Bedroom Scene

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Bedroom Scene // Work in Progress

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Post by robert // Sep 27, 2008, 10:58am

Total Posts: 609
Thanks Steinie, once I figure this out eventually I would like to be able to make the blankets and sheets sort of rumpled up as if someone just rolled out of bed and pushed them aside. I can only imagine what that would take.

I have a fairly simple solution to rumpled sheets like that, check out the pictures below.

0.Make a plane, make it double sided because we'll need it later. (I noticed halfway through:o that's why the first few are single sided)
1.Place a bunch of cloth fixation points kinda like this, maybe not as many.
2.Run the simulation and stop it at what looks like a good place.
3.Rotate the cloth to be kinda flat like this.
4.Tweak it to get it looking flat enough and then select all the outside faces and extrude them inward. (by outside I mean the ones on the bottom and the top of the fold sounds backwards I know) After you do that flip all the normals so they face the right direction.
5.Add some SDS and render, there you go folded and lived in.:D

There you have it, a bed cover that is moderately thick and believable where it looks like someone hasn't yet made the bed.

I should note that you'll want to try and get most texturing done beforehand.

Post by tahnoak // Sep 27, 2008, 11:06am

Total Posts: 487

Thank you for taking the time to demonstrate and explain this. I sincerely appreciate it. I have made some changes to the room. Decided I did not like windows on both sides so now they are on one side and I am installing a bathroom :)

More screenies later.. Kiddos are up from their nap so now it is family time.

Post by robert // Sep 27, 2008, 11:09am

Total Posts: 609
No problem,:D it is actually going to be more difficult than I made it look.:( Selecting the points and such is going to be trouble, use the soft selection tool so you don't get sharp edges. It will take a good 20 minutes or so of just tweaking so beware.:p

Post by tahnoak // Sep 27, 2008, 12:09pm

Total Posts: 487
No problem,:D it is actually going to be more difficult than I made it look.:( Selecting the points and such is going to be trouble, use the soft selection tool so you don't get sharp edges. It will take a good 20 minutes or so of just tweaking so beware.:p

Thanks for the tip. I actually find it relaxing....

Post by rjeff // Sep 28, 2008, 2:15am

Total Posts: 1260
Ahh kiddos getting up from a nap..sounds familar over here on my end as well. I have a 2 yr old a 7 week old. It is much harder to get any art done witht the 7 week old. I will be happy when she gets older and on a regular schedule.

Post by robert // Sep 28, 2008, 4:50am

Total Posts: 609
I should add that if you want the sheet draping over the sides of the bed, which I'm sure you will:p, then once you lay it flat you'll have to run physics again with the mattress underneath it before you sweep the faces. After that you just sweep the faces and flip the normals like before.

Post by tahnoak // Sep 28, 2008, 5:22am

Total Posts: 487
Ahh kiddos getting up from a nap..sounds familar over here on my end as well. I have a 2 yr old a 7 week old. It is much harder to get any art done witht the 7 week old. I will be happy when she gets older and on a regular schedule.


I know the feeling but thankfully I am at a good place right now in that the kiddos are now 15 months old (yes twins) but wait.... that's not all. I also have a 5 and an almost 4 year old but by 8:00 at night everyone is asleep and I have a little time to myself :banana:

Post by tahnoak // Sep 28, 2008, 5:23am

Total Posts: 487
I should add that if you want the sheet draping over the sides of the bed, which I'm sure you will:p, then once you lay it flat you'll have to run physics again with the mattress underneath it before you sweep the faces. After that you just sweep the faces and flip the normals like before.

Thanks good point. That is something that I had not considered.

Post by tahnoak // Sep 28, 2008, 6:31am

Total Posts: 487

Thank you for taking the time to demonstrate and explain this. I sincerely appreciate it. I have made some changes to the room. Decided I did not like windows on both sides so now they are on one side and I am installing a bathroom :)

More screenies later.. Kiddos are up from their nap so now it is family time.

Here is an update with the bedroom expansion, to include the bathroom, in progress. Obviously the sink needs some work and I need to add some accessories to the room.

I think in post production I will add some frost on the windows and maybe some steam on the mirror and coming from the bathroom. Sounds easy and might be, once I figure out how to do it.

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