Trivia anyone? (Community)

Trivia anyone? // Community

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Feb 17, 2006, 9:24pm
Trivia at world Taurius

Because of my love of trivia I have decided to try something a little

As of Midnight tonight VRT, I will be running a series of games....1001
questions per series not really sure how many series there will be, maybe
just the one. Visitors are welcome to drop by anytime this weekend to answer
as many questions as they can, revisiting anytime to accumulate further

As of this moment there is no prize other than a good pat on the back for
the victor. It is more of a test to see if anyone would even be interested
in such a game....if there is, maybe we can work something out in time.

world - Taurius

**please note is an adult world for adults only. Some questions may not be
appropriate for young users - thank you.


Feb 18, 2006, 3:23pm
oo, love trivia me ^_^
Shit at it, but love it.


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Feb 18, 2006, 3:29pm
well 12 hours of the 48 has passed....was planning to do this from friday
midnight to sunday midnight I just don't know if worth it.

total visitors (playing or not) = 0
total questions answered = 0

Yes its an X world....yes its for adults....but all I am getting is nasty
comments. The questions are not X rated....the warning on the questions is
the warning that comes from the script program for the bot....xelagot....the
world is X but I am sick of people judging it to be smut or a cyber world. I
like to think it has class. A lot of work went into my world.

I did not do this to interfere with anyone else's parties or events. I did
it this way so people could drop by 'when they could' to add additional
points to their score. I was hoping it would give adults something extra to
do, other than cyber, bingo and teen events and maybe get them out exploring
and meeting new people. I was wrong, I failed

over the years I have seen the visitors dropping....we used to have a 10
limit and it used to be humming here but years ago we dropped it to 5 (even
with tourists) because the visitors just were not around anymore. Now?,
lucky if we can get one visitor for the whole weekend since AW made such a
taboo out of R and X worlds not being on the main world list for new users.
If it is so well hidden it must mean SEX. 'Good' citizens do not want to be
seen there, and the others want cybersex because THAT is what they expect a
taboo world to have.....must be bad if AW hides them so well.

Adult world is just exactly that...for adults...R or X....means we can say
what we with less restriction (michelangelo, picasso, davinci
are considered porn here yet visited by school children al over the world).
We have always been X and had no problems with it, until aw decided not to
show us, or discuss us, or allow any word of us.

Cy awards also kicked in and denied X worlds any ability to receive
awards.....why? ....

I have been here a long time...Taurius has been here a long time...and I do
now think too long.

So to set things straight....Taurius is an X is not a place for
children. I do NOT allow cyber in my world. I expect people that come to
act like adults or they are forced to leave....and I do stress forced.



Feb 18, 2006, 4:50pm
I'm sorry sweets. Personally I am not into trivia, which is why I haven't
visited. I'm just guessing, but I'm getting the impression that there isn't
a large population of newsgroup readers here. It seems the vast majority of
the people who are in AW don't go to the newsgroups or are not even aware of
them. Based on my logs, the vast majority of visitors to my world have been
tourists. Only a few names from these newsgroups have ever come to my world
at all and they were object builders and world owners. I suspect the high
tourist volume has to do with the AW newsletter or past citizens who lurk in
the newsgroups to see the occasional infighting that takes place between a
few of the kids. :P

Anyhow, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong. I'm hoping the new version
of AW will revitalize the community and bring back some of our long lost
friends. Cross your fingers and hold down the fort until then. I'm sticking
it out.


Feb 26, 2006, 12:30pm
will we have the next trivia next time?

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Feb 26, 2006, 9:33pm
The game started off to a slow start but although still not too many people
know about it, the ones that have been coming these last 2 weekends have
seemed to really enjoy the games, rather than an empty silent world as they

They come in, they wander, throw answers, leave, come back, answer a few
more. Some just come in to grab a few quick points few times during the day
when they can manage a few minutes in their real lives to get in to play.
Some get their real life families to help them out (I love that heh)

I found that many of the questions were just too hard for the average joe,
making some people feel dumb rather than having a good time. I removed 1,000
such questions, leaving some hard and some easy (trying to be fair to all
IQ'S lol) and plan to add newer, easier questions and answers over time. I
want people to have fun, enjoy themselves, answer, argue, laugh....not feel

So yes, I will be continuing the trivia games for anyone interested in
playing. The games will run every weekend from 12:01am Saturdays to 11:59pm
Sundays in world Taurius, approximately 4 games of 1,001 questions each, per
weekend (approx 12 hours each game). Players may leave and return to add
points to their score anytime during each game. Results for 1st, 2nd and 3rd
places are posted on a sign at GZ at the end of each game and will remain
posted for the week following.

My world only allows 5 visitors, so of course it is first come first serve.
Hop in when you can : )



Feb 26, 2006, 9:36pm
The games will run every weekend from 12:01am Saturdays to 11:59pm
Sundays in world Taurius, approximately 4 games of 1,001 questions each, per
weekend (approx 12 hours each game).

The times I mentioned are of course VRT



Mar 1, 2006, 6:32am
ok great i will try to stop by this weekend and try out the trivia :)

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