I wish they'd do away with the limit on how many people can come into (Wishlist)

I wish they'd do away with the limit on how many people can come into // Wishlist

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Jun 27, 2000, 3:47am
It seems totally ridicules. Worlds seldom have more than 3 people in
them and when you want to have a party, you have to prearrange it with
AW which excludes any impromptu parties. Why bother? It would be such
a nice feature, not to have a limit, and wouldn't cost anything to
Active Worlds....(system wise that is) ;o)


Jun 27, 2000, 10:43am
But then they couldn't charge you more to have more people in your world!

-Mike Nelson-
AW Cit BirdMike (292200)
Owner of AW Worlds A-Build & A-Centre

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Jun 28, 2000, 5:14am
Just charge for land size...period!!
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Jun 28, 2000, 10:45pm
Or better yet just have one flat rate and give everyone an aw sized world,


Jun 29, 2000, 10:34pm
I like Wyzard's idea =)

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