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Feb 21, 2004, 3:47pm
>(comma spliced sentance)

Sentence o.O

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Feb 21, 2004, 3:59pm
[View Quote] First of all, many of us are young adults and we act better than you
"mature" people. TheLady is an adult making random completely idiotic posts.
I don't flame everyone I see, I almost never flame people. All TheLady is
posting about is the bad in AW, why not post about the good. She's
constantly being negative and if she is always looking at the "bad side" of
Active Worlds I can understand why she's not having a good time. Anyone here
know what a pessimist is? Sure maybe her life sucks, but she doesn't have to
waste her time in ActiveWorlds ruining everyone elses experience. The reason
people don't like her is she just won't STFU. Ok, so her first post no-one
really cared about, than she came up with the 50 other posts and after about
the 5th we GOT THE FREAKING PICTURE! She doesn't need to recap how horrible
Active Worlds is for her every 5 freakin days! I have a life outside of
Active Worlds, AW is just something I do to when I'm home occasionally.

> If this makes
> no semse, then I can understand why, the education of the children today
> is abhorrent at worst, and learining about no readin or writing or
> arithametic like when I was a little girl.

Maybe you should go back to a modern school where we have modern language
being taught. I'll correct your sentence for you so that you don't have to.
Than I would like you to try and tell us what it means in MODERN ENGLISH.

*If this makes no sense, then I can understand why the education of the
children today is abhorrent (Abhorrent? read this and
learn what words mean before you use them.) at worst, and are not learning
about reading, writing, or arithametic like when I was a little girl.

>You all have lives, yet pick
> on others because you feel you are superior to them and have no remorse
> in it.

I don't at all pick on others because it makes me feel better. TheLady is a
big exception though, all she does is wine and wine and wine and wine and
wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine
and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine.
Annoying? Definately. I had 'remorse' up untill the twentieth post, and than
it all just dissappeared.

>Someday you'll get older, and have a life, maybe, and someone
> will step on your parade and then you'll understand it. but till then,
> you'll probably bash me for this post too,
>but that has always been,
> since you all have no loves to actually live but here.

So you're saying you're better because you're older than us? Aren't you
supposed to be at work supporting your children? You're the type of person
that is ruining it for the rest of us. I know all the younger people are
here to have a good time and when you come around posting your biased
pessimistic views it just makes the situation worse. You adults
that spend twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week on the computer (ON
ACTIVEWORLDS? Don't you have anything BETTER to do than play games on the
computer!?) (People whos have jobs involved with computers I understand
{Xelag, Imagine, TZ}. You guys are exceptions hehe) are the ones with no

Notice that a lot of other people are all making the best out of their
experience. I'm sure everyone has had problems to deal with, and you don't
see any of them posting in the newsgroups. Keep your
problems to yourself or you'll just create more problems. Unless you're
talking to the police for some felony or sexual assault than STOP posting
useless garbage to the news groups. What the hell can we possibly do to help
with your situation!?

Sorry for being so harsh ^_^. Have a nice day.

tart sugar

Feb 21, 2004, 10:51pm
[View Quote] whine

<big cheesy grin> hee heeeeeeee

princess nerwen

Feb 22, 2004, 12:37am
well well so my fingers become typo magnets, and I miss it, sorry.
Sometimes it's not easy to see this when this stupid IE Outlook Express
will not even let me spell check for some reason, it's greyed out.
Anyway thank you for the pointers on the errors.
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princess nerwen

Feb 22, 2004, 12:42am
No I know what age The Lady is around, but thank you anyway. Sometimes
she is a little cryptic and hard to understand, and of course I think to
some degree we all are. Well sometimes I go off the handle and type out
a rant because of some of the things I see and sometimes its frustrating
to see many get on someones case for being human. Maybe when I get a
chance to discuss with her again, I can ask her. Thank you for your

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princess nerwen

Feb 22, 2004, 12:51am
[View Quote] Ok point taken. I do understand that some of my writing is a problem,
and I have to sit and look carefully to make sure I get it right because
IE and Outllok Express seem to have forgotten to put the spell checker
in, lol. AW is a great place to meet people from all over the world, and
that is why I spend some of my time there, the other part is to build my
coaster and have fun.

