a list: receive = List1.ListItem(List1.ListIndex) KAH PS. code NOT checked for correctness [View Quote] grimbleMay 18, 2001, 7:15pm
AwWhisper takes the SESSION number of the avatar and not its name. Its there
in black and purple-ish (sorry, I'm color blind when it comes to those colours) in the Activeworlds SDK documentation! ... The session number is a Long, and the avatar name is a String, hence the type mismatch. That error means there's something very simple wrong with your code ... you're assigning a value to a variable or passing to a function a value of the WRONG TYPE. What it doesn't mean is for you to wimp out and post in the newsgroup. I believe brant's classes allow you to do what you want ... it appears to say so on his web-site ... passing the name instead of the session number through the Avatar class. Grims. [View Quote] grimbleMay 18, 2001, 7:17pm
Only if he stored the session number in the list entry's item data in the
first place. Grims [View Quote] xelagMay 18, 2001, 7:57pm
hey grimble,
this is exactly what I was talking about in 'Re:What a chance...': you don't need to abuse people for asking questions, even if you think you are an expert! Barbarossa's question is quite legitimate and, even if it is in the AW SDK help files, unless you are very used to the style there, it can be quite confusing: he has all the right to post his question here :) XelaG [View Quote] grimbleMay 18, 2001, 9:18pm
Here.... take this. Here's what you want ... a basic application to
add/remove avatars from a list box when they arrive/leave. Note the use of the ItemData property (a Long where we put the session number) and not the List property (a String containing the avatar's name). Double click the avatar's name to whisper a message to him/her. Read the code and adapt it to whatever you are trying to do. The code isn't the best in the world, but it was knocked up in 15 minutes! Giving people the answer .... geesh! No-one will ever learn for themselves and fully understand this way! Grims. [View Quote] begin 666 Basic Avatars ListBox M4$L#!!0````(`'T!LRI>MQE4W 8``,P8```I````0F%S:6, at 079A=&%R<R!, M:7-T0F]X($5X86UP;&4O9G)M36%I;BYF<FV]6&UO(C<0_AXI_\':DQ(B)8C7 MY*(J'Q;8ZZ$0H$!"<E6%##AAFV6]W36!J.I_[]C>%WO97=*[MI:2 at .?%\\R, M9\9YL$;C[J"/FN5*Y?AH,/^=+!BZ0<:?U_6K]J59JU]\^=QL7E2KG<;%=:55 MNZA4FI66V6 at TKNK67Y^JY<JGBO$3,LSIN',[:#_6R_#+.#YJD1?;10^M\A?J MK]&SO[[#\/WX""'4QAZSJ8NB=0,_AOF&&?8#U+,#UJ([9.WPVG.((24<F[CL M*[%?5BR2J-=J3878(\\L47=944 at 3ZBDGU1NJV-1>LE5,:S2O)+%GNZ\ at 9B]4 M$SF2JC1HO, .2>S1#1+$1+&N>0PHV;TWI($MG" D$3J=VNZ2; at /4(<]XXS#! M&_MP8J^)C_!6_A4T;F0,.3FG=A5"AY7 at SJ!;[E(_HTW7:^PN6QO&P"QOWG9H M0.*SVMA=$$?7=5$%NR?^AB1,&8$5>HR(1?%9S%(/78.R(=4;GQ-(>-YUEV2G MT3^$%Y82DIA^'9Y]T!TB;BW*4"%8SG7"$/#]".)JK1!P[7\"3+T/X*4GWK\` MMQ!O]3_!&Q4:9QZ5GB((M>;UCX2L\$XJLED(&O5Z%H2XX/;L>=G<CI>O at \6N M#D4"MHM+1.USH3FJ1V</Q ^4J'/Z9;-9OXP9K!V#,OJH,EPUJBGR4QX9\F?Q M.O2I%\1DI3R)7R9COCW?, )!F_7QF at "7$?83(T7^V:%S['"FL8<7G/,+= at *2 MXFK[! (^=_+H0Y\LR<+!\*>[!!Y9XC06:^=!55LF" at ;R<L"^8R]L*-_'1T/? MAL0BJ$W= at $&X1NW9X!9E+Q,:'W5?0%]E7_2^WWV +FW-O at [&DRS1,5 at FA TC M5W8X&&7*YA_;&_S<[<\&T[XUFG4[A:)9 at D-S/)X.1EF"!?9*67,X['7;YH0/ M)KFROVSLQ2OJ;-;K=V1ZGI'A\P=S8HYF8$5OSXR4,KS-E^^;=]:^N"[/J\D< MJLF$!