
How bots see avatars (Bots)

How bots see avatars // Bots

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Jun 3, 2006, 8:41pm
Right, i'm about to go through the proccess of categorizing AWTeen's avatars

But beforehand, i want to know, would adding categories affect the
000 - Damien
001 - Sarah
002 - Lori

If i put a category between sarah and lori, would lori have to be 003?

(and while we're at it, how do you add categories anyway)


Jun 4, 2006, 11:11am
If it helps,

Avatar 000 is default. So, if you add the new categories and don't have any
avatars before the first category, the category itself will be 000.

I guess that does mean that, yes, categories count as a number in those

Yet, in my world, the first avatar is the "Characters" category, which would
be avatar 000. So telling a bot to change to avatar 2, will be the second
_actual_avatar_ in my list. I prefer things this way.. First avatar being 1,
second being 2.. Not the 000, 001, 002.. way.

My job is done.

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Jun 4, 2006, 7:41pm
Categories are added in this form:



same as before, geometric-wise.

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lady nighthawk

Jun 4, 2006, 7:42pm
Actually it's like this,

It's really not necessary to put a subheading before your tourists since
they are automatically the first two on the list.

Tourist One (av #0)
Tourist Two (av #1)

*Guest AVs* <<< do NOT have geometry= line here at all, just av begin,
section name, av end
If you have geometry line here then aw thinks it's an av, not a subheading

Your Guest (av #2)
Your Guest (av #3)
Your Guest (av #4)

*PRIVATE AVs* <<< do NOT have geometry= line here at all, just av begin,
section name, av end
If you have geometry line here then aw thinks it's an av, not a subheading

Private AV (av #5)
Private AV (av #6)

You can't actually wear a subheading if no geometry line used so it's not
actually an av anymore (like it use to be). Specials can have a subheading
but like Tourists they will show directly under the subheading on the main
list, not under the subheading section.


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