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What's up with all the Gor worlds?

Jun 6, 2000, 1:08pm
I have had Goreans come into my world and order their * ahem* "women" around.
At which point I told them to get out of my world and leave their Gorean beliefs
to their own.
The fact that some ppl take AW's virtual experience too far. Then to have brain
washed ppl believing this Gor role playing ( which I was told once they practice
outside of AW as well) is awful, especially the portrayal of Slaves and the way
the treat their Women with very lil regard or respect. Luring vulnerable women
who need affecting online into their roles. Then when they realize the are being
used badly, are left emotionally scarred and ostracized by their peers.

Each to their own, but certainly not for me, or my Worlds.

[View Quote] > "Tal So-And-So" is the Gorean greeting used when addressing other Masters
> and Mistresses or "free" people. It does not apply when greeting a slave...
> in which case the word used is "Greetings so-and-so".
> They way their bots figure out whether to greet with "Tal" or "Greetings" is
> by whether your nick is capitalised or not. Slaves most use a lower case
> letter to begin their nick.
> There is no short explanation about Gorean lifestyle... it takes a while to
> understand it, longer to get use to it, and even longer to figure out
> whether its good to be part of or not. The downside of that is for some
> people who lack control skills and are easily led - they may find themselves
> in situations that they do not want to be part of with no way to get
> themselves out. In this respect, it is very much "cult-like". Procede with
> much caution. And if you do get involved, be prepared for an emotional
> roller-coaster ride.
> Regards, Justin
[View Quote]

What's up with all the Gor worlds?

Jun 10, 2000, 8:06pm
Well it was certainly bound to happen. but upon reading the article, if this man has
done this, he may have been killing long bfore the internet.
Its little surpass that predators of killing nature have found their way to the weak on
the Net.
Despite all the slag being slung at the Gor Worlds, i don't think this monster can be
accountable for all their acts.
The Gorean "way" might have just been the tool he needed to pray upon weaker or nieve
AW allows ppl and the net at that, allows ppl to be whatever they want. In fact a
recent poll came up with that a good % of men liked to roll play as women.

we must all be wary, not paranoid, but watchful of who we meet, who we get to know.
Roll playing without knowing our "master" might be more dangerous than we know.

Play safe everyone


[View Quote] > <393e50e6 at> <3940f4fb$1 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Path:
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
> Date: 9 Jun 2000 14:47:52 -0400
> X-Trace: 9 Jun 2000 14:47:52 -0400,
> Lines: 112
> X-Authenticated-User: wing
> X-RCPT-TO: <moderator at>
> X-UIDL: 957
> Status: R
> I saw that on the news this mornin. Anyone know of a cit named Slave Master? *loads
> up aw and tries to add him to contax* Unless AWCI cancelled his citship, or he goes
> by a diff name on aw, the killer guy doesnt render among us. However, one of his
> many victims very well may have been.
> Enuff scary crap,
> --Wing
> Citizen 305004
> Wing 'n Jess 4eva
[View Quote]

What's up with all the Gor worlds?

Jun 10, 2000, 8:31pm
<39416d2c$1 at> <3942bbfc at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Date: 10 Jun 2000 18:14:57 -0400
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Lines: 153
X-Authenticated-User: zero
X-RCPT-TO: <moderator at>
X-UIDL: 970
Status: U

I read and found some articles on this subject by searching on and looking for
Kansas City newspapers.
it appears to be true, although i found No mention anywhere of AW specifically.
Also this person is in custody at this time.

[View Quote] > Well it was certainly bound to happen. but upon reading the article, if this man has
> done this, he may have been killing long bfore the internet.
> Its little surpass that predators of killing nature have found their way to the weak on
> the Net.
> Despite all the slag being slung at the Gor Worlds, i don't think this monster can be
> accountable for all their acts.
> The Gorean "way" might have just been the tool he needed to pray upon weaker or nieve
> women.
> AW allows ppl and the net at that, allows ppl to be whatever they want. In fact a
> recent poll came up with that a good % of men liked to roll play as women.
> we must all be wary, not paranoid, but watchful of who we meet, who we get to know.
> Roll playing without knowing our "master" might be more dangerous than we know.
> Play safe everyone
> Z!
[View Quote]

What's up with all the Gor worlds?