&P/5*CG$66N`D^& at D\H<QT6_/:] at D_F]/L$)T_#'%]E)=IX,Y<%:V:] M09F0A=A<+DMGG(L+GH[( at OI+Q%8$84$^#9#+JP"40+[I at .,E:US(RZ"AR\A: MJH;:*/=Y69"<H>J 49_HF at ,2B'+G;M9SF+24,Q#8Y[\#B\TU+X$_?2H_L at ,? M2\E6GVQ%*S at #X+HQ8WE09 ]4.NZ, at [[I$(<PDKBG8Z^%=9!Z6L\)_:W#)=A? MK "03S<OJP08-'WDDS5]D[X0.-'6ACZ$W00M>L/.!JA_;+"#&!6L*6^Q%6;( M at 8XC#X1Q6;<- at at \-1_$8OS1MNG$9NDB:/$+)I^XS*F4Y6-&:Z]HS-%D1-]'% M5Z)K) "++-'5Z0+6SF8"B+).Y:[P'Z6>+I!\XR'M/LOO?;)CFB\.QEU,^C/Q M6[D,[16!D at =9*<(C0^"_$5^2(S=,,9A7.7 $?\S,>A2K=ZWKPIL$ at YTR$_ at at MP9,#,X87\CC"4S% 6X*VV&7ZL5P:VMRL==_M=722R. Q$63KP>I/9F&Y,#L? MY>Q8/6MBJ0D=CZAER^7=7.G&AY'?NP[''CYKX+IT749>B!\[(S)H0OSU`85Q M5LTZ<P>>E8M7_8)B-2V17-H%39C$?!.ON,.HL'5M-\4%B-\P-:^54VY2%[% M*I5>*SOP^'-4->0<&5^)XU!DH!/EE .>"U^9LY339'#0W6'Q, /2" at I2(TQU M3A<9O>67A?%[%J$4ERXOIX3PK>TX0G at .[R,;NA_/(MU)'9 at #?/J>SE?YAE24 MR]FR$*&424,4.;,=M5%J953^S(-U=XB1F.1B at F.2*BMY2]I4>JX/FF'>0/GN M at [92J" < at =.%>40\ZC-S:OD^]<5AD$S1,4;")S]9<3"$X0"6/X;"AK1Q;:B& M*D-DM& ;;%W(VYO49)O#S,- at .U 3AC at (MGP&N4E-MCF"X>U2AL<<1AA:(:8X M_#?0WN2;1B[EM5 (-26E9WW,XWSE>%UH-'36Y)ON?+Y.+:B;OKQ)U'>6.C5E MKN MJ5-YJMU^W'R^<B"(4XQ]=GUG'PI?ISVZB"Z"K&+[/!&:N_?'),R/17Q/ M"=]3$=^WA.];H3Z\532:TR+>R;NG9",?SP]Y1LIK at 8/ZP4A[A=T74CK;Y_YG M8>,K)W3*.1D!Y&M_-SN0?)V*LI=9Y=,KJOI\"O!AT at 44RC^ELGG313R+-ZL1 MY7-G at %.&R+P]];OZ.;>I:,XOM=X?`"_AGR%Z8?LX1\HV// 8'V#C<21N0G?! M"_\7F at &O11G)3[S]1[I.8!B VAQO17I at _U<Q)HCL&K5[E+[>>Z50[(S3?S/. MT=M\<#MPG7?(##Z)^H1M?!<\"*\2P6KLP?P;4$L#!!0````(`'T!LRI3`*X! MOP$``*T"```L````0F%S:6, at 079A=&%R<R!,:7-T0F]X($5X86UP;&4O079A M=&%R3&ES="YV8G!54DV/FS 0O4?B/T1P:2LE<H#L1RL.!$*+F at 2TI$DKY6) at MV/46V\B8;+:K_>^U at 6Y;#F;F/0\S[PW[YP:\]06,2<0%]2I!MYBPN7H;DSNH M0 `KP/MP^OR"$+*1ZZ"9"L8C^!,-CWOU:MES9"$K^' at ZQKLP.6:G[$>V7V]/ MF2R3&NRYK',KV:RG?B<YQ9)P9DR2_!$*Z;W<.M?!E6\[L^AFN9PM%J$[NT4K M6W58HI7ONNZULWZU%KK#IZE_S,*O2?#=F:O#F,0%9[T"<Y1 at &I-,8B&[YE\H MX)1B5CJV9ZILAREXIG_&ZN*&M%)!7Z!N`LXD7&0<>B8::AHU:5[#EI<P8%O\ MR,4!A+=0,6%#C+1E9](J46.J5<:L$$"!R1'+0)Q!9%W3<"$C4D.K447JNKX7 M>QX&.W)1EUQ=GFX()1+*<1A2]\;M]>I4:=)(1?_Z#XOPF8M4-24=305_)^E[ M#0=*P(' 4PAY=Q^SBFMPQ_V:X):P>YVM>,?*-GB XF?_<=6^JOG3&Q#5*2=, M_LW#^/"6?&-"ET,9I;U4O8#>M)[#4H(F!Z.DVL at 0[Q\$X#(%,?X(2/M[V74T M5U UL*UV^C=02P,$% ```` at ` at at &S*BF,MN<P````-0```"P```!"87-I8R!! M=F%T87)S($QI<W1";W at at 17AA;7!L92]!=F%T87),:7-T+G9B=TLKRO5-S,Q3 ML%4P-#324;"TT%&P,#;343 Q-=11<-91,#*"8',3H*"QN2E0D)<+`%!+`P0* M``````!CO[(J````````````````' at ```$)A<VEC($%V871A<G, at 3&ES=$)O M>"!%>&%M<&QE+U!+`0(4`!0````(`'T!LRI>MQE4W 8``,P8```I```````` M``$`( "V at 0````!"87-I8R!!=F%T87)S($QI<W1";W at at 17AA;7!L92]F<FU- M86EN+F9R;5!+`0(4`!0````(`'T!LRI3`*X!OP$``*T"```L``````````$` M( "V at 2,'``!"87-I8R!!=F%T87)S($QI<W1";W at at 17AA;7!L92]!=F%T87), M:7-T+G9B<%!+`0(4`!0````(`((!LRHIC+;G, ```#4````L``````````$` M( "V at 2P)``!"87-I8R!!=F%T87)S($QI<W1";W at at 17AA;7!L92]!=F%T87), M:7-T+G9B=U!+`0(4``H``````&._LBH````````````````>```````````` M$ #_0:8)``!"87-I8R!!=F%T87)S($QI<W1";W at at 17AA;7!L92]02P4&```` /``0`! !7`0``X at D````` ` end |