: > If this makes
: > no semse, then I can understand why, the education of the children
: > is abhorrent at worst, and learining about no readin or writing or
: > arithametic like when I was a little girl.
: Maybe you should go back to a modern school where we have modern
: being taught. I'll correct your sentence for you so that you don't
have to.
: Than I would like you to try and tell us what it means in MODERN
: *If this makes no sense, then I can understand why the education of
: children today is abhorrent (Abhorrent?
: read this
: learn what words mean before you use them.) at worst, and are not
: about reading, writing, or arithametic like when I was a little girl.

Well its hard to spell sometimes, and other times I haven't go
mydisctionary out at the ready. As above Outllok seems to have forgot to
install the Spell Checker.

: >You all have lives, yet pick
: > on others because you feel you are superior to them and have no
: > in it.
: I don't at all pick on others because it makes me feel better. TheLady
is a
: big exception though, all she does is wine and wine and wine and wine
: wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine
and wine
: and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and
: Annoying? Definately. I had 'remorse' up untill the twentieth post,
and than
: it all just dissappeared.
Ok understood, but to this date I am personally being attacked because
of one persons shallow view of the world today.

: >Someday you'll get older, and have a life, maybe, and someone
: > will step on your parade and then you'll understand it. but till
: > you'll probably bash me for this post too,
: >but that has always been,
: > since you all have no loves to actually live but here.
: So you're saying you're better because you're older than us? Aren't
: supposed to be at work supporting your children? You're the type of
: that is ruining it for the rest of us. I know all the younger people
: here to have a good time and when you come around posting your biased
: pessimistic views it just makes the situation worse. You adults
: that spend twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week on the computer
: ACTIVEWORLDS? Don't you have anything BETTER to do than play games on
: computer!?) (People whos have jobs involved with computers I
: {Xelag, Imagine, TZ}. You guys are exceptions hehe) are the ones with
: lives.

My age is older yes, and I only have to say that if you act 10 you get
treated as 10, act older and so on. I am no better then you, or anyone
else, I have my faults,and I am glad I have them, it makes me human.

: Notice that a lot of other people are all making the best out of their
: experience. I'm sure everyone has had problems to deal with, and you
: see any of them posting in the newsgroups. Keep your
: problems to yourself or you'll just create more problems. Unless
: talking to the police for some felony or sexual assault than STOP
: useless garbage to the news groups. What the hell can we possibly do
to help
: with your situation!?
: Sorry for being so harsh ^_^. Have a nice day.
As for harsh this is not harsh, you have made several good points here,
and I am glad ytou have taken the time to do as much. thank you.

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the lady

Feb 22, 2004, 1:23am
There are problems with people being attacked here. For instance, I have a
car wreck in my local community, sign online, get humiliated for it at gz.
For instance, someone kills my dog in my local community, sign online,
someone says "haha, your dog is dead" either by roll play with someone else
or similar. Usually tourists. Abuse among leadership. AWHS announced a
few meetings, changed the location of those meetings without notifying
members right before time of the meeting. Despite my concerns about
problems with AWHS, nothing was changed. One or two people are appointed or
designated for an entire event. If you want to help, expectations are so
high it causes conflict. I've heard a couple of people that are given bold
say openly at gz area they enjoy being bad. I wrote AW, no reply. I
complain in the newsgroup, no official check into the situation.

Regarding the game played here, it is purposely done. Hard to get a handle
on who is doing what to whom. But why? I think the reason why is for
control. Beat on someone mentally long enough, their abusers become their
friends. Sick. Patty Hearst is a good example. 'nuff said.

