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Sceensaver Crashes

Aug 21, 2005, 8:59pm
Dunno if this still applies, but i'm sure Strike will feel free to
correct me if i'm off on this. If AW is running in OpenGL or DirectX
rendering mode and your screen saver is using the same ( DirectX or
OpenGL rendering ) that is why it crash's. I've seen many cases of 3d
games crashing during play due to a screen saver that decided to go
active and pull control of the graphics card away from it. dunno if
that's the case here but I'd only ask what screen saver specifically
were you running at the time =)


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Sceensaver Crashes

Aug 24, 2005, 4:19pm
Seems me and John Dough ended up posting towards each other in email so
for everyone's benifit i'm posting the threads in here. ( and maybe to
save Strike looking for a fix that wouldn't exist due to the problem
being on the client side )

[View Quote] Re: Sceensaver Crashes Inbox

John Dough
to me

Thanx for the attempted answers.
I don't use any "fancy" downloaded screensavers which might require
OpenGL or DirectX etc that I'm aware of. The screensavers I use are only
basic WinXP screensavers that come default with the OS. (3D Pipes for

The AW error I get is something along the lines of ["ensure you close
AW before changing monitor resolution"] (sorry, I don't recall the exact
error wording). I have at no time changed my monitor resolution either.
I know some programs, like some games, automatically adjust your screen
resolution, so I can understand those crashing if it happened, but does
AW automatically adjust my monitor's resolution? I didn't think so. AW
runs on your current monitor settings and should therefore not crash due
to a resolution settings change (unless I changed my resolution).

For now, I guess I will continue to minimize AW when I leave, and only hope
they come up with a fix soon. ;)

CyBerJak to John:

3d pipes, 3d flower box, and a few others are all based on DirectX 6
or higher and the flowerbox in specific even has open gl extenstion
in it, i work for a pc manufacture, and we use those specific screen
savers to test the grahpics processor core for function only if a 3d
card were to crash using those we usually replace the graphics card at
that point in most cases.

also as one of the companies software advisors we advise customers who
have applications close because of a cscreen saver active during a
directX application cause Direct input for some cases hides usage of
the mouse or keyboard allowing the screen saver to go active, at which
point it crash's the game. this would apply to Active worlds as well i
bet if you set aw to software render mode it wouldn't do that even
with screen saver which suggests either you need to re-install directX
9c cause of a corruption or your screen saver is for some reason being
able to take the GPU ( graphics chip ) awa from aw and aw freaks out.
i know the error your talking about it usually happens more commonly
when a person switch's from 16bit to 32bit color or re-sizes their
desktop with aw running but i'm betting the screen saver is the
culprit as it does have minor control over desktop resolution and size

best reguards


from: John Dough

More options 5:24 pm (1½ hours ago)
Thanx for the follow up CyBer! I have tried running AW in software
rendering mode as you suggested, and you're right, no crashing. I have
since updated my DirectX drivers, and tried OpenGL and Direct3D, and
to my surprise, no crashing... so far *grins*. Thankyou again for
your help :)) Also, I didn't realize I had posted a private email to
you on the NG's. I had meant to post a normal reply, but must have
zigged when I should have zagged ;) Thanx again!

Alphaworld Ground Object [HTML]

Aug 22, 2005, 10:24pm
as one of those people back from 1995,

yes we did have eyes. and yes zbuffering did happen but not as easily
as it does now a days.

no things didn't just fit together very nicely but with the lack of
control as it is today ( ie more axis to work with , more fine tuning
the spacing of objects ) you couldn't build as nicely as you can now.

the average person back then was running on pc's back then that you
might call nothing more then a pocket calculator by today's standards
and windows 3.1 was still the dominate OS with Windows 95 barely
breaking ground with it's crude form of rendering. I have a history
gallery of pictures and the original client that a person can load up
and see the very crude rendering and controls that we had back then.
days before teleports where you hadda use lil 3rd party programs to
teleport and do object selection tricks to trick the engine into
teleporting you to further distances in alphaword ( which back then was
the only world you had ) so that you could get away from Ion construcion
builds that lagged out many a location. ( like AWGZ heheh )

Before you go off critisizing people about thier builds from back then
try a walk in their shoes, but if your not wanting to bother then don't
critisize what you haven't experienced.

As far as what has been preserved by AWHS, i'm sure there is some
builds that aren't very pretty by today's standards, but if you suddenly
came back after many years of inactivity and found all of your old
builds deleted you would NOT be very happy ( infact i'd fair to guess if
you came in tomorrow and found everything youve ever build deleted you'd
be firing off emails and flames to AWi immediatly demanding satisfaction
) just look at grovers build near AWGZ, nothing fancy , just some walls
that spell his name. but that person took their time to make it and were
proud of thier builds. Yes those people CAN still get their accounts
re-activated if they have their details from back then. and yes they'd
then be subject i'm sure to the deletion after 60 days if they disappear
again ( at least i think it apply's )

so please keep in mind those builds are not just being kept cause
someone out there has a sick sense of art, it's a reminder to all of the
NEW people of AW who didn't have to go through that time and a reminder
of how good they have it now


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Aug 21, 2005, 8:39pm
I hav to agree about the Accutrans use to some degree, but as far as
telling you what line an error is on that's a tough one in that reguard.
I don't think i've seen one that has that ability. in the past ive
worked with a few diffrent modelers, but never really got it all done in
notepad from scratch. i usually started in a standard 3d modeler then
converted to rwx with accutrans and cleaned it up from there. mainly due
to complexity of some of the objects i've made in the past.
( call it a lazyness to type or a lack of understanding fully how to do
uvw mapping by hand maybe heheheh )

-CyBerJak o

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Aug 21, 2005, 8:12pm
testing post

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