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Delphi SDK Helpful Update (Sdk)
Delphi SDK Helpful Update // Sdkmad kittySep 23, 2001, 7:13am
The attached file is a helpful .pas file that lets you use things like
"Bot.Name" and "Bot.X" in Delphi just add it to your project and there you go. This is a sample program using it: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Bot: TBot; begin Bot := TBot.Create; Bot.PassWord := 'poodles'; Bot.CitizenID := 999888; Bot.Name := 'Bottie'; Bot.World := 'AWTeen'; Bot.X := 900; Bot.Z := 9; Bot.Y := 900; Bot.Say('Hello, I''m an eaxample'); Bot.Say('I''ll move now to 2S 2E'); Bot.X := 2000; Bot.Y := 2000; Bot.Say('bye'); Bot.Destroy; end; begin 666 Bots.pas M=6YI="!";W1S.PT*#0II;G1E<F9A8V4-" at T*=7-E<R!A:T%W07!I.PT*#0IT M>7!E#0H-"E1";W0 at /2!C;&%S<PT*<')I=F%T90T*1E at L1EDL1EHZ($EN=&5G M97([#0IP<F]C961U<F4 at 4V5T4&%S<RA686QU93H at <W1R:6YG*3L-"G!R;V-E M9'5R92!3971#:70H5F%L=64Z($EN=&5G97(I.PT*<')O8V5D=7)E(%-E=$YA M;64H5F%L=64Z('-T<FEN9RD[#0IP<F]C961U<F4 at 4V5T5V]R;&0H5F%L=64Z M('-T<FEN9RD[#0IP<F]C961U<F4 at 4V5T6"A686QU93H at 26YT96=E<BD[#0IP M<F]C961U<F4 at 4V5T62A686QU93H at 26YT96=E<BD[#0IP<F]C961U<F4 at 4V5T M6BA686QU93H at 26YT96=E<BD[#0IP=6)L:6,-"G!R;V-E9'5R92!387DH37-G M.B!S=')I;F<I.PT*<')O<&5R='D at 4&%S<U=O<F0Z('-T<FEN9R!W<FET92!3 M971087-S.PT*<')O<&5R='D at 0VET:7IE;DE$.B!);G1E9V5R('=R:71E(%-E M=$-I=#L-"G!R;W!E<G1Y($YA;64Z('-T<FEN9R!W<FET92!3971.86UE.PT* M<')O<&5R='D at 5V]R;&0Z('-T<FEN9R!W<FET92!39717;W)L9#L-"G!R;W!E M<G1Y(% at Z($EN=&5G97( at <F5A9"!&6"!W<FET92!39718.PT*<')O<&5R='D at M63H at 26YT96=E<B!R96%D($99('=R:71E(%-E=%D[#0IP<F]P97)T>2!:.B!) M;G1E9V5R(')E860 at 1EH at =W)I=&4 at 4V5T6CL-"F-O;G-T<G5C=&]R($-R96%T M93L-"F1E<W1R=6-T;W( at 1&5S=')O>3L-"F5N9#L-" at T*:6UP;&5M96YT871I M;VX-" at T*8V]N<W1R=6-T;W( at 5$)O="Y#<F5A=&4[#0IV87(-"DXZ('-T<FEN M9SL-"F)E9VEN#0II;FAE<FET960 at 0W)E871E.PT*3B Z/2!40F]T+D-L87-S M3F%M93L-"F%W7VEN:70H05=?0E5)3$0I.PT*87=?8W)E871E*&YI;"PP+&YI M;"D[#0IE;F0[#0H-"F1E<W1R=6-T;W( at 5$)O="Y$97-T<F]Y.PT*8F5G:6X- M"FEN:&5R:71E9"!$97-T<F]Y.PT*87=?9&5S=')O>3L-"F%W7W1E<FT[#0IE M;F0[#0H-"G!R;V-E9'5R92!40F]T+E-E=%!A<W,H5F%L=64Z('-T<FEN9RD[ M#0IB96=I; at T*87=?<W1R:6YG7W-E="A!5U],3T=)3E]04DE624Q%1T5?4$%3 M4U=/4D0L0%9A;'5E6S%=*3L-"F5N9#L-" at T*<')O8V5D=7)E(%1";W0N4V5T M0VET*%9A;'5E.B!);G1E9V5R*3L-"F)E9VEN#0IA=U]I;G1?<V5T*$%77TQ/ M1TE.7T]73D52+%9A;'5E*3L-"F5N9#L-" at T*<')O8V5D=7)E(%1";W0N4V5T M3F%M92A686QU93H at <W1R:6YG*3L-"F)E9VEN#0IA=U]S=')I;F=?<V5T*$%7 M7TQ/1TE.7TY!344L0%9A;'5E6S%=*3L-"F%W7VQO9VEN.PT*96YD.PT*#0IP M<F]C961U<F4 at 5$)O="Y39717;W)L9"A686QU93H at <W1R:6YG*3L-"F)E9VEN M#0IA=U]E;G1E<BA 5F%L=65;,5TI.PT*87=?<W1A=&5?8VAA;F=E.PT*96YD M.PT*#0IP<F]C961U<F4 at 5$)O="Y39718*%9A;'5E.B!);G1E9V5R*3L-"F)E M9VEN#0IA=U]I;G1?<V5T*$%77TU97U at L5F%L=64I.PT*87=?<W1A=&5?8VAA M;F=E.PT*96YD.PT*#0IP<F]C961U<F4 at 5$)O="Y39719*%9A;'5E.B!);G1E M9V5R*3L-"F)E9VEN#0IA=U]I;G1?<V5T*$%77TU97UDL5F%L=64I.PT*87=? M<W1A=&5?8VAA;F=E.PT*96YD.PT*#0IP<F]C961U<F4 at 5$)O="Y3971:*%9A M;'5E.B!);G1E9V5R*3L-"F)E9VEN#0IA=U]I;G1?<V5T*$%77TU97UHL5F%L M=64I.PT*87=?<W1A=&5?8VAA;F=E.PT*96YD.PT*#0IP<F]C961U<F4 at 5$)O M="Y387DH37-G.B!S=')I;F<I.PT*8F5G:6X-"F%W7W-A>2A 37-G6S%=*3L- /"F5N9#L-" at T*96YD+ at T* ` end young phalphaSep 23, 2001, 5:48pm
hmmm, I find it alittle weird, why have it login during the name or change positions during
certain things only? Why not have Bot.Login or something? Or better yet! Bot.Login(name, owner, pass, application), and Bot.Position(x,y,z,yaw), hope this can turn into a big project :) [View Quote] This is a sample program using it: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Bot: TBot; begin Bot := TBot.Create; Bot.PassWord := 'poodles'; Bot.CitizenID := 999888; Bot.Name := 'Bottie'; Bot.World := 'AWTeen'; Bot.X := 900; Bot.Z := 9; Bot.Y := 900; Bot.Say('Hello, I''m an eaxample'); Bot.Say('I''ll move now to 2S 2E'); Bot.X := 2000; Bot.Y := 2000; Bot.Say('bye'); Bot.Destroy; end; mad kittySep 23, 2001, 7:31pm
young phalphaSep 23, 2001, 7:49pm
young phalphaSep 23, 2001, 7:53pm
oh, and btw, another update you should do in it as well is don't have it include the akAWAPI,
just add it in manually into your file, although it will be bigger and more confusing, oh well :) [View Quote] This is a sample program using it: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Bot: TBot; begin Bot := TBot.Create; Bot.PassWord := 'poodles'; Bot.CitizenID := 999888; Bot.Name := 'Bottie'; Bot.World := 'AWTeen'; Bot.X := 900; Bot.Z := 9; Bot.Y := 900; Bot.Say('Hello, I''m an eaxample'); Bot.Say('I''ll move now to 2S 2E'); Bot.X := 2000; Bot.Y := 2000; Bot.Say('bye'); Bot.Destroy; end; mad kittySep 24, 2001, 2:01am