If you feel dumped on, right click and block my posts. : )

[View Quote]


Feb 22, 2004, 1:49am
Anytime. I was referring to TheLady though mostly.

She keeps posting about how she is "abused" in Active Worlds. If you don't
like AW than get the heck off otherwise buy your own world and keep yourself
occupied, or block everyone lol. She's the only person that for every
problem she needs to tell someone or post on the newsgroups. "My Dog died."
What is she expecting, a free citizenship because her dog died? I'm sure
some people said they feel sorry for her... the other ones are just idiots,
and most of us know they're idiots and ignore them. Apparently some others
of us don't ;) *points to TheLady*

> Ok understood, but to this date I am personally being attacked because
> of one persons shallow view of the world today.

I don't have a problem with you. Pesonally I think what was posted about you
was wrong heh, but I wasn't reffering to anything about that.

princess nerwen

Feb 22, 2004, 5:46am
The Lady has had her share of childhood problems from what I understand,
and I see it in several things I have read here. But at least she does
have some good in her and I hope that she will take the time to do just
that because its best for her and all the others around her. Anyway The
one that initially posted anything about me was 1st because he hates
anyone that is not on his side or like him, and he will deny it and then
in private when no one else is around you, attack you like a pit bull on
steroids. Anyways be good, and Blessings to you, if you accept that kind
of thing.

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princess nerwen

Feb 22, 2004, 5:56am
I understand you too Lady, its just that I had tried to contact you via
the Telegrams and some how we seem to be at the wrong place at the wrong
time. I also understand why you are attacked, and you know too, and also
why I have also been attacked. The post was to see why it is all these
seem to take out the frustrations thay have here rather than say a walk
in the local park, or even say a City Zoo where they can watch the real
animals in cages. Sometimes we get treated as an animal and yet when
someone turns it on them, they become offended or outraged at you
because you have turned the situation to your benefit. I have also
written to AW and to no avail for at least 3 to 4 weeks, then all of the
sudden I get a response. Too busy doing what? I do not know. As for the
Control issue, that is why several of the GKs and PKs have left the post
voluntarily, as they are fed up with a "Double Standard" also. The
reason I refuse to become a GK or PK now is just for that reason, too
many politics and too many big heads. Its a volunteer position, and yet
they take it like the get paid a million dollars to stand over you and
try to run your life for you. Sounds a lot like Gouvernment doesn't it?
Anyways I will be on my Land on sunday if you need to talk more. I will
also have a World soon, just need to fix my User Password and PPW too,
then use the 3d homepage builder to make it. I won a 6 month at CitBingO
and also a 2 month hosted so who knows what I will do.

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Feb 22, 2004, 8:45am
[View Quote] Outlook Express does not have a spell checker of its own,
you must install Microsoft Office or Microsoft Works or similar first.
They install files under C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\PROOF folder
and you get a Spelling tab when you click Options on the Tools menu.

There are also freeware spell checkers, but I haven't tried them myself.

(Stupid checker wants to change my name to Maize though :p).


the lady

Feb 22, 2004, 11:34am
: )

There has always been control in place in AW. Maybe not by the company,
maybe not by some of the older cits in AW, but maybe problems cause by
security issues within operating systems of victims who have been attacked.
When Godzilla world opened a few years ago, someone approached me telling me
they had made quite a bit of money - well, they said a lot of money - by
doing what they did to me, tormenting and the like but still thought I was a
nice person.

