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anduin lothar // User Search
anduin lothar // User SearchSorry Zero.. but more USWF garbage..Jan 1, 2001, 8:36pm
LOL Lanezeri!
I have nothing to do with the USWF, I just came in as you were for a visit and saw you picking fights with your childish attitude again, so what do I do. I tell everyone how much I have always hated you and your attitude and just ejected you. Meaning if you don't want to be friends with the now new owners of the USWF it is your loss. I am not worried because I no longer run it. I havre my own VR life now that I can do as I wish in... I've always "HATED" you so everytime I see you I will "EJECT" your punk ass. Everyone knows USWF_PBL was "BUILT" by Xplicit Contint and Tomba, but Lord Fett now "OWNS and RUNS" it, as he is paying for it. When someone is paying for a world it is rightfully there's to do as they wish. Lord Fett never once said that he BUILT USWF_PBL. And I am sure if you spoke with TOmba or Xplicit Contint they would fully agree! Get a Life wanna be, Anduin [View Quote] Sorry Zero.. but more USWF garbage..Jan 1, 2001, 10:27pm
Lanezeri, please do crack me, I'd love you too much if you did, LOL
Looks like the poor baby got lost for words again and went to his mums arms for a cuddle in bed [View Quote] |