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Q city news letter (Community)
Q city news letter // Communityn a y rApr 7, 2001, 1:25am
1.Are you comeing to AW reunion see reunion world for more details.....
2. congradulations to our new Q city asst.manager littlemiss101 please see her for any probleams or questions.... 3.Q city now open for building on plots or there is space for lots of your buildings un plotted....... 4.SW city a city that is the largest in AW we now support.... 5.advertiseing now on in Q city 1 more advertiseing spot left contact me in a telegram please do not reply to this news letter..... 6.SW city aderversery just past..... 7.mayor of Q city starts makeing scripts for bots LOL.... 8.Q city is still open for jobs telegram me to apply..... thats this weeks Q city news letter. mayors aw name: n a y R mayors cit#323710 Q city: AW 2390.8N 7646.0E 0.0a 272 |