That is nothing against Godzilla world or AW the company. Just to open the
eyes of some here of what people will do to get control of others - even pay
money to people that will proudly boast of their good fortune tormenting

[View Quote]

princess nerwen

Feb 22, 2004, 4:50pm
Does not use MS Office and has no use for it. You like it, and use it,
me I use Corel Word PErfect and that is what I like. That is why it's
supposed to be a "Personal Computer" lol.
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princess nerwen

Feb 22, 2004, 4:55pm
Ok now I have the picture. Seems to me though, you know my situation,
and friends I have had since before I was a Cit have now begun to come
to me with questions about this 1st issue that I thought was dead and
gone and yet it is now being spread word of mouth from his origin. Sad
to see that he has continued to beat a dead horse into the ground. Maybe
he is getting money from someone to do it, or he is paying others,
hm.....Bribery and Extortion??? Aren't these against the Law? Who knows?
Someday this will all stop, and the AWCommunity will not have to be host
to the ones who would do nothing less tan harrass and intimidate the
users they feel so superior to.
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Feb 22, 2004, 6:01pm
since you mentioned me the only thing I have spoken to people about you is
the truth witch you seem not to want to tell the fact that you are a man
pretending to be a woman and the fact that you VR married feirceferrite and
did not tell him, and as far as beating a dead horse I think you are the one
that is doing this here in the newsgroup and I think since this is the first
thing I have said anything I think you are the one that is not willing to
drop it and you seem to think that I am the only one that Knows about your
gender confusion. I am not the only one that knows about you and I will tell
it to you to you in AW gz the Gate GZ in front of the whole world because
people like you that lie and deceive people about who you truly are deserve
what you get , and as far as you being a GK or a PK LMFAO you would have to
send them a picture ID that tells your true gender and your little gender
secret would be out so I think that is the real reason you don't apply and
as far as your earlier post aboutwhen you where a little girl LOL you were
never a little girl you were a little boy so why don't you crawl back into
your whole and disappear and if any one doesn't believe about the Princess
Nerwen being a guy tgramm me and will give you his website that tells about
it and as far as what Princess did to fierce ferrite tgramm him and ask him
I think he has a Damm good reason to hate you PN so get off your High Horse
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Feb 22, 2004, 6:11pm
and also another thing it was not me who posted about you being a guy
pretending to be a woman it was right before this newsgroup was shut down
and it was because of what you did to fierce ferrite and all the GKs and his
friends jumped down your throat about what you did to him and that is the
only reason I despise you is because the fact that you lie and deceive
people about what you truly are, I also think because of this gender
confusion you have you should get some Phsyc help and soon because I had
forgotten all about it till you posted this and yes , the truth about you is
getting out by word of mouth is because me and only all the people who read
that persons original post about you know about you so don't blame me about
this but when some one asks about you I am not going to lie to them like you
like to do
[View Quote]


Feb 22, 2004, 6:18pm
AS a matter of fact I will go ahead and post your website so everyone will
know and here it is
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Feb 22, 2004, 7:25pm
or you can just typ in jennifer sherie case on google and read all about it
[View Quote]

