
Silly Preston... (Bots)

Silly Preston... // Bots

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mike zimmer

May 21, 2001, 7:39pm
I was logging in my Preston bot today and when i clicked on Start Bot a
error box came up saying
05/21/01 16:37:53: Unable to teleport into position (reason: no connection)
I am connected to the internet and I checked everything and it is correct, I
am trying to log into AWTeen. This is the first time it has happened too.


May 22, 2001, 12:16pm
this is an error that happens if somehow can't connect...with the old VB
wrapper (I know that Preston's C++) this seemed to happen a lot (guess that
it hasn't really anything to do with the SDK, but anyway)

PS. don't spam the NGs about it, just try logging in again

[View Quote]


May 22, 2001, 3:48pm
This turned out to be a uniserver glitch yesterday. It did affect other bots too, not just Prestons, and according to an Email from
Roland, it should be fixed.


"mike zimmer" <zimmer at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:3b098b1c at
> I was logging in my Preston bot today and when i clicked on Start Bot a
> error box came up saying
> 05/21/01 16:37:53: Unable to teleport into position (reason: no connection)
> I am connected to the internet and I checked everything and it is correct, I
> am trying to log into AWTeen. This is the first time it has happened too.

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