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About My Capitals

Jan 17, 2001, 8:27pm
[View Quote] Blah, blah, blah. You've not said one single thing worth reading since
you arrived here, and now this crap. You're killfiled.

Doctor TOC
The Reverend Doctor "The Other Chris" - Wu Name: Jive Talkin' Choirboy
ICQ # 4814586
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Please! More Mars Objects

Mar 4, 1999, 3:49pm
When looking over the vast array of objects in Alpha World, I can't help
wondering why Mars has such a pitiful object catalogue. When was the
last time this world had any new objects? C'mon AW.COM, give Mars some
more objects!
There are no toilets or beds, only two tv screens and a deeply pathetic
number of sectional peices. It's not like new objects would need to be
nmade from scratch, as there are many likely candidates in Colony and
other worlds. And could we have some human objects as well? The human
figures available in Metatropolis add quite a bit of atmosphere - could
we have something similar on Mars? There are spacesuited figures on Moon
(okay, I know this is a private world, but you could ask nicely :D), as
well as a number of really great space related objects.
I'm pretty sure that the reason Mars is nearly always empty is that it
has such a limited object catalogue.

Doctor TOC
The Reverend Doctor "The Other Chris"
UIN # 4814586

AlphaWorld "Wishlist"

Mar 16, 1999, 6:26pm
[View Quote] Forget AW, it's got a ton of objects. What about Mars? Yes, I know I've
been banging on about this for ages but come on guys, it's been yonks
since any new objects were added to Mars. Some of the ones we've got
don't even work properly (like some of the signs). More objects for Mars
please, and the sooner the better!

Doctor TOC
The Reverend Doctor "The Other Chris"
UIN # 4814586

Re: Tranparency in Imported Images

Dec 8, 1999, 11:27am
[View Quote] Seconded. That'd be great.

Doctor TOC
The Reverend Doctor "The Other Chris"
ICQ # 4814586
Time War RPG -
The TOC Files -

Mars Wishlist

Jan 5, 2001, 7:34pm
Since Alpha World is up and down like a whore's drawers recently, I'll
confine my wish/grip list to Mars.

1. Please! More objects! Alpha World has objects out the wazoo, while
Mars has been starved of new objects for - literally - years! It's
getting beyond a joke now. It's not like there's a shortage of suitable
objects already in place in other Sci/Fi based worlds. How much work
would it be to make a few of them available to Mars?

2. What's with the reduced Mars avatar list in 3.0? This is supposed to
be an improvement?

3. "Not a Citizen"/Unused space tidy up. The situation is getting stupid
here. There are vast - and I do mean vast - tracts of land that have
been taken up by idiots using landlocker that have remained untouched
since 1997. Many of these people are no longer citzens, and many of them
are simply never ever going to use that much space if they haven't
already in the three to four years that it's been since they claimed it.
What's more, many of these people marked their territory with the
landing pad tiles, making those areas an eyesore that ruins the
"atmosphere" of Mars for everyone else. Most of these people would
*never* notice if their land was freed up, and those that do should have
done something with it instead of leaving it alone. I've heard all the
arguments about "there's a lot of history" blah blah blah. Sorry,
doesn't cut it. If anyone from COF actually spent any time in Mars
they'd realise that a clean up is *desperately* needed.

Doctor TOC
The Reverend Doctor "The Other Chris" - Wu Name: Jive Talkin' Choirboy
ICQ # 4814586
Daleks! 3D -
Time War RPG - FAQ -
The TOC Files -


Dec 6, 1999, 1:34pm
[View Quote] Seconded. I *love* Mars, but the lack of variety in the available
objects is disheartening. Simply porting over some of the more "Sci fi"
objects in the other worlds would be a start. Even some basic objects
would be cool; there are no beds or even toilets on Mars!

Please AWCOM, I take your point that creating objects is harder than it
seems, but it's been a loooong time since Mars got new objects, and
folks seem to be losing interest in it as a result.


Doctor TOC
The Reverend Doctor "The Other Chris"
ICQ # 4814586
Time War RPG -
The TOC Files -

Re: clueless Roland as usual

Jan 12, 2001, 5:04pm
[View Quote] Wrong. Eep may be long on rant, short on tact and need some work on his
delivery, but he genuinely cares about AW and wants it to be more than
it is. He gets frustrated about the failure of the people running AW to
realise its true potential, and he's got no patience for idiots. He's a
damn sight brighter than the majority of people on these NG's, he's been
here longer, and he's actually gotten off his arse and attempted to do
something about the problems in AW instead of bleating into his keyboard
about how things suck. If you'd bothered to read his stuff instead of
dismissing him as a wierdo, you'd know that. What have *you* done for AW
and its users lately? We could do with more like him and a lot less like

Doctor TOC
The Reverend Doctor "The Other Chris" - Wu Name: Jive Talkin' Choirboy
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre
minds." ~Albert Einstein
ICQ # 4814586
Daleks! 3D -
Time War RPG - FAQ -
The TOC Files -

About My Capitals

Jan 17, 2001, 8:27pm
[View Quote] Blah, blah, blah. You've not said one single thing worth reading since
you arrived here, and now this crap. You're killfiled.

Doctor TOC
The Reverend Doctor "The Other Chris" - Wu Name: Jive Talkin' Choirboy
ICQ # 4814586
Daleks! 3D -
Time War RPG - FAQ -
The TOC Files -

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