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coolanil // User Search
coolanil // User SearchPlease Guide Me!Nov 24, 2004, 8:28pm
Hi Everyone,
I need to create a virtual classroom where there are students join and listen to a lecture. I need have voice embedded into the classroom, and I want the avatar to be a student. Any one please help me how to build such an environment, I just bought adobe atmosphere.....Please suggest me how can I build such an environment using simple drag and drop. Please suggest me any tools that would help me start building such an environment. Greatly appreciate any help......... Preethi..... Please Guide me!Nov 24, 2004, 8:27pm
Hi Everyone,
I need to create a virtual classroom where there are students join and listen to a lecture. I need have voice embedded into the classroom, and I want the avatar to be a student. Any one please help me how to build such an environment, I just bought adobe atmosphere.....Please suggest me how can I build such an environment using simple drag and drop. Please suggest me any tools that would help me start building such an environment. Greatly appreciate any help......... Preethi..... Please Guide me!Nov 24, 2004, 8:27pm
Hi Everyone,
I need to create a virtual classroom where there are students join and listen to a lecture. I need have voice embedded into the classroom, and I want the avatar to be a student. Any one please help me how to build such an environment, I just bought adobe atmosphere.....Please suggest me how can I build such an environment using simple drag and drop. Please suggest me any tools that would help me start building such an environment. Greatly appreciate any help......... Preethi..... Please Guide Me!Nov 24, 2004, 8:28pm
Hi Everyone,
I need to create a virtual classroom where there are students join and listen to a lecture. I need have voice embedded into the classroom, and I want the avatar to be a student. Any one please help me how to build such an environment, I just bought adobe atmosphere.....Please suggest me how can I build such an environment using simple drag and drop. Please suggest me any tools that would help me start building such an environment. Greatly appreciate any help......... Preethi..... |