Create Examine Wish (Wishlist)

Create Examine Wish // Wishlist

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Nov 17, 2002, 6:40pm
Maybe a way to make it so that the object only rotates on certain axis?
create examine 0 0 1 (1 being true, or maybe more than 1 to be able to
rotate it only a fixed distance?)

-Sk8man1 (346035)


Nov 25, 2002, 2:03am
Yep. Good idea. A similar aproach would be to use a letter to signify which axis. For example, the example you gave...
create examine 0 0 1
would instead become...
create examine z

That was is part of a suggestion I made just over a month before you posted this one.... so as you can see, I would like something like that added as well. The proposed syntax as it would be written in the help file is...
examine [x] [y] [z] [reset OR noreset] [wait=wait] [time=time] [shared=flag]

The extra parameters are for setting weather the object is left the way you rotated it (noreset) or returned to it's original position when released (reset) which would be the default, how long to hold the position you left it in before returning to normal (wait=) and how long to take rotating back to it's original position once the wait period is over (time=) which of course wouldn't happen if the "noreset" parameter was used... and one more optional parameter that, if supported, could be used to have the position you've rotated it to sent to other people's AW browsers. You may wonder why there is a "noreset" option whensomeone could just set the wait= at a really high number, so I'll tell you my reasoning behind that. If noreset is not used, the object would snap instantly to it's original position if re-clicked, so that you would always be starting from the same orientation. The noreset option would hold the object the way you left it after you let go, so that if you click and drag again it would pick up where you left off. This would allow things like doors that you actually drag open, and drag closed. By the way... this brings up something I hadn't thought of at that time. An aditional parameter could be added to set the maximum rotation angle (rotation positive or negative from 0) or a pair of parameters to set the range of rotation angles allowed, so that a door could be set up in such a way that the person opening it can't rotate it through the wall.

If you want to see the entire post that I included that idea in take a look at:
news:3dae1534 at
Wednesday, October 16, 2002 7:41 PM
Command enhancements

:) I hope you like my variation on the same theme. :)


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