EBTS 6 *Second Place Winner*
Won Second Place in the Extreme Builders Talent Show 6 in Alpha world on April 11th 2015
EBTS 6 *First Place Winner*
Won First Place in the Extreme Builders Talent Show 6 in Alpha world on April 11th 2015
Candyland *Grand Prize* - Holiday 2015
Player won 5 Games and Grand prize - $25 Gift certificate for Candy, playing Candyland Board Game in Winter world. Holiday 2015
EBTS 7 Participant
Participated in the Extreme Builders Talent Show 7 in Yellow world from February 1st through March 27th 2016
EBTS 6 Participant
Participated in the Extreme Builders Talent Show 6 in Alpha world from February 1st through March 29th 2015
AWSchool Caretaker
Attained the position of Caretaker, leading the AWSchool team
AWSchool Senior Teacher
Attained the position of Senior Teacher, demonstrating his/her value to the organization
AWSchool Teacher
Attained the position of teacher
AWSchool Guide
Helping people in AWSchool with everything AW related
AWSchool Teacher's Aide
Qualified to teach basic building in AWSchool
Gravity Trivia Winner - Golden Trophy
You are the winner of a Gravity Trivia Game
Gravity Trivia 50 ptz - Silver Trophy
You obtained 50 ptz in a Gravity Trivia Game.
EBTS 4 Participant
Participated in the Extreme Builders Talent Show 4, January 2011
MyAW - Until The End
It was a fun ride, but MyAW is coming to a close. Thank you for your support.
Resident or Builder of Horizon City
EBTS 5 Participant
Participated in the Extreme Builders Talent Show 5, March 2014
Hotep's Servant
Collected 10 of Hotep's golden eggs laid around the Alphaworld entry point.
Hotep's Champion
Collected all 50 of Golden Eggs around the Alphaworld landing zone and received the thanks of King Hotep.
Just Ask Me Member
AWTeen Events Team Member
Was appointed a member of the AWTeen Events Team
AWTeen Patrol Member
Was appointed to the position of AWTeen Patrol member
AWTeen Caretaker
Was appointed to the position of AWTeen Caretaker.
JAM Distinguised Service Award
Performed admirably while acting as an AWTeen Just-Ask-Me
AWTeen Events Distinguished Service Award
Performed admirably while acting on behalf of the AWTeen Events Team
AWTeen Patrol Distinguished Service Award
Performed admirably while acting on behalf of the AWTeen Patrol
AWTeen Core Member
Was appointed to the position of AWTeen Core. This used to be a pretty big deal back in the day.
Was appointed to the position of Gatekeeper
Gatekeeper Team Leader
Was appointed to the position of GK Team Leader
Gatekeeper Executive Team Leader
Was appointed to the position of Gatekeeper Executive Leader
Gatekeeper Director
Was appointed to the position of Gatekeeper Director. All hail AWGate eject powers of furious might!