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Eliza Bot Sample

Feb 10, 1999, 5:43am
[View Quote] > There is a "Eliza" Psychotherapist bot in the rather small "nowhere" world
> at 100N 100W.
> It is based on the very first bot made (1966) , and is defined as an
> obnoxious chatterbot.
> Source code is available. It it does not crash, it should be there a
> while.

hehehehe...very clever. ..although, she didnt stand up to a Facter session all
that well . ..hehehehe

Eliza]: Please accept my greetings for all of us here Facter
Facter: hello
[Eliza]: Howdy.
Facter: what are you doing
[Eliza]: Why are you interested in whether or not I am doing
Facter: because i am
[Eliza]: Did you come to me because you are
Facter: no i wasnt
[Eliza]: Are you sure?
Facter: yes
[Eliza]: Why do you think so?
Facter: because the moon is a harsh mistress
[Eliza]: Don't any other reasons come to mind?
Facter: sometimes
[Eliza]: What does that suggest to you?
Facter: shut up
[Eliza]: I see.
Facter: bitch
[Eliza]: Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Facter: yes
[Eliza]: You seem quite positive.
Facter: she tastes good
[Eliza]: I am interested in your feelings about this person. Please describe
Facter: i want to eat fruit
[Eliza]: What would it mean to you if you got to eat fruit
Facter: it would be ecstacy
[Eliza]: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Facter: GOOD


Fletcher Andersen
Internet Advisor
Curtin Business School
Internet Support Group
ICQ UIN:888331
andersenf at cbs.curtin.edu.au

Backdrop change sample #1

Oct 15, 1998, 2:22am
looks kewl byte =) . .. we need to get this kind of thing into a GUI so
that alot of people can play with it inside windows. . .

I know what Ed is saying in his post (the one after this one "daiglogue
based. . ."), and to leave windows alone, and i can understand some of the
problems assiciated with it, but for pure usability, unless the little sdk
apps are imbedded into little GUI's, alot of people are , not through any
other reason, not goign to take too much of a look at them. For alto of
people, design is everything, sure they want it to work, but they also
want it to look good and act in the way a normal OS program works. . . ie,
most peoples OS's are windows based. . .

Anyone get what i mean ? Im not saying anything against simple apps that
jsut run through a dos command box etc etc blah blah, jstu raising the
issue of usability, which at this early stage, really shouldnt be thought
of much, but it's an issue that will come up =))

balh balh. . . im not a programmer, so im not sure if what im sayin makes
sense, but i've been avidly following this NG, as i belive that you guys
are all doing amazing jobs. . .

kudos to all of ya


[View Quote] > This here fixes a little thing in the password :)
> #include "aw.h"
> #include "stdio.h"
> #include "stdlib.h"
> /*login stuff*/
> /*this bot does not physically log into the world*/
> int b;
> int c;
> main (int argc)
> {
> int rc;
> if (rc = aw_init (AW_BUILD)) {
> printf ("Unable to initialize API (reason %d)\n", rc);
> exit (1);
> }
> if (rc = aw_create (0, 0, 0)) {
> printf ("Unable to create bot instance (reason %d)\n", rc);
> exit (1);
> }
> #define CIT_NUM 1
> #define PASS Secret
> printf ("Starting...\n");
> aw_int_set (AW_LOGIN_OWNER, CIT_NUM);
> aw_string_set (AW_LOGIN_APPLICATION, "Backdrop change example #1");
> aw_string_set (AW_LOGIN_NAME, "Backdrop");
> if (rc = aw_login ()) {
> printf ("Unable to login (reason %d)\n", rc);
> exit (1);
> }
> if (rc = aw_enter ("Beta", 0)) {
> printf ("Unable to enter world (reason %d)\n", rc);
> exit (1);
> }
> {
> /*what ground and backdrops to be used*/
> char* backdrop[] = {"fr-day", "fr-nit"};
> char* ground[] = {"frgrd-d", "frgrd-n"};
> b = 0;
> c = 0;
> /*what changes the backdrops*/
> do {
> printf ("Backdrop changed\n");
> aw_string_set (AW_WORLD_BACKDROP, backdrop[b]);
> aw_string_set (AW_WORLD_GROUND, ground[c]);
> aw_world_attributes_change ();
> b = (b == sizeof (backdrop) / sizeof (backdrop[0]) - 1) ? 0 : b + 1;
> c = (c == sizeof (ground) / sizeof (ground[0]) - 1) ? 0 : c + 1;
> }
> /*changes backdrop every hour*/
> while (!aw_wait (60 * 60 * 1000))
> ;
> aw_destroy ();
> aw_term ();
> return 0;
> }
> }