Jun 11, 2000, 7:45pm
shhhesh y'all aint got research skills!

One of many stories.
go to any Search engine and type in Kansas News.... and your bound to hit upon something.
Again as i mentioned above, no word on this person being part of AW.


[View Quote] > <39416d2c$1 at> <3942bbfc at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Path:
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
> Date: 10 Jun 2000 21:51:12 -0400
> X-Trace: 10 Jun 2000 21:51:12 -0400,
> Lines: 24
> X-Authenticated-User: eep
> X-RCPT-TO: <moderator at>
> X-UIDL: 972
> Status: U
[View Quote]

What's up with all the Gor worlds?

Jun 12, 2000, 6:39pm
I can say GOR is not for me. and as you say, "For many the Gorean way is their
only escape to balance out their unbalanced
lives. Corporate directors in the real world can come be a virtual slave to
relieve their stress"
This is the the part that , Some, and not All, but some take advantage of
I dont know if this is the "balance" some ppl need in their lives. Or the
correct therapy for it.
As for "slaves" not being able to unslave themselves. In VR, this is reminicent
of being in the Hells Angels or MOB and not being able to leave.
I assume this means that if I wanted to leave GOR... I need permission... If I
am not granted said permission what happens?

I dont know, if ppl dont have "balance" they should seek counsel, not

VR is proving itself in allot of areas, not just GOR as a place to be taken
advantage of.

I have already known of two "friends" who have faked deaths.

and i know this is NOT fake. But we need to be Aware.


[View Quote] > Gor is far more prevelant on IRC than AW.
> As I said before on this issue, Gorean roleplay and/or lifestyle is fine for
> adults provided they know how and when to click the little black "x" in the
> top right corner. I, like most, grieve and are shocked about the death of
> faithh - but Gor did not kill her. An insane murderer killed her.
> For many the Gorean way is their only escape to balance out their unbalanced
> lives. Corporate directors in the real world can come be a virtual slave to
> relieve their stress. Those with no position or no control in real life can
> go to a Gor world and become a Master or Mistress. Personally I have found
> that the Gorean community to be the most closely knit and friendly of all of
> the AW communities. If nothing else, it is an interesting adventure into
> human behaviour. I am not involved in their community because I prefer to
> do other things, and also do not agree with some things about it. My
> greatest disagreement is that those wishing to be "slaves" cannot "unslave"
> themselves without their Master's permission, and there is no enforcable
> appeal system.
> When going to meet a person in real life that they met on the net, you
> should take the minimal precaution of telling someone about it, and suggest
> the other do the same. Better still, just don't meet.
> Eep, to run an arguement of banning Gorean worlds because of one user's
> death would be similar to running an arguement of banning "shoot 'em" games
> because of school room shootings.
> Regarding the X rating worlds, I don't see a need for change. Adults should
> monitor their children on the internet, especially so with any chat
> programs. Adults monitor users coming into Gorean worlds and take action
> when underage users come in (sometimes they do this badly but that is a
> policy matter for them to control).
> Regards, Justin

What's up with all the Gor worlds?

Jun 14, 2000, 10:55am
It is not the nudity, it is the nature of "Taboo" content.
That young men or women not correctly understanding the role playing of such an
organization, and take it to heart is the problem.
No we cannot shelter children or anyone.
Slavery of any sort does not portray a good example of life. Especially when men
are enslaving women and commanding. Or vice versa.
Not saying we should all be politically correct, church going individuals.
Just that perhaps a better venue for GOR worlds would be in place.
Not saying exile. But if the Owner(s), group together they could make a GOR
Either way, I just dont visit them, its like music, or tv, if ya dont like it,
turn it off.
i dont know if americans are afraid of Nudity either.. they produce a helluva
lot of it!