princess nerwen

Feb 22, 2004, 8:37pm
wow, a child is showing his true colors, he has no life but to rag on
other people because they have a different life than he has, oh such a
day. seems to me that you have taken this to a whole new level, one that
tells me you have no respect for yourself so how can you gain that
respect from others? so childish you are. If I take off the gloves and
let go, I am so very sure E N Z O will remove this NG and tell the
entire AW community that there will be no more NGs for this. But because
I ama grown up and have a consious mind I will not. I am not going to
lower myself to your level of intellect. If you are so adimate about it,
well I have had several ask me to my face and yes they know what I am
and they are ok with it. It seems that you are the only one who is on a
Jihad (sp) to rid the world of diverisity and love. Your hate and
insnsativeity is so prevalent I can feel it on this end and I am not
even trying to. I just made the comment that you have it out for me and
this proves the comment as such, your posts and hate filled comments
towards me are not welcome to me, and I am sure that since many are
reading this. Well here is a little tid bit. 77 - SirfrancisDrake -
Iam - 77 Iam - 1st, these are allthe same user, ask him why he has
changed his name so often that it tells others he is hiding something
too. Well here it is. He is a Blantant Liar, he has claimed to say that
he is deleting his access and no longer coming to AW and then the next
day he comes to my land as a different user and proceeds to stalk me and
wait till I am alone then try to harrasss me to no end. Well that didn't
work, so then he tries again, and this time witness' are present. He
starts in on me and just goes on about his hate and discrimination
towards me and then denies he hates and is discriminating against me.
then days later he posts that he is going to let his Cit Expire, then lo
it comes to pass the day he is going to let the cit expire passes and he
lies again not letting the cit expire. So much for lies and deciept. The
3rd time he posts again that he will be hosting some goign away thing
for him, because he is once again letting his cit expire. No he didn't
again, lies lies lies. Odd a liar is calling me wht I am and then not
owning up to his own deciept and indescressions. My only real question
is this. Were you alive 2000 years ago, and helped write the bible? Well
if you think about it, the bible is a way and a tool to run and
manipulate others lives. Take this example. Tell a story is a circle of
20, and by the time it gets back to you it's completely twisted around
and unrecogniseable (sp?) to you. So understand this. you have made my
life worse than anything else could, and Now it's my turn. Last thing,
and I am sure I will hear about it, is this. You are a Gay man in full
denial, and your lover FF was being taken away from you, and so you have
gone on a one man crusade to get his love back, Yes you are in Denial,
you are a Gay man, that is what I got from all the times you were trying
to get FF out of mylife. Take that into consideration when you respond

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princess nerwen

Feb 22, 2004, 8:38pm
sure you weren't so why is it I never saw anything from anyone else but

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princess nerwen

Feb 22, 2004, 8:38pm
he he, go ahead you are just burning the candle on both ends
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princess nerwen

Feb 22, 2004, 8:39pm
he he, go ahead you are really burning the candle from both ends and the
middle too.
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Feb 22, 2004, 9:22pm
my cit has not expired YET and will, show more maturity than you and not
even respond to you any more because I can care less about you
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Feb 22, 2004, 9:30pm
one more thing is that I have not posted anything about you since the NG was
did away with before and it seems to me that you are the one that is trying
to instigate some thing again. and talk about the pot calling the kettle
black aren't you being hateful and discriminating against me because I have
the right to my beliefs and one of those beliefs is that ppl should be
truthful to other people and another thing I don't have anything against
what you are and I don't care so just drop it. And I want you to post proof
of the thread that I was the one that started this, Also I do believe that
since you mentioned me it is considered a personal attack on me and that the
fact is that you started it. And as far as changing cit names I believe you
have had a few other nicknames as well Elven Princess, backer boy and what
is it that you think I have to hide --nothing
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Feb 22, 2004, 9:34pm
it is true my cit is expiring but it hasn't yet and even after it does I
will still be here as a tourist
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strike rapier

Feb 22, 2004, 9:37pm
Your asking for a slap :)


Feb 22, 2004, 9:42pm
oh and by the way talk about who has been stalking who you seem to know all
the names I have bee so how are you going to stalk me when I become a
tourist and change name at any time as I please then I may be incognito and
the next tourist you talk to maybe me. lol its going be so fun. What is so
funny that even your buddy The Lady is begging me not to let it expire
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Feb 22, 2004, 9:45pm
please delete these threads it isn't worth this
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princess nerwen

Feb 22, 2004, 10:07pm
wow, this is such fun, to have my whole life just spread out and then
twisted and turned to make room for a child that has no clue about what
life really means. bakerboy, hmmm..never heard that one. Not even knew
thta person, odd I am being associated with something and or someone I
have never met. As for you, woohooo, no more you. I will have a free
life again, its because of you that I have had to respond as I have. go
ahead its only a program. You have to understand life is what we have
been given, and yet you think everyone else should live like you. No I
don't think so, I sure would want to be like you. Hate no, I oly speak
what I see and get, your hate is what flames this conversation.
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princess nerwen

Feb 22, 2004, 10:08pm
nope no stalker here, I coudl care less where you are, with the
exception of being on my land
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