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lord caspian // User Search
lord caspian // User SearchWherefore Art Thou, Protagonist?Jan 9, 2001, 3:56am
God man! May I say LET THE FLAMES FLY! For not caring about the whole
damned situation, you sure very defensive on your side mister datedman. If you don't care, please don't bring your conflict back in here; we have enough of it without people coming in here to stir up more of it. By the way, you should have learned one thing from Cof man. They usually never fufill their end of the bargain, you should not have held any high hopes. But HEY! Why worry about what cof promised you? Remember, you did do this shotty program in three weeks (in his spare time). So give it up and stop flaming. Lord Caspian akA Poseidon |