Re: American Support (incredibly long post) (General Discussion)

Re: American Support (incredibly long post) // General Discussion

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Mar 7, 2003, 11:27pm
Australian huh?

Ok now so that I may be totally fair and impartial in my own simple-minded
stereotypical come-back to you Justin, I first need some background
information. What vicious and brutal crimes were your ancestors convicted
of? On the other hand if you are Aborigine, please do not consume your
translator until he or she explains my post to you.

Disclaimer: That was for illustration purposes only. It in no way reflects
my views, real or imagined.

Generally speaking, before AW, I had no idea that 100% of US citizens were
held accountable for the actions of the worst, and I did not have my head
buried in the sand. Any citizen of a foreign country that I had the pleasure
to meet face to face treated me with respect as an individual and as an
American. Could it be that true colors of those who love to breed hate and
contempt are only shown when he or she (though I don't generally hear it
from "she's") can be hidden behind the text in a news group or some equally
safe place? I had no idea that each of our citizens was considered only as
good as the ones among us that are generally considered less than desirable
by the rest of the world and other US citizens as well. If a chain is
considered only as strong as it's weakest link, it is the whole world that
is falling apart, not just the US.

Out of curiosity, I've been reading some of the foreign (to me) online
newspapers from around the world pertaining to Iraq and related subjects and
it's amazing the different slant each of them has to some degree or another.
How come only US (based) news, especially CNN, is considered to be holding
back or stating untruths but yet many accounts from many different countries
are quite varied themselves? But more than that, why do I often see it said
that this or that non-US government official or spokesman of some sort or
other "told CNN news" some statement or other if CNN achieves no respect as
a non-biased and accurate news service? Do you really think that CNN would
get away with miss-quoting Hans Blix, for example?

Case in point: this week in a private commercial US establishment 2 men wore
anti-war shirts and some privately hired security people at this
establishment told the men to remove the shirts or leave. The men refused so
police were called who had to, because it was private property, make the 2
men comply. Now get this.... I saw this news story in foreign (to me) news
accounts as government oppression and relating to lack of free speech, as if
the government disallowed the men to protest by wearing the shirts. The
government had nothing to do with it nor did the police department except as
"defenders" of private was the property owner's right to
allow or disallow these men on his property no matter how petty the reason.
Now if that wasn't twisting the news, and our government policies, I sure
don't know what is. The US has held as many anti-war demonstrations as
anyone else and no one tried to stop them. Both sides have the right to be

Why do we here playing around in AW think we are smarter than those who took
the initiative to "run the world"? Even among those men and women there will
be good and bad, effective and not so effective and every shade in
between-from all countries-at one time or the other. But it is true that we
do only know what we read or see on the news for the most part so lets not
cut each other down based on the worst news stories you can find. And don't
ever, ever rate all citizens by what some news service says about their
country's politics until you have heard from every single last one of them.

If the US haters out there are any indication of world sentiment, things
will never change. Why do you think your statements of disgust and spewing
of, in many cases, misinformation will help? Shouldn't trust and
understanding start with individuals? Of course every one won't qualify, but
none will if you base your opinion on the worst thing you can think of as a
matter of course.

>He's an Aussie. Half of them like us, the other half don't.


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