[View Quote] > Hmm I find it weird that american people are so scared of nudity,the most
> natural thing in world,however, pornography is an other thing. At the same
> time it seems to be totally ok to shoot or beat up eachother starting from
> cartoons meant for small kids. Worst thing in the cartoons is ;nobody ever
> gets hurt.That makes kid belive it is totally ok to drive over the other
> with a truck/lorry,after beeing flat awhile he will rise up again.
> I am not gorean,but I have nothing against Gor,sending them to another
> universe is just moving the problem to another place (if there is a problem)
> What would prevent underage people from going there ? I agree with Eep that
> some kind of adultcheck would work much better.Porn sites have several types
> of age verifying systems also.But as we all know there is no way that is
> 100% safe..maybe take away the internet totally from your kids,take away the
> TV and lock them up in a closet (just remember to feed them once in a
> while),would protect them from all "bad".No , I more belive in upbringing
> and informing kids of what is right or wrong (ofcourse that varies between
> ppl) ,but teaching kids a healthy common sence and building up a trust that
> works both ways I think is best.
> Ocassionally Naked Drac ;-D
> Builderz kirjoitti viestissä <39463011 at>...
> may
> of a
> and
> excessive
> properties
> we
> Worlds, but
> reflect
> before
> solely
> Worlds.
> World.

What's up with all the Gor worlds?

Jun 23, 2000, 1:01am
well Although I have said and do Agree, that if you dont like it dont go,
AW does have content guidelines, and you may not do what ever you wish.

I just dont go there.
In sayin about their own universe, wasnt to get them out of this one, but was just to
say, if they all got one, then no one could say boo, about what they do.
They could chain and flogg women wall to wall.
Me i like my ... wait a second i wont go there.


[View Quote] > <3946b07e at> <394780b8$1 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> Path:
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
> Date: 18 Jun 2000 19:19:09 -0400
> X-Trace: 18 Jun 2000 19:19:09 -0400,
> Lines: 106
> X-Authenticated-User: mrstkyle
> X-RCPT-TO: <moderator at>
> X-UIDL: 1021
> Status: U
> Ya know this is the first time i've even tried to reply to something i've seen from
> the newsgroups.. and i'm not looking for an opinion back.. and although some of the
> points that have been made are good ones..Telling a select majority to create their
> own universe to me seems kind of harsh and foolish.. I'm not into Gor nor have i
> ever been.. but i also beleive in the freedom of speech.. and the right to conduct
> yourself in any way you see fit.. It's simple really.. Hey if you don't like Gor..
> well then.. don't go into a Gor World.. it's not like anyone is dragging you in
> there.. and making you take a look at what goes on.. and Yes although i do agree
> with maybe the treatment of controlling woman and what ever else may go on. Did
> anyone ever stop to think that if the woman didn't get a thrill from it and actually
> enjoy it.. then maybe they wouldn't be in there either.. I mean let's face it
> people.. some woman actually like it.. and so they enter their world and feel at
> home.. As Far as children go.. Well, i'm a mother of two .. and my oldest being 11
> soon.. all i can say is No i don't want you to see that.. not yet when she is still
> trying to be a child.. Sooo.. i make sure that if she ever does come online or enter
> into AW that i am right by her side.. Gee how simple is that.. to actually be with
> your child and watch over them while they are on the internet.. instead of blaming
> someone else becuase i didn't agree with their values or pleasures.. People pay for
> worlds that they own.. they have the right to have what ever theme and content they
> want too.. it's not real cheap.. and like i said.. no one is dragging anyone in
> there.. Oh well.. that's about it.. =)
> Shelly {MrsT}
[View Quote]

On the horizon

Jul 7, 2000, 11:43pm
The thing is gentlemen, is those are all RPG games. "Games" being the key word.
I don't ever recall AW calling it self a game or marketing or packaging itself as a game.
As far the graphics and all, well hell,it would be wonderful if, AW ran on a Quake III type engine. Or if AW would openly give anyone and everyone the source code to the Browser.
I think that AW should be above and beyond what it is now. But AWCOM isn't a Game Developer or Packaged and sold in a box.
Its a download able "VR" browser.

