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Bot to Protect Private Avs

Apr 15, 2005, 8:23pm
I'm not sure if I am crazy or just forgetful, or both, but I swear I saw
a bot in the past that protected private avatars, you would tell it what
avatars are private, give a list of citizen names that are allowed to
use them, and if someone else tries to use them they will either get
their avatar changed back to another, or warned then ejected?

I would use the 'Special' ones but I don't know how to put seqs on them??

Any help apprecated.

-Steve R o

Bot to Protect Private Avs

Apr 17, 2005, 11:07am
Interesting, I would have to try that. Also remove the * from PS in my
world too. haha.


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Andras' Tourist Guardian Bot -- Question

Apr 20, 2005, 5:26pm
Hey I was wondering about that Tourist Guardian Bot. Is it possible with
it to limit tourist builders to those who I only want to build in my
world, I want to be able to let a few tourist friends build in my world
but I don't want it to be open to everyone...

Maybe like before someone can get a priv pass I have to authorize it.

If this is not a feature, consider it a request?? Andras? :)




Apr 20, 2005, 6:59pm
me too!

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Apr 21, 2005, 6:54pm
I've gotten it to work in software mode, you have to manually set in the
aw.ini to software mode, I forget the video=? setting.. I've gotten it
to work perfectly but the only thing is that activeworlds does
simoultanious downloads to get all the objects to download, but WINE
doesn't like this. So I have to bounce a world like 10 times to get all
the objects to download.

It DOES WORK IN SOFTWARE MODE, It works quite good, BUT theres a few
things in WINE that need to be worked out for it to work.. Maybe filing
a bug report or so?

I'll tell you this, AW is the only thing that keeps windows on my laptop.

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Apr 26, 2005, 2:34am
I think he's a kid or something guys.. I'm not sure though.. He's popped
into my world a few times but I never really spoke to him.

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