Backdrop change sample #1

Oct 15, 1998, 2:54am
yep, see, thats the kinda thing i meant. . . you could cram all the different
functions into one GUI, instead of having lots of little bits for it . . ie, you
could put bytes little bit of code, and ahve a backdrop function in it as well

mmm, the posibilites ARE endless =)


[View Quote] > I'm still planning on make a GUI bot program :) If Roland (or someone else
> that knows how to do what I want to do) posts an answer to my NG msg (dialog
> based one) I'm going to make a GUI bot program with options like able to
> change the welcome message, have it DJ with midis of the bot runners choice,
> and a lot of other things.
> PC Wizard (ICQ-537376)
> wizardry at home.com
> http://pcwizard.ml.org
[View Quote]

SDK apps tied to other programs ?

Oct 15, 1998, 2:49am
Okay, jstu something i was talking to about with someone else today, we
were talking about wishing there was Forte VFX VR helmet support for AW,
for that true cyberspace feel ( forte's are cheap cheap VR helmets for
about $300 US), that go us onto thinking about not being able to type
while we had it on . ..theenn, i started thinking "would it be possible
for AW to take data from one of the many (tho not by any means perfect)
voice to text proggies around via SDK functions ?

thats th jist really, can the SDK take data from an external program in
that way ? Im not sure if im getting this across properly. ... but hay,
oh well , im an idea kinda person =)


Simple error converter(13.8K): win32 app that asks for reason # and outputs the reason.

Nov 6, 1998, 4:14am
JW, you should put it into the SDK/APP library =3D)) . . ..Andras, you ha=
vea heap of files and little programs as well dont you ? how bout upload=
ing them nd entering them into the library ?? =3D))

Tryin to get the thing moving =3D)


[View Quote] > sh*t. thought i worked that out.
[View Quote]

SDK Library now the AW APP Resource library

Nov 6, 1998, 4:29am
A clarification. . .

The Resource library I think i might change to the AW APP Resoruce
library, as there is obvioulsy a need for a library of all the resources
that there is for AW. I know that they are covered on eeps site a bit,
but irt would be nice if *everything* was in the one place. Therefore,
if you have coded a program for AW, or know details on a program for AW,
or have a friend that did one, please goto


and enter your app's intot he database there. . There is even a file
upload facility that allows you to uplaod the application, beit a
building tool, modeller, general tool as such, so that there can be a
repository of all and any apps. . . .

You see, I'd do this sort of thing myself, like populating the database,
btu, i would prefer the peopel that did these apps to do it =)

This can be a great resource for anyone looking for app's or SDK
add-ons for the AW Software, you guys now just have to *use* it and add
to it. ..

The website will be updated sometime today to reflect the shift towards
a full AW App Resource Library.


Spy WB's Bot Department

Dec 4, 1998, 2:21am
[View Quote] > eh?Godzilla doesn't roam 24/7 ya know.he's Special5.rwx not a bot.I had
> a PS there let me take pics

Then what the hell does this have to do with the SDK ?

Post in awcommunity, not in here with that stuff.

Telegram Rediction To Email Address

Jul 31, 1998, 7:13pm
be nice if it could be re routed to icq via the ICQ web pager, which can be VERY
easily done

[View Quote] > Wew hundreds of emails to read....
> I'll hate that.
> Have you ever had your email adress caugth by spammers and on a mailing list
> ?
> Alex
> Eep² a écrit dans le message <35B61C2E.EB36CD86 at tnlc.com>...

Disk usage limit

Aug 4, 1998, 4:35am
hehehe...wait till Pollen re opens .. .hehehehe

[View Quote] > Umm, don't know when you were in A'tuin lately but my download there was 125
> megs using FAT32...sheesh...
> No limit setting...
[View Quote]

Avatar Submenus

Aug 16, 1998, 10:58pm
eeerrrr...thats actually a DAMn fine idea, i like it !!!!



[View Quote] > I was thinking why not have avatar submenus? so you can catgorize your
> avatars like
> Male
> Female
> Animal
> Robots
> and whatever the entry could look like this
> submenu
> name=Robots
> beginlist
> avatar
> name=R2Unit
> geometry=r2.rwx
> endavatar
> endlist
> endsubmenu


Oct 15, 1998, 2:34am
how about it ? not too hard =)


Custom AV?

Nov 10, 1998, 1:15am
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

.. . ..you know what the *sigh* is for .. . .