I don't see myself joining Never Winter Nights to build a nice lil city.
RPG Gams sure may look better, but their development is focused on something completely different.

Now if you are talking about one of these Production companies taking their technology and making a browser based on AW's idea, and we could build, and have all the similar AW functions as we do now, with the NWN graphics.

Then heck yeah.

But as for now, and as someone who works for a major game developer. i don't see any of those, as you put it, Competition.

There is no freedom in those game. Just hack and slash and fight the Ogres.


[View Quote] > Yup, it's happening all the time...each new 3D game that has a level editor with more and more integrative built-in features like 10six has and Neverwinter Nights and other games will have, it's only a matter of time before AW is obsolete. AWCI doesn't have much time to start focusing AW's development on gaming and level (world) editing before it is completely surpassed by a MUCH more developer- and resource-intense gaming company... I wonder when Rick and JP will start paying attention...
[View Quote]

On the horizon

Jul 9, 2000, 6:39pm
I am sorry gentlemen, its till isn't the same, Eep seems to think that everyone
will just go and pay like 40-60 some odd bucks for a boxed game, cause it looks
better than AW.
Most ppl in AW have probably never even hear dof most of these Games, and
chances are they wont.

Also with these type games, you are stuck to the original theme... EQ woodelves
(lol)... Vampire..(self explanatory), NWN ...( D&D type characters).
I am sure the option for the terrain and map editors would allow you to build a
Mars World or AW type world. But with AW not everyone has to be or have
knowledge in 3d creation.

I agree that AWCOM should and could push the gamut and if they had money to have
a development team, instead of one person ( I think), then they could look into
a convergence of some type of better engine then what is currently in use.

Its Apple and Oranges... If you want to go play or hang out in EQ, or Vamp, Or
NWN, in a custom made "map" go ahead.

Plain and simple... unless AW gets a considerable shot in the arm with some
major funding, then we will have to wait for this technology to expand.
Yes, it is cumbersome, but I believe sadly they do not have the resources anyhow
to pull off anything like you gentlemen are suggesting.

Who knows, maybe a Gaming company might see the potential in AW as an online
Chat program and buy AWCOM.

After all the internet is fast becoming the biggest form of communication and

[View Quote] > I think what they're trying to say isn't about the game or objective itself,
> but rather the worlds and their capabilities compared to AW. They're saying
> that world creating/editing in AW seems meager compared to what they have in
> such upcoming games, I believe. :) You're right though, AW isn't the same
> basis as NeverWinter Nights and such, and I think they should be considered
> different, but the fact is, we still have stiff competition on the VR Chat
> level and AW could do a lot more to be on the top. :)
> Nornny
[View Quote]


Jul 16, 2000, 3:40am
yeah America World has this problem too, its called corrupt "Employees" (if you
can call and virtual rent a cop that).
Give someone power and male or female their sexual organ grows, et voila! an ego
with an eject option.

Y2oOo (yes a plug, doesn't have over zealous, and ego inflated *ahem* volunteers.

Talk in piece there with the hassles of AW Pks, GKs , ABs CA's DC, EFG"s.

[View Quote] > oh..I don't think there are deaf ears anywhere in eject a tourist
> that has landed at gz in aw just for the simple reason their isp is not known
> or looks like someone elses or whatever the reasoning behind the almighty
> m0e's happy not reason enough to eject and does not follow the
> guidelines set by awcom. Noone desearves this treatment whether it really be
> xav or just an innocent mass lady . but as m0e says to me ..I am
> clueless...and is now calling me a liar ...thanks guys for the replies :)

Please <snip> where appropriate!

Jul 22, 2000, 4:09am
Leave 'em alone, they have work to do, unlike most of you who sit in this Newsgroup and AW
all day and night and base your meager lil lives around it.
Grow up

[View Quote] > Either way, it's a shallow attempt to make it look like they're paying
> attention. Why does this entity called ", Inc" have to
> post these things? Why can't Cryonics, ENZO, or even Lucrezia post it?
> Might actually make it a bit more believable!

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