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ahlanna // User Search

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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 13, 2002, 12:59am
Bad only if AW targets the gaming communities and not the chat
and modeling folks.

All screenshots of NWN I have seen so far showed fighting scenes,
I don't feel like fighting monsters while I chat so it isn't an
option for me.

Ok, yea we all love AW, no doubt here. Bots, Modeling, Building, SDK, etc
etc (drool). It's in it's niche already. But, look at these other games a
second hun, you're wrong about NWN and games like EQ as people most
certainly can and do chat without fighting monsters. 50k - 80k people
online in EQ every day (all freakin day except patch days lol), some are
just chatting and some are playing the game. Those games have their appeal
of being huge seemingly endless games with a massive chat program inside,
while the monthly cost is relatively low (EQ $12.95/mo vs AW $6.95/mo....
duh is it still $6.95? *checks*) Shoot, the chat options in EQ are awesome,
serverwide, channels, zone, group, guild... they even released a free
service called EQIM where you don't even need to be inside the game to chat
with your friends, have someone ingame create a channel...poof you got all
the chat you want.

(suddenly has image of Officers in Fortune 500 Co in High Elf av's holding
conference) Yes i see your point there ;o) but again, they have
inter-corporation email, real time chat, video, phones, etc.. why would they
add AW to the mix where their employees potentially could go for a half hour
romp through AW on company time? lol... it's hard enough for them to keep up
with monitoring employee email.

But, i too feel as if AW is lacking something. i'm not a programmer, i
don't make alot objects, i have practically built my brains out, played with
bots to the extent of my aptitude (limits of my flusteration). What is left
to do but chat? AW is a niche for those people that love to do these things.
There won't ever be thousands and thousands of people in AW at a given time
because there just arent that many people interested in spending their
recreation time programming or modeling and building....unless they expand
the niche to include the gamers somehow too.

Guess it's AW's future vision that determines whether or not the community
grows from the releases of "new" technology. Seems to me they already have
their core subscribers now, "the programmers and modeling folks".

'Crack' me up AW

Dec 12, 2002, 4:55pm
if i remember correctly some of the older objects are a bit off size and
dont line up perfectly.... happens to my "not so lesser" computer too ;o)

Second Life? What happened to the First one?

Dec 12, 2002, 11:25pm
Quote: now it looks like a SimsOnline with 3D knockoff. (Which BTW , I did
try as a beta, not worth
the 1.2 gig download IMO)

Hey guys...
er uhm.. i read that as he downloaded SimsOnline Beta that is available now
at 1.2 gig download (ack)

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