[View Quote] >
[View Quote] --------------2EB72733378BE2AB910E761E
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<B><FONT SIZE=+4>*sigh*</FONT></B>
<BR><FONT SIZE=-2>. . ..you know what the *sigh* is for .. . .</FONT><FONT SIZE=-2></FONT>
<P><B><FONT SIZE=+2>=(</FONT></B><FONT SIZE=-2></FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=-2>Fac.</FONT>
<BR><B><FONT SIZE=-2></FONT></B>&nbsp;
[View Quote] <P><BR>probably no one anymore. . ...i havnt seen ANY COF employee post
an article in the newsgroup for about 2 months now...and i think maybe
only Lucrezia has abnything to do with it really . ..&nbsp; besides roland
posting with a bug fix beta message, theres hasnt been squat from anyone
at COF. . . .
<P>i'd kind of like to raise this question (it was a post in wishlist),
and im hoping that the moderator doesnt find it too out of line.
<P>COF, where ARE you ?? We never see any posts, we have no word from you,
all we have is Lucrezia occasionally stating something in here, and her
doing the newsletter. And, sometimes we "get word" from Razzle (if your
a PK) as to something . ..&nbsp; but, for all intents and purposes, you
have no community presence anymore . . ..
<P>It's kind of sad, because I dont get it. Does this have to do with legal
issues, and, if so, why not jstu say so and be done with it ? We the citizens
*need* contact with the company, because otherwise you get so much rumour
mongering . ..and, also, to tell you the truth, contact with COF makes
things in AW a little more tangible. Ie, i ahvnt been into AW for ages,
basically because i have found it has grown very very stagnant. . ..something
like the BallBot tho might fix this . ..otherwise. . .well, i have to say
it, it has been damn boring in the worlds lately.
<P>Maybe it's jsut me, but i dunno .,. i hear alot of it . ..and mainly
it stems from the feeling that COF is letting things go in their community
interaction . ...and that people think to themselves, "well, if they wont
communicate with us, then why should we both trying to communicate anything
to them". . .
<P>I dunno . .. jsut musings really . .. Im feeling a bit sad about all
the stagnation lately i guess. .&nbsp; I go into the beta group, and theres
nothing .. . and i look in here and there more of the same . ...things
jsut dont seem to be progressing anywhere . ..



Simple error converter(13.8K): win32 app that asks for reason # and outputs the reason.

Nov 6, 1998, 4:14am
JW, you should put it into the SDK/APP library =3D)) . . ..Andras, you ha=
vea heap of files and little programs as well dont you ? how bout upload=
ing them nd entering them into the library ?? =3D))

Tryin to get the thing moving =3D)


[View Quote] > sh*t. thought i worked that out.
[View Quote]

Linux Browser

Feb 9, 1999, 12:12am
[View Quote] > Andras,
> Thanks for the info. Ill look into the Renderware situation.
> After posting yetserday, I found facter's post on running the AWB under
> WINE (the Windows emulator for Linux), and got it working partially.
> However, the side-panels dont work, nor do the menus (and i cant seem
> to get more than 16 or 256 colors, looks really awful.) I realise this
> isnt AW's fault, but it still leaves me hungry for a native version.
> Does anyone know where I could find info on the AWorld.ini format? If I
> knew how to change avatars, etc from this file some of the menus being
> inactive wouldnt be such a big deal.

At present, I have an Active Worlds thread goign on in the WINE newsgroup,
there is more info in there comp.emulators.ms-windows.wine

But, remember something . .. WINE is constantly being written, what didnt
work one week, will work the next. . . there are already people debuggin AW
and have tried it out . ..all sorts of things are being patched . .. in
time, and with our input into the matter, then we never know what will be
possible. . .programs like Starcraft work perfectly, ones like fiablo dont
work at all . . ..it is a mattewr of time, and us testing everything out. .

It would be great, if Roland would implement command line functions ala IRC,
then, we would even bother to use the menu. . . ie /t aw would teleport you
to AW etc etc .. ..this would be SUCH a simple feature for roalnd to
implement, as the commands are already in use within the program....

So, anyways, keep testing it . . ..the main thing is IT WORKS. . . .it can
only get better =)

> Thanks again.
> Merc
[View Quote] --

Linux Browser

Feb 9, 1999, 12:14am
ps - the side tabs DO work, they are clickable through the displaced render
screen =)

[View Quote] > Andras,
> Thanks for the info. Ill look into the Renderware situation.
> After posting yetserday, I found facter's post on running the AWB under
> WINE (the Windows emulator for Linux), and got it working partially.
> However, the side-panels dont work, nor do the menus (and i cant seem
> to get more than 16 or 256 colors, looks really awful.) I realise this
> isnt AW's fault, but it still leaves me hungry for a native version.
> Does anyone know where I could find info on the AWorld.ini format? If I
> knew how to change avatars, etc from this file some of the menus being
> inactive wouldnt be such a big deal.
> Thanks again.
> Merc
[View Quote]

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