tempest in an xteapot.rwx :-) (Community)

tempest in an xteapot.rwx :-) // Community

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Aug 3, 2001, 4:50pm
Hi Fac,

Lately I've noticed the Alphaworld welcome message is still mentioning the X objects. I understand that message to mean there have been rumors that ALL x objects are being removed. I've not received any telegrams or email with that kind of rumor . However, perhaps a sign I placed at my object yard was the inadvertent cause of your being flooded with emails and/or telegrams. If so, I'm sorry if people have misunderstood my sign at my object yard which says:

"We're losing many of the most useful X objects!!! :-((( Click here to see what's happening."

The click takes them to my X object yard at AW 23557.5N 23530.6W 0.2a where they land squarely in front of this sign:

"Objects listed below were available for awhile but were removed (or probably will be) because they can encroach. If you want to ask Facter to please fix them and put them back in, email him at: fletch at activeworlds.com
facter at activeworlds.com"

Under that statement, another sign lists the *specific* X objects that *have already been removed* since February (when you so kindly put them in for our use.) Another lists the specific X objects which are still available but are capable of encroaching.

The object names on both signs are the same ones I listed for you in my email to you on July 22.

I'm sorry, Fac, if your mailbox has filled up with messages from people who misunderstood my signs to be referring to ALL X objects in general. Each sign clearly was talking about *some* of the X objects - not ALL of them.

"many of the most useful"
"Objects listed below"
"These x objects were removed - need to be "fixed" and put back in:"
"These are capable of encroaching - need "fixing" BEFORE they get yanked too."

Fac, in one of your ng posts, you mentioned that the modellers at AWC will be working on fixing the encroachment problems when they can get to it. I fully understand the modellers have far more important things to work on than just fixing some X objects. I *personally* don't care one way or the other if we can use *any* X objects. (To me, just a handful of vertical borderless picture panels and more sizes of the horizontal pictwlkh.rwx would be far more useful in Alphaworld :-) However, I realize people have been building with some particular X objects that AWC later removed because of encroachment problems. Builders do get a tad upset when all of a sudden they can no longer use their favorite X object, especially if they were using it extensively.

You may have been getting telegrams about a rumor - I get tons of telegrams about fact: "WHY CAN'T I USE x___.rwx ANY MORE?" That's why I posted a sign about it at my object yard ... to let builders know the names of objects that certainly *are* subject to removal at any moment - without notice - should the Garbage Elimination Team (GET) or AWC receive complaints about encroachment .

If/when the encroachables get fixed and are available again, I'd love for you (or someone at AWC) to send me an email or tele, so I'll know to put those objects back on display at my X object yard and take the signs down. If the email I sent July 22 to fletch at activeworlds.com (subject: encroaching X objects) has been lost, I'll be glad to re-send it to you. Or, you can pop out to AW 23557.5N 23530.6W 0.2a to read the names off the signs. ;-) Thanks for everything you do, Fac!

Best regards,

facter facter@awsupport

Aug 3, 2001, 5:13pm
As far as I know, we only ever removed one or two objects - if there are
more than that I dont know - can you list the ones that are saying they are
not showing up?

also, int he beginning, there were objects that were removed because they
were jsut not suitable for common use, they were not evenr eally suitable
for Z object use but they were int here for some reason. As far as I know,
some of these objects that were removed early one, will not be replaced - it
is only the ones that were removed for recent issues that willb e removed,
and I believe there is only a couple of those...

There are also Z objects that I never released as X objects, and those wont
ever be released as X objects either, due to problems they have - some of
these were never put into the registry...I dont think the puddles will be
put back in, im afraid - im not sure.

The modellers are all under deadlines, they are working on new avatar sets
at the moment - I know it is taking some time to get those ones we yanked
out put back, but I myself cant do much about it. I will ask them once
again, if they are able to jsut fit it in somewhere...

Thanks Lara.


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Aug 3, 2001, 6:03pm
one or two?
I guess your email gets messed up sometimes. Maybe you never got this, which I sent July 22, 2001 to fletch at activeworlds.com
These x objects were removed - need to be "fixed" and put back in:

xaw22 xaw23 xaw24
(pp-size vertical solid picture panels)

xsign xsign1 xsign2

xaw26 through xaw36 (cloud/rain/lightning/puddle)

These are capable of encroaching - need "fixing" before they get yanked too.

xsat (the jail cell)

xiggy4 (the large pyramid)

xaw8 xaw9
(oval shaped picture objects)

xaw2 xaw12
(large signs)

xwed1 (wedding pavilion obj)


Perhaps this also got lost. I emailed this Mar 2, 2001 to: facter at activeworlds.com

Fac, I really hate to report these, since they are some of the best x objects available to us. :-(( But, they do encroach. :( My suggestion would be to not remove them, though. They are just too good to take out. They are big sign and picture objects. I don't know how much trouble it would be to tinker with them so they can't encroach (never have made objects, myself), but if they can be fixed rather than removed, that would be a better solution. :-)


xaw7.rwx xaw8.rwx xaw9.rwx xsign.rwx xaw2.rwx xaw12.rwx xaw22.rwx xaw23.rwx xaw24.rwx

About a month later xaw22, 23 and 24 were indeed taken out. Then the cloud objects. Then about a month ago xsign (along with xsign1 and xsign2) also bit the dust.

Thanks Fac! :-)


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