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New Website! (Community)
New Website! // Communitynornny11Sep 26, 2001, 6:45pm
Like the new 3d homepage thing, although it's just a premade trial world.
It's a pretty darn good looking one though. lol. Nornny [View Quote] sw chrisSep 26, 2001, 10:53pm
Does this mean we get both a trial world AND a 3d homepage? :)
-- SW Chris Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master? [View Quote] kahSep 28, 2001, 2:58pm
I hate the name they've given it... "3D homepage"... that'll lower general
technology awareness in AW by [a hell lot]%! and obviously it's only a P5... KAH [View Quote] agent1Sep 28, 2001, 3:23pm
I wasn't talking only about the 3D Homepage stuff... their entire site is redone.
-Agent1 [View Quote] kahSep 29, 2001, 7:12am
yes, I know, the rest is great! :-)) especially FeatureVote
( KAH [View Quote] eepOct 2, 2001, 3:16am
Too bad it sucks. Fac didn't spellcheck it ("it's", not "its"). What's with all the "Activeworlds" 1-word shit? It's TWO words: Active Worlds. And, uh, why are trial worlds now called "3D homepages"? They're not homepages...duh. Looks like Rick and JP et al (just who ARE those other twits on the directors page anyway? must be degenerates from that hole-in-the-wall Vanguard corp AWC conned into buying them...seems they're even further detached from AW than Rick and JP are...) are trying yet another inept moronic wanna-be marketing attempt...
The dashes are in that company name is because it seems to be filtered...guess AWC doesn't want people talking about it... [View Quote] > In case you haven't noticed, the new Activeworlds site is up. kahOct 2, 2001, 9:12am
we still have the good old, usual trial worlds, though... noticed in one of
these 3D homepage thingies that JP has gotten Gand to make him an av... gives good opportunities for having "shoot JP" games... KAH [View Quote] |