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Jan 25, 1999, 7:12pm
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I'm quite a bit puzzled. I thought only exists since last friday, and from your link I found this one
which shows quotation from quite a long time before. Is it the qutotation including the former company which bought COF? It seems it has been doing quite badly during the past months.

Princess Tia a écrit:

> I have not used this online broker service, nor am I aware of their track record, etc,. but heard that
> is supposed to be one of the best. I looked at their site, you can fill in an online order form, BUT must establish an account with them, send them the info by snail mail anyway, and
> establishing an acct. could take 28 days or so.
> Any broker (local or otherwise) who is a member of NASD should be able to handle the purchase of AW stock
> (trading symbol AWLD company name for you.
> To see yahoo's quotes of AWLD:
> and excite's as grover mentioned:
> Princess Tia
> Zuzu World
> "judging by we the users hang in here, I think it's gonna be a winner :) "
[View Quote]

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I'm quite a bit puzzled. I thought only exists since last
friday, and from your link I found this one
<BR><A HREF=""></A>
<BR>which shows quotation from quite a long time before. Is it the qutotation
including the former company which bought COF? It seems it has been doing
quite badly during the past months.

<P>Princess Tia a &eacute;crit:
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE>I have not used this online broker service, nor am
I aware of their track record, etc,. but heard that
<BR>&nbsp; is supposed to be one of the best.&nbsp; I
looked at their site, you can fill in an online order form, BUT must establish
an account with them, send them the info by snail mail anyway, and
<BR>establishing an acct. could take 28 days or so.

<P>Any broker (local or otherwise)&nbsp; who is a member of NASD should
be able to handle the purchase of AW stock
<BR>(trading symbol AWLD company name for you.

<P>To see yahoo's quotes of AWLD:
<BR><A HREF="">;d=v1</A>

<P>and excite's as grover mentioned:
<BR><A HREF="">;defview=FULL</A>

<P>Princess Tia
<BR>Zuzu World

<P>"judging by we the users hang in here, I think it's gonna be a winner
:) "

[View Quote] [View Quote] --------------DF80DC67D835A68E05AA9